miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Nov 6 18 SIT EC y POL

Nov 6 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

“More jobs and more students means
more money circulating in the local economy..."

The Democratic Socialists of America chapter at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale launched a Change.org  petition titled "Make SIUC Tuition Free." The petition currently has more than 70 signatures of its 100 signature goal.

"The high of [sic] cost of tuition is directly causing lower enrollment at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,"the petition states.
"This hurts SIUC students, university employees, and the Carbondale community."
"SIUC Young Democratic Socialists of America asks the SIUC Administration to create a vision of growth including free tuition for all Illinois residents. Let's end student debt and help Carbondale prosper," the petition adds. 

SIUC student Layne Ellingsworth told KFVS-TV that making tuition free would stimulate the economy. 
“More jobs and more students means more money circulating in the local economy,” Ellingsworth said. 

The SIUC YDSA chapter held a press conference on Friday to promote their petition.
"The need for comprehensive tuition reduction is critical now as the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Eastern Illinois University both announced tuition-free plans aimed at students with family incomes below $61,000. SIUC competes directly with both universities especially Eastern Illinois University for these students at admissions time," the Facebook event description for the press conference reads. 

According to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign websitethe school will offer "free" tuition to some students beginning in 2019. Qualifications include the following, according to the university's website: 

  • You're an Illinois resident (parents listed on the FAFSA are also Illinois residents)
  • Your family income is $61,000 or less
  • Your family's assets are less than $50,000
  • You're admitted as a new freshman or transfer student
  • You're under the age of 24

The University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and Eastern Illinois University are both public schools that receive taxpayer funding. Earlier this year, bond credit rating service Moody's Investors assigned Illinois a credit rating one notch above "junk" status, according to the Chicago Sun-Times

SIUC chief communications officer Rae Goldsmith told KFVS-TV that  making tuition "free" would not be sustainable" now unless there's an alternative source of revenue."  

"I don’t know how we could move forward with a free tuition economically," 
Goldsmith said.

[[ Real hit to Dems.. they already lost the Senate .. and may lost also the house: 30 sits pend ]]

While it is hard to discern exactly what drove this sudden shift towards a 'blue wave'-themed derisking in markets, Dow futures are down 100 points, 10Y yields are down 3bps, and gold rallied as the dollar tumbled...

See Chart:    The dollar tumbled...

Dow futures are down 100 points...
See Chart:

10Y yields are down 3bps...
See Chart:

We don't have much data to work with so far, but we're starting to see slight movement in FiveThirtyEight's real-time forecast. They're now projecting Democrats have a 11 in 12 chance to win the House (a slight improvement) while they have just lost the Senate.

US equity futures are fading off earlier highs,bond yields are tumbling along with the dollar after several media outlets have called the House for Democrats (while Republicans maintain control of the Senate).
See Chart:

Still a long way to go until the cash market open tomorrow in New York.

“The investigation of deceptive trading practices by others involved in this scheme is ongoing...”

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

[[ The losers are calling FRAUD in Texas.. expected but dangerous claim ]]

"Go get him, bring him in
DEMOCRATS WIN CONTROL OF US HOUSE AS REPUBLICANS KEEP SENATE  [[ 11:40pm House not yet finished.. 30 sits in dispute ]]

For once conventional wisdom was right, as Democrats win the House, although the Blue Wave turned out muted, and Republicans will not only keep the Senate, but pick up seats in the upper chamber.

"We’re not going to assume anything

"The problem isn't polarization; the problem is neither flavor of the status quo is actually solving any of the nation's most pressing system problems..."

The problem isn't polarization; the problem is neither flavor of the status quo is actually solving any of the nation's most pressing system problems.

This election is nothing but another distraction. No matter who "wins," none of our systemic problems will be addressed, much less solved.

Does either party have the will or coherent grasp of what's broken to fix America's healthcare mess? No.

This is about akin to giving defense contractors the power to set the Pentagon budget. But, wait, they already have that power.

The Republican solution is to call quasi-monopolies and cartels "markets."Since turning everything into a market solves all problems, that's the "market-based "solution." But since healthcare is run by cartels, which fix the "market" to their own benefit, there really is no "market" in healthcare, and nobody's interested in establishing one because that would crater cartel profits.

As I've noted many times, our dysfunctional healthcare will bankrupt the nation all by itself. Sickcare Will Bankrupt the Nation--And Soon (2011)

How about a systemic solution for opioid addiction? If you believe either party has a solution," you need to reduce your Ibogaine intake. Opioids and other addictions (like social media and mobile phones) are immensely profitable and so the cartels and monopolies profiting from addictions fund politicos in both parties to insure their profits aren't reduced.

How about soaring debt loads on every sector of the economy? Money that goes to pay interest can't be invested or spent elsewhere, and that starves the economy of productive investment. The super-wealthy own much of the debt and receive much of the interest income. This is a systemic problem that isn't viewed as a problem because the super-wealthy own the political process.
The "solution" to crushing student loan debt ($1.4 trillion and counting) is to transfer the entire debt to the taxpayers, meaning the federal government issues another $1.4 trillion in debt to pay the super-wealthy who own all the student loans. Nice for the super-wealthy and politicos, not so nice for future taxpayers burdened with trillions more in debt.

Neither party can accept that higher education is a failed, dysfunctional system. And so the "solution" is borrow another couple trillion and pay interest to the super-wealthy who own the debt, all for an "education" that often has little value in either the economy or the debt-serf students' lives.

The problem isn't polarization; the problem is neither flavor of the status quo is actually solving any of the nation's most pressing system problems. This is why we're coming apart at the seams: problems are being left unaddressed and so they only become more entrenched and destructive.

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

 [[ Not need for war now since Trump won the Senate= no impeach ]]

Rapidly turning into a flashpoint for war...
[[ Stupid argt to repress them ]]

"We call those special interest aliens."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


OPIN     momentos en la construccn del instrum político  Marta Harnecker
                La vida en tránsito  Colectivo La grieta
                el giro ultraconservador. El caso de Brasil  Alejandro Teitelbaum

ISR          israelíes demuelen casas en aldeas de Cisjordania  Ahmad al-Bazz
                Por qué Netanyahu defiende al prínc M bin Salman?  R Silverstein

Ecuad    legitimación neoliberal y dilemas de la crítica  Franklin Ramírez

Hond      Siembra golpes y cosecharás inmigrantes  Laura Valladares
ARG       Reforma educativa o Colonialidad global  Darío Balvidares
                Las clases sociales y la salida de la crisis  Carlos Mendoza

ONU, UNSCOP, padres putativos de Israel (I)  Luis E. Sabini

                Farmafia: La enfermedad es la salud del capital  Jorge Molina

                La fosa 112… y todas las demás   Alfonso Cervera
USA       Estados Unidos: "La Roma americana"  Iroel Sánchez

Cuba      Bitácora para leer a Cuba  Alfredo Prieto
                La farsa del Gobierno de Estados Unidos  Esteban Morales

                Un reto para la izquierda latinoamericana y caribeña   A Torres R  

                La tímida reacción de la izquierda   Jorge Majfud



Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

America Addicted to War   By Philip Giraldi
What This Election Was About   By Paul Craig Roberts

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..

Programs    US sanctions against Iran  second round

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