viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Nov 22 18 SIT EC y POL

Nov 22 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

It gets serious. Margin calls?
No one knows what the total leverage in the stock market is. But we know it’s huge and has surged in past years...

The only form of stock market leverage that is reported monthly is “margin debt” the amount individual and institutional investors borrow from their brokers against their portfolios. Margin debt is subject to well-rehearsed margin calls. And apparently, they have kicked off.

In the ugliest stock-market October anyone can remember, margin debt plunged by $40.5 billion, FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) reported this morning – the biggest plunge since November 2008, weeks after Lehman Brothers had filed for bankruptcy:

See Chart: Margin Debt  plunges the most since Lehman moment

During the stock market boom since the Financial Crisis, this measure of margin debt has surged from high to high, reaching a peak in May 2018 of $669 billion, up 60% from the pre-Financial Crisis peak in July 2007, and up 117% since January 2012. Since the peak in May, margin debt has dropped by $62 billion (-9.2%). Note the $40.5-billion plunge in October:

See Chart: Hangover after the party

In the two-decade scheme of things, the relationship between stock market surges and crashes and margin debt becomes obvious.
When it was over by October 2002, the Nasdaq had plunged 78%. Over the same period, margin debt plunged 54%. A similar scenario played out during the Financial Crisis crash. And now we have the “Everything Bubble” to deal with:

See Chart:  Margin Dept and Market crushes

October’s plunge in margin debt was just the beginning, a little dimple in the overall chart. Unwinding such a huge pile of margin debt and overall stock-market leverage takes time, years, and they’ll be interrupted with some brief increases that’ll make everyone feel better for a moment.

It gets costly when the entire market depends on a handful of over-hyped mega-caps. Read  FANGMAN Stocks Plunge 4.4% Today, Down $905 Billion, or 20%, since Aug. 31  

...when you incorporate the quantitative easing suspension, this tightening cycle is much longer in the tooth.

The Stock Board Asset Macro Research’s Alastair Williamson tweeted the following chart with the accompanying comment, “The entire world is burning, and America is holding on by a thread.

See Chart:
Equities and Bonds Total Return Index, USD

So what gives? Why the terrible year for financial markets?
It’s easy - the Fed.

Many market commentators mistakenly believed the U.S. economy impervious to this monetary tightening. Some others argued the higher real rates attracted capital and caused a counter intuitive pro-economic response.

Well, I don’t buy any of that for one second.

The reality is that the world (including the U.S.) has never been so indebted. Reducing liquidity through tighter monetary policy of the global reserve currency will have an outsized economic and market reaction due to this large amount of debt.

So when I look at Alastair’s table, I think it is easy to explain. The Federal Reserve has caused both a global economic slowdown along with a bear market in most financial assets.

One of my favourite pundits, The Long View @ HayekAndKeynes recently reminded market participants that when you incorporate the quantitative easing suspension, this tightening cycle is much longer in the tooth.

See Chart:
Degree of Monetary Tightening 1960-2018

It is clear to me the Federal Reserve was intent on raising rates until something broke, and that last week enough things “broke” that they finally blinked.
I am not sure about the final trigger. It might have been the collapse in crude oil prices (along with the decline of inflation expectations):

See Chart:

Or it might have been the widening of credit-spreads (led by that old stalwart - General Electric):
See Chart:

Or maybe, even though they are loathe to admit it, President Trump’s haranguing finally kicked in?
Read this:

What’s amazing is how quickly the market has shifted from the Fed “raising rates every other meeting” forever to “the Federal Reserve is done.”

Let’s look at the 3-month Eurodollar futures contract spread between December 2018 and December 2020. Although Eurodollar interest rate futures do not track fed funds perfectly, they are close enough for our purpose. This spread represents the total amount of rate rises between December 2018 and two years later.

See Chart:

So let’s recap. 

The Federal Reserve had previously been plugging their ears and telling the global financial community nah-nah-nah-we-can’t-hear-you-we’re-going-to-keep-raising-come-hell-or-high-water, but the economic and financial market weakness that was previously confined to the rest of the world, has finally come to America. The Federal Reserve is now very close to being on hold for the indefinite future. Sure, they will probably raise once more this December, but it’s most likely a one-and-done. Or at very least, much more a one-and-we-will-see.

What does this mean for the market? 
Tons. Whereas before investors were hiding in American stocks and shooting every other asset class, it’s probably time to do the opposite. Buy emerging markets. Sell U.S. dollars. Play for a steepener in the American yield curve. Buy commodities.

Now maybe it’s too early. Maybe there is more pain to come before the Fed truly panics. That could be. We will have to watch the Fed carefully for clues.

It is now widely accepted that the next credit crisis will start when the coming flood of "fallen angel" credits, those names about to be downgraded to junk, finally hits. But when?

To be sure, there is more than enough dry powder to start said crisis: as the following Deutsche Bank chart shows, the BBB-rated debt cohort has seen a massive increase in the past decade, with low-IG rated companies generously issuing debt to fund trillions in stock buybacks, or to acquire other companies, and now BBB debt accounts for nearly 60% of the entire $6.4 trillion US investment grade space, with a similar portion for Europe.

See Chart:
BBB as %  of  TOTAL IG

The market "expects to see a flood of troubled credits topping $1 trillion as rising interest rates overwhelm low-quality loans and bonds", the one question left is how much of this BBB paper is likely to be downgraded?

Or, as one might say, that is the 6.4 trillion dollar question (the size of the US investment grade corporate bond sector).

To answer that question, Deutsche Bank credit strategist Nick Burns looked at the historical record to assess the normal attrition rate for BBBs to HY. The chart below looks at the proportion of BBBs that have been downgraded each year, and while this has fallen towards historically low levels in recent years, this is unlikely to be sustainable, particularly if the global economy slows down as it will starting in 2019 and likely careening into a recession in 2020 as is now the prevailing consensus