sábado, 7 de diciembre de 2019


ND  DEC 6 19  SIT EC y POL 
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It was a torrid week which started off ugly, with the S&P off to the worst start to a December since 2008 amid fears the trade deal with China would be pushed beyond the Nov 2020 election. However, "optimism" promptly returned after an "anonymous" Bloomberg article said that the trade deal remains on track, and subsequent comments by Trump and Larry Kudlow suggested that talks are progressing, restoring hope that the next round of tariffs, slated to begin on Dec 15, will be delayed.

And then there was today's payrolls report, which blew away expectations with a 266K print, 29K above the highest Wall Street forecast, on the back of a surge in manufacturing jobs, which jumped by 54K, the biggest monthly increase since 1998, as striking GM workers returned to work.
See Chart:

As a result, after tumbling on the first two days of the week, the S&P staged a remarkable recovery and closed the week virtually unchanged, while 10Y yield mirrored every move in risk almost tick for tick.
See Chart:
EMINI vs 10Y Yiled

A big reason for the continued impressive rally was APPLE stock, which hit a new all time high above $270 as Tim Cook continues to repurchase every share he can find. The stock is now up more than 71% YTD.
See Chart:

There was another reason for the return of the stock rally: this week the Fed's balance sheet rose once again, and as we have shown, in the past 9 weeks ever since the Fed resumed repos and eventually POMO, the stock market is up every single week when the Fed's balance sheet is higher; the only week the S&P was lower was when the Fed's balance sheet also shrank. Surely, it's just a coincidence...
See Chart:
Weekly Change in S&P Emini  vs. Change in FED Balance Sheet

As risk soared, safe havens pulled back, and after sliding as low as 1.70%, the 10Y yield was back in the mid 1.80% range.
See Chart:

Those wondering if the brief volatility spike at the start of the week was enough to spark a short squeeze in the record VIX future net short, the answer is no, although for the second consecutive week, VIX net specs did shrink modestly.
See Chart:
VIX Net Specs

The B-Dollar finally ended its 5-day losing streak, the longest since late October, with a bang, rising 0.15% on the day.
See Chart:
Bloomberg Dollar Index Daily Change

Brent jumped on Friday, after OPEC announced a surprise 500kb/d production cut, which however may be insufficient to prevent an increase in the oil glut. That said, Brent was almost unchanged from last Thursday following last Friday's plunge amid fears Saudi Arabia may overproduce to punish those OPEC nations that violated the production quotas.
See Chart:
Brent Crude

Ironically, while retail investors who bought the S&P are doing great, hedge funds are underperforming the S&P for yet another year, and many of them are facing a barrage of redemption requests.
See Chart:
Hegde Funds vs S&P 500

Finally, this was and remains a market where one Trump tweet can mean the difference between a successful and catastrophic year for countless traders, and something tells us the coming three weeks, which see both the culmination of trade discussions and Trump's impeachment, will be anything BUT QUIET.
Hugo Adan. Dec 6 2019
Ended up with this statement:
Finally, this was and remains a market where one Trump tweet can mean the difference between a successful and catastrophic year for countless traders, and something tells us the coming three weeks, which see both the culmination of trade discussions and Trump's impeachment, will be anything but quiet.
I will be quiet too.. it means that I will continue pushing for Trump out of power.. but I guess ALL DEPENDS ON THE SUPREME COURTOtherwise, the violence chaos will divide our Nation. Election with Trump inside is the start of violent chaos. Trump must resign: he has not chances of governability if he win elections. I hope he won’t win,  BUT with the current fraudulent electoral system that allows buying votes and the use of fraudulent machines counting votes, he could win .
The circulation of elites is faster in the center of global power that in the periphery, several scholars said so & I’m seeing the future of Trump with the lenses of political science. I can’t deny his lessons on power: he defies key parts of the establishment and I admire him for doing so,  but he has not ‘a post-neoliberal agenda’ .
Trump is trumped in the keynesian economics that forced the spending of the Govt (specially the State in arms & wars abroad), plus the spending of consumers & investors to stimulate the GDP. This  Economics doesn’t work any longer, though with interest rate cut 3 times it foster the power of the rich to buy more overvalue  houses & other  market values. Saving & production investment has been abandoned. Soon or lather the huge debt will hit us
To combat depression by forcing  credit expansion and lower interest rates, to  buy & sell any overvalue item in market, is like giving free money to them. Manipulating  interest rate allow the 1% to be richer.  For how long?, nobody knows but everybody knows that one more QE is coming, plus bailouts for those whose  gluttony has not been satisfied.  

