sábado, 17 de noviembre de 2018

Nov 17 18 SIT EC y POL

Nov 17 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

“Treat their incessant optimism, in the future, with skepticism. Watch what they do not what they say.”
                Why Orwell Is Superior To Huxley
"Orwell’s insights into how language can be manipulated into a tool of control shows his much deeper understanding of human psychology than that evident in Huxley’s novel. "
After two significant corrections during 2018, this has to be the beginning of a “bear market,” right?... However, despite these concerns, there are three things which suggest the necessary psychological change for a more meaningful “mean reverting” event has yet to occur.

1- Interest Rates
During previous market declines, where “fear” was a prevalent factor among investors, money rotated from “risk” to “safety” which pushed Treasury bond prices higher and rates lower. Despite two fairly strong corrections in 2018, bonds have not attracted the “flight to safety” as investors remain complacent about the future prospects of the market.
See Chart:
Interest rate remain elevated as stock prices decline

2- VIX
A look at the Volatility Index (VIX) confirms the same as the bond market. Despite the two corrections, the VIX never spiked to levels consistent with “fear” that a correction was in process. Currently, the VIX remains below the average level of the index going back to 1995 and during the “October massacre” failed to even rise above the level seen in February of this year.

See Chart: Despite corrections investors remain complacent
Necessary addition:

[[ Risk of ww3 create high volatility level.. who wants to invest If the world is gg to be over? ]]

3- Gold
Another “fear trade” which has failed to show any fear is that precious yellow metal. Again, despite two major corrections, gold has failed to find buyers in a “safe haven” trade. In fact, despite consistent calls that gold was needed to offset inflation, it has failed to find any support from investors who continue to chase market returns.

See Chart:
[[ another addition

The necessary inflation the system require to reproduce itself VS.manipulation of gold prices to keep the USD running in banking g & trade .. is an internal contradiction that will crack the system unless USD is dropped in favor of IMF one single ‘basket’ currency, other than US dollar. Meanwhile Yuan, euros, ++ will continue expanding and fast as it happen now .. this explain why those countries are buying gold, while US is putting down its price artificially. ]]
                                                                                                                                                                                            Lance Roberts continue..

Here is the point – the pickup in volatility this year should have dislodged investors out of their “passive investment slumber.” Yet, there is no anecdotal evidence that such has been the case. There are two possible outcomes from this current situation:

  1. The majority of investors are correct in assuming the two recent corrections are just that and the bull market will resume its bullish trajectory, or;
  2. Investors have misread the corrections this year and have simply not yet lost enough capital to spark the flight to safety rotations.
Historically speaking, the “herd” tends to be right in the middle of the advance at very wrong at the major turning points.

There is mounting evidence that we may indeed be at the beginning of one of those turning points in the market. If that is the case, investors are likely going to find themselves once again on the wrong side of history. 

[[ Roberts doesn’t make a point.. You can’t conciliate 2 opposite trends with empty blah ]]
The “real” bear market hasn’t started yet. When it does we will likely see traditional “safe haven” investments telling us soIt will be worth watching gold and rates for clues as to when the masses begin to realize that “this time is indeed different.”  [[ right but weak conclusion! ]]

Here the suggesting readings for this weekend: 


 Interview with Mike “Mish” Shedlock
"In fact, the bull has turned into a bear in many places" 

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

One popular delusion is that America operates under an economic framework of capitalism. In reality, America hasn’t had a truly capitalist economy since the 19th century...

Investment Grade Junk
All is now bustle and hubbub in the late months of the year.  This goes for the stock market too. If you recall, on September 22nd the S&P 500 hit an all-time high of 2,940.  This was nearly 100 points above the prior high of 2,847, which was notched on January 26th.  For a brief moment, it appeared the stock market had resumed its near decade long upward trend.

See Charts:

How Fake Capitalism Works
One popular delusion is that America operates under an economic framework of capitalism.  One where businesses, and their finances, are free to succeed and fail based on their economic merits.  In reality, America hasn’t had a truly capitalist economy since the 19th century.

Moreover, the encroachment of government into the economy has increased over the last several decades. The ratio of federal government spending to GDP increased from 33 percent in 1973 to about 40 percent today. How can an economy that is composed of 40 percent federal government spending and extreme central bank intervention into credit markets be an economy of private enterprise?  Naturally, it can’t..

See Chart:

A little Illinois data: this is the quasi-bankrupt state in which the political class now ponders restricting the basic human right of free movement by blackmail in the form of an “exit tax”. Your property does not belong to you. You and all you own belong to them.
* * *
So, too, under a fiat money system, you don’t own your own money.  You may think you do.  You can see the balance in your savings account.  But at all hours of the day, including holidays, the value is being extracted from your savings through deficit spending and policies of mass money debasement. This is why working and saving money has become an unending run on a treadmill.  You can never get ahead.  But you can run faster and faster.

See Chart:

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Russia again flexes its muscle in the Mediterranean
as sporadic fighting breaks out in Idlib...

"At bottom, Europe is merely a battlefield for American military power, just as it was in two previous world wars. One hundred years after the end of World War I, the same callous calculus for the imperial planners in Washington is at play..."

...the electronic interference was "almost certainly deliberate." ...quite likely that Russia was behind the episode, which jeopardized civil aviation in addition to other concerns...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


                El muro y el molino  Jorge Luis Ubertalli
ECON    Stiglitz:  “El poder del mercado es abuso de poder”  VV.AA.
                Macri fallido   Miguel Ángel M. Pellitero
USA       La dictadura de Amazon  Amy Goodman y Denis Moynihan
COL        hacia un acercamiento Gobierno-ELN   Carlos Meneses
                Evitan masacre contra estudiantes en Palmira
                El proyecto de ley contra los campesin  Flor Esther Salazar
Cuba      Un hospital cubano de excelencia en Catar  Hedelberto López
                certeza en la Constitución, un bien político  Amalia Pérez
                ¡Médicos cubanos!, una frase sagrada  Patricio Montesinos
BRA        Bolsonaro ataca:  Ellos vinieron  Ramón Pedregal
Mex       El Tren maya y derechos de pueblos indígenas  Epifanio Díaz
             Piñera asesino  Ricardo Candia Cares
             El futuro de la memoria histórica en España  Carlos Barros


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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