miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020



Hugo Adan



Current Peoples rebellion is against Trump’ fascistic tyranny  ( suppression of basic principles of Democ: freedom to form & join org; right to vote & invalidation of mail votes)  terrorist assault on press freedom (case Assange) and brutal repression of Human Rights (case BLM & young’ demonstration on streets). Plus criminal attack on latino migrants (encarceration of kids) all this denunciation plus his ridiculous lies & inability to keep social peace.. has been criticized by Trump as ‘socialist demands’.

THE FACT of this fear to socialism is his fear to our Nation (now Trump is more than 15% behind Biden in recent electoral pools ). It is the rebellion of our Nation that he is afraid. We –the Nation- don’t want more fascism in America. And the worse could come if he is re-elected: his threat of WW3 against RU-CHI and allies.

They of course will respond immediately and WW3 in one single day could kill billion of innocent people  (plus destruction & new pandemics) to finally accept  MAD & negotiate Peace. Trump failed the 1st attempt when PENTA & NATO send 48 th troops to the border of RU-CH. This pre-attack was unpunished and even top members of the Internat Criminal Court has been threatened. We don’t need to be socialists to be anti-war & reasoning this way.

We don’t demand Mrs Harris to defend our socialist view,  but there are million of people waiting for Kamala Harris  to be honest regarding socialism. Our vote has no been decided yet  & you will decide and face the effects of your own decision during this debate.  


1-      Socialism is not Marxism, it was born 3 decades before Marx. The utopians Moro & Campanella described what navigators  found in Peru . Check:  

A Socialist Empire: The Incas of Peru: Louis Baudin

2-      The first socialist was the British Robert Owen. (1771-1858) , he was the greatest  organizer of Cooperative Mov in Europe and real inspirator of collective property of means of production. He was invited to US in 1824 and he created a big org called “New Harmony” in Indiana, that was the path to first Workers Union In US and also create a Huge movement in favor of coops. In the US we have strong basis for a peaceful  transit toward socialism, he said, all is a matter  of using democratic elections and set Revolutions from above (coup  -d’etat-  in different towns and States where we got majority and then spread the benefits of socialism to the rest of the country.  The Nation we like to transit from private greed to Public Need, he said. But he had to leave to England & there was no enough  leaders to continue his work. The Marxist in England criticized him of diverting the path toward real socialism. And Owen responded  that capitalism & socialsm can work hand on hand, as the young or Hegelian Marx wrote a year ago:

“Capital therefore presupposes wage labor, and wage labor resuposes capita. They condition each other, each bring the other into existence”  

It did happen with Lenin”  NEP  proposal  and with FDR’ New Deals in US in 1935

3-      FDR “NEW DEALS”  and after him ELEANOR (his wife) proposal of Human Right in the UN  was a real kind of socialism, though they never said that it was socialism that they practice, how to undertand the heavy “Tobin Tax” he impose on billionaires & their expropriation impose on them by FDR. Not need to say I’m socialist to being so. In Germany Munzer organized the ex-peasant REV Agst feudal landowners who took peasant off the feudal land and replaced by sheeps since the emerging textile industries demanded so. “Donde pasa mis caballos, no queda ningun Sr. Feudal” dijo un admirador de Munzer, pero el no escrinio nada a pesar de que su Mov Campesino se extendió por toda Europa contra el naciente capitalism.

4-      The new leaders of  REV in process in America never said that socialism is his end, but most people know that.  And the fascistic clan of Trump knows also that socialism is coming in America. Why they are afraid of socialism?  Read again Point 1 above & you have the answer.

This socialist REV is going to be heroic creation of middle & working classes of America. It wont be similar to any previous socialism in the world, much less to Marxism.




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