sábado, 15 de marzo de 2014



Ellos lucran con las guerras, nosotros no. Las pagamos en cambio con nuestros impuestos o taxes y con la devaluación del dólar día a día. Nuestros enemigos están dentro, dice este economista, y nuestra responsabilidad es sacarlos del poder:  “The only way to eliminate the financial parasites is to stop subsidizing their skimming and scamming, and the only way to stop subsidizing the financial parasites is to shut down the Fed. http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/  Este economista considera que dentro del sistema capitalista hay solución al problema, lo que hay que hacer, sugiere, es sacar a los banqueros del FED,  sacar a esos parásitos financieros, así les llama el, y evitar el suicidio de una guerra en momentos de grave crisis. Estamos en plena crisis, indica y documenta esa realidad. Sus informes sobre la crisis son buenos, pero para mí la solución no está en cambiar de parásitos. Los neocons en el partido republicano  piden se cierre y elimine el Fed, pero en realidad viven de el.

Por supuesto hay que hacerlo, pero con el pueblo en movimiento y con poder de decisión dentro del sistema político. Eso supone independizar al Mov popular de los dos Pdos que se alternan en el poder para servir a la grandes corporaciones (democ y republicanos). Ambos dos partidos electoreros representan la dictadura de un solo Partido, el del gran capital interno y externo que por igual los financia. Se trata de lanzar la 3ra opción en cada Estado y en cada ciudad y si no se nos permite la 3ra opción,  lanzar la “abstención” y con el FRENTE  ya organizado presionar y obligar a los electos a servir a la ciudad, el Estado y la Región. Se logró eso en varios Estados, Wisconsin fue un caso ejemplar, y hay que retomar la experiencia.

De todos modos, vale la pena leer los 3 últimos artículos de Charles Hugh-Smith.

El grafico que brinda en este artículo sobre desigualdad y concentración de la riqueza en EU es excelente. La fuente que cita es buena: Poll Shows Why QE Has Been Ineffective.  Written by Lance Roberts | Wednesday, March 12, 2014. http://stawealth.com/daily-x-change/1980-poll-shows-why-qe-has-been-ineffective.html

La explosiva desigualdad es por cierto el problema más grave de América. Es como un polvorín a punto de estallar a la menor chispa. Y los QEs han facilitado el saqueo más descarado de las riquezas del mundo entero. EU puede mercenarizar cualquier gobierno o mandarlo abajo con sus instituciones “pro democracia y libertad” y los cambios de  régimen que se patrocinan. Con los QEs y los fraguados  "cambios de regimen" los duenios del poder en America nos han creado enemigos a nivel mundial. Ese es otro polvorín a punto de estallar contra empresarios, embajadas e instituciones USA a nivel global.  

The Fed Has Failed (And Will Continue to Fail) – Part 1 By Charles Hugh-Smith http://futurefastforward.com/images/stories/financial/TheFedHasFailed.pdf


In my view lo mejor que hay sobre la realidad de la crisis actual es:
“Wealth, Income, and Power” By Prof G. William Domhoff : http://www2.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html

Por ahora leamos de Charles Hugh-Smith la introducción a su último libro



Things are falling apart--that is obvious to everyone who looks beneath the superficial veneer of modest economic growth.

Why are they falling apart? The conventional answer is a few bad eggs in our financial system triggered a recession, and our government isn’t borrowing and spending enough to generate strong growth.

The correct answer is that the U.S. economy and society have structural problems that cannot be solved within the current Status Quo.

What can we do about it? We must embrace the fact that complex systems with diminishing returns will revert to simpler, lower cost systems either by collapsing under their own weight or by being replaced by systems that are faster, better and more sustainable.

Protecting vested interests at the expense of the average citizen is a key reason why things are falling apart. When people lose faith in the institutions that were supposed to protect them, when they feel that they have little recourse against abuses of power, the social fabric falls apart.

Capitalism is based on a handful of principles: capital is invested—placed at risk—to earn a return. The marketplace must be transparent to buyers, sellers and regulators. Also the market prices goods, services, risks and interest rates. Creative destruction eliminates inefficient, unproductive enterprises and frees the trapped capital to be deployed in more productive ways.

When vested interests keep failed systems from collapsing, creative destruction is not allowed to reallocate capital and labor.

When vested interests protect their monopoly from market forces, it acts like a hidden tax on our economy: the cost is spread to everyone. Protecting vested interests creates distortions that eventually bring the entire economy to its knees. When risk and consequence have been eliminated for the favored few, the system itself is at risk.

But even if we eliminated the legalized looting of vested interests, our future is endangered by much deeper flaws in the Status Quo. We are becoming poorer, not just from financial over-reach, but from fundamental forces that are not easy to identify or understand.

It is human nature to want to blame others. Yes, self-serving vested interests are eroding our society and economy with their lies. But it’s not that simple: it is the entire Status Quo which is robbing future generations.

People tell me that the reason they like my weblog is that I make complex topics understandable. This is my trade, and I learned it over 25 years of free-lance journalism.

The only way to understand complex systems is to break them down into core concepts that act like building blocks. Once we assemble these key concepts, we will have a solid understanding of our nation’s problems.

I call this an integrated understanding because all the problems are related. It’s the difference between understanding all the systems in a vehicle—the engine, fuel and electrical systems, brakes, transmission, heating and cooling, electronics, suspension and so on—and knowing that the car moves forward when you press the accelerator pedal. The person whose understanding is limited to pressing the accelerator pedal has no clue how to fix the car when it breaks down; they are helpless.


1. Debt and financialization
2. Crony capitalism and the elimination of accountability
3. Diminishing returns
4. Centralization
5. Technological, financial and demographic changes in our economy

One of the core ideas in this book (and in all my books) is that we are not powerless. Just because we are not individually rich and powerful does not mean we have no power. The Status Quo depends on us passively playing our role as consumers and taxpayers and allowing the vested interests to control the nation’s finances and politics. Just as each vote we cast in an election is a vote for or against the Status Quo, every dollar we spend is a vote, too. Every dollar we don’t send to a vested interest is a dollar we can invest in our own household.

If we don’t insist on change, then nothing will change, and things will fall apart. Not accepting responsibility and being powerless are two sides of the same coin: once we accept responsibility, we become powerful.


RELATED  ARTICLES  same author:  Charles Hugh-Smith


“Wealth, Income, and Power” By Prof G. William Domhoff : http://www2.ucsc.edu/whorulesamerica/power/wealth.html

IMF Recent  Annual Report 2013 Chapter  4 | CONFRONTING THE ONGOING GLOBAL CRISIS  http://futurefastforward.com/images/stories/financial/IMFAnnualReport2013.pdf 

Is The Ukraine Crisis And US Interventionism Good For The Dollar Or Gold? - By Ron Paul (12/3/14  http://futurefastforward.com/component/content/article/9312.html  


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