The upper middle class who paid  high interest rate for their loans can get now the benefit of this capitalist expansion for the supper rich, IF and only IF the lower interest rate is retroactive  to their previous loans. If so they could became a new rich class. IF don’t, they will be the worst enemy of the 1% (the super-billionaires) .
The middle  & lower layers of the middle class didn’t get nothing (or almost nothing) with previous cuts of interest rates and they will have lower chances of getting better with  more cuts of  interest rates. They in fact run small business & keep alive the whole economic system ; they deserve benefits from the new QE coming.
 The working classes don’t have real life, the minimum salary have not been raised for years, they survive in America. The burden of current capitalist expansion is on their shoulders. Some of them have loans and if the cuts on interest rate are retroactive  to them,  they can alleviate their situation.  
We can say that the working classes & the  millennial got nothing from the current expansion of the rich. The rich will buy robots & high teck to destroy their current labor-job. The real future for them is a socialist regime or/and a  revolution.   
The Keynesian idea that spending drives economic growth became a trap: the US GDP didn’t growth for years & less even with the  3 rounds of  interest rate cats. The pumping of fake USD didn’t make the consumer & investor expending more productive (the sell of our car-polluters are stopped) . Real industrial production is dying, what we have instead is the growth of speculation in WS & Chicago.
Our spending in weapons & wars abroad is the only inhuman business that flourished. And in the mind of big profiteers of war is the expansion toward China a RU via WW3; that is in their mind of current US billonaires. Such stupidity didn’t realize the meaning of MAD (mutual assured destruction)  and don’t care for the life of our nation nor the whole humanity.   
The trap of the Keynesian economics (facilitate consumer & state expending  & the buying of houses and other expensive & over-value items by the rich with lower interest rate ) will not stop the current economic depression. Not by pumping more USD from the thin air. We cannot cure evilness with the same means that brought this depression. That was said by F Hayek, one of the main thinker of liberalism. This miss direction of production requires to mixing capitalism with socialism, as FDR did it, without mentioning that taxing the rich was a socialist idea.
We need to place more attention to the Public Needs; not to the interest of private  greed of big billonaires. Trump will try to reproduce the same system that creates explosive inequality and that is the path to violent chaos. This system is condemned to explode. That is the main reason why Trump should abandon his political race.

... QE4 is coming. The Fed would rather have a cushion of ample reserves against unexpected repo market blow ups than react retroactively with $trillions/month of open market operation purchases.
See Chart:
"End The Fed" is no longer enough...
When this bubble pops, like all bubbles pop, the remaining wealth of workers and savers, goaded into the market by Washington’s policies of mass dollar debasement, will die a painful death...
Several FX vols reached new lows last week and most remain close to their all-time lows. In addition to low ATM vols, USD call skew is also near historically flat and USD carry remains positive.
See Chart:
JP Morgan Global FX Volatility Index
Using unrealistically low inflation assumptions leads to misguided policy decisions and perpetuation of the myth that inflation is under control...
See Chart:
The impact of the tariffs on Consumer Prices
See more charts
Futures are back to alltime highs, enjoying a burst of trade deal optimism when first Trump said China trade deal talks were "moving right along", and then, at 1am ET, China announced it would waive import tariffs imposed last year on some U.S. soybean and pork shipments...

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

After weeks of hearings, public opinion is basically unchanged...
Trump Derangement Syndrome goes supernova...
Impeachment law is not for amateurs...

Shooter was a member of the Saudi Airforce sent to the US for training.
I read this news yesterday (Thursday 5) & I didn’t published because time-inconsistence. “The Pensacola Shooting : 4 Killed at naval air station in Florida, days after deadly Pearl Harbor rampage”.  So, this is an old story-tell that has only one thing in common with the current news: Saudi officer are trained in US military stations. Another inconsistence: first they said 4 US soldiers killed & then they said 3.  Check this old news published yesterday Thurs 5 & talking something on Friday: https://wwwrt.com/usa/475239-saudi-shooter-pensacola-navy-base/
Today this ‘news’ is manipulated in different way: In update 4 is said:  “Mohammed  Saeed  Alshamrani, a member of the Saudi Air Force who was in the US for flight training (so on official government business)”. It also said that “A  member of the Saudi Air Force, per Florida governor https://twitter.com/kendilaniannbc/status/1203021044925239298 …  and since another Saudi was involve in killing Americans, this candidate running for Florida Gobernor is pending.  “Still, police warned they would need "a little time" before they can make any determinations in the case.”
In update 3 is said that Saudis  “attending aviation school in the US, should raise eyebrows: The last group of Saudi nationals who sought flight lessons in the US pulled off 9/11.” 
However, his name ( of the one running for Governor) apparently wasn't released
                Another shooting?
“The shooter opened fire in a classroom building on Friday morning, which suggests he was on the base for a reason. The assailant managed to kill three others before he was killed by officers with the Escambia County Sheriff's Office, who arrived on the scene and fatally shot the suspect after exchanging gunfire. FBI and ATF agents also responded to the scene”. [ So: he was killed ] 
“President Trump tweeted that he just received a "full briefing" on the shooting, and discussed it with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.”
In another update, it is said: “The shooter in Pensacola has been killed, Escambia County Sheriff’s Office confirmed in a Facebook post.” They change the number of the killed: not 3 o more but 2, BUT they mention two shooting: “ Police added that two people have been confirmed dead, including the suspect, in what was the second shooting on a naval base in the span of 48 hours. Police and ATF agents initially responded to the shooting, according to ABC News.
1-Nota sobre historia: 
A: Es cierto, los Saudis co-participaron en el atentado terrorista del 9/11 y que al dia siguiente abandonaron el país con el aval del Presid del US. El efecto fue la brutal guerra en Iraq. Murieron millones de Iraquis  por una mentira que aquí todos creyeron gracias a la ‘press-titue’: se dijo que Iraq tenia nuke-missils apuntando al US. Y no era cierto –recién lo es- lo cierto entonces fue el afán de controlar el petróleo mundial y lo lograron, pero no por mucho tiempo, RU y los Saudis siguieron siendo los líderes en esa producción.
B: Mas tarde vino la guerra contra Libia donde Gadafi vendía su petrolea a Italia sin usar el USD y esto más la alianza autonoma que había construido en el norte de Africa amenazaban no solo el poder del dollar en el intercambio mundial, también la geo-politica autonomista del continente africano. Gadafy había construido una red autonomista  fuerte pero no armada en Africa. Este era un mal ejemplo que el imperio quería destruir  y la enviaron para ello a la Sec de Estado -Mrs Hillary Clinton- para ayudar a los Saudis a poner las cosas en orden.
Cuando Hillary llego a Libya encontró que los Saudis ya habían quebrado el poder de Gadafi y lo tenían preso y sometido a torturas. Cuando Hillary llego se ordenó su ejecución. Y ella con los Saudis se distribuyeron el oro y otras riquezas personales de Gadafy y de la Nacion entera . Pero a ella lo que más interesó fueron los petro-dolares Saudis y se sabe que recibió una millonada para entrenar los terroristas Saudis que luego fueron enviados a Siria y el resto del Middle East.
Cuanto recibió HC? Nunca se supo pues borro de phone-cellular todo lo referido al negocio  corrutpo en lo que ella estuvo envuelta. Lo peor  fue no dar oído a la demanda de la Embajada del US en Bengazi que había sido cercada por otro grupo terrorista también Saudi. El embajador y 3 más fueron asesinados en Bengazi.
Hubo ineficiencia criminal cuando ella cerró oídos a la demanda de la Embajador de Bengazi. Y nunca Hillary fue procesada por ello pues también borro  evidencias del phone  que pertenecia a las agencias de inteligencia del US (y si estos tuvieron acceso a esa data, también lo ocultaron).
En la mente de Hillary, lo que primo no fue lo que interesaba a la nación Americana (salvar la vida de los sevidores del US en Bengazi, entre otras). Lo que en ella primo fue su “private greed”, su desmedido afán por enriquecerse  por cualquier medio. 

2- Notice that at least 2 big News agencies have been involved in lies of recent shooter of Saudis at Pensacola (Florida). and no one of these news agencies mention the name of the shooter. THEY CREATED A SAUDI GHOST for this stupid- fabricated story tell. Pero los SAUDIS si existen y hoy se sabe que andan en migas con los RU.. que no quieren ser blancos de los misiles de Iran ni Turquia.. Se sabe que top Saudis está dispuestos a negociar la paz con total autonomía del US. Los Saudis y sus banqueros en Londres temen que de darse el WW3 aquellos misiles les destruyan su riqueza mal habida. Hay temor.. Pero por que? si también ellos tienen ‘nuke-missils’. Es que el US no les dio les dio los códigos para su uso? Muy posible: RU lo hizo en Cuba.
3- El contexto actual no está claro para los Saudis, solo se sabe que las viejas alianzas del US ya se están quebrando. Francia, Alemania y Japón empiezan a caminar por cuenta propia. Y si hay WW3 solo el UK apoyaría al US y es justo hacia allí adonde apuntan los misisles de RU-China e Iran; quizá también los del India. Es cierto que RU y China hacen serios esfuerzos por evitar el WW3. Pero si ocurre No habrá vencedores, solo destrucción mundial y millones de muertos en ambos frentes, el MAD prevalecerá. Pero  a la vez RU-China e IRAN se preparan para el evento WW3 en caso ocurra. La política Econ de Trump depende de la guerra y venta de armas y si Trump es ‘impeached’, es posible que declare el WW3, si la Corte Suprema no lo obliga a irse.
ADONDE APUNTA la HISTORIETA SAUDI?  Where this story-tales goes to? 
That will be my next article
"It's usually easier to criticize than to make efforts to agree on solutions. But we are going to need more emphasis on the latter in the years ahead if our society is to thrive and survive."

US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

...since we are all conditioned by environment and career risk in short term, portfolio managers did what they are supposed to do in November to keep their bonus and job intact by buying what matters most - “EQUITIES”
See Chart:
Global GDP vs Equities
see more charts at:
The group of more than 20 producers agreed to an extra 500,000 barrels per day in cuts for the first quarter of 2020, taking the total to 1.7 million bpd, or 1.7% of global demand.

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

-NATO Dinosaur Plods On  By Finian Cunningham

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Jeffrey St. Clair  Eat an Impeachment

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Amy Goodman’  team


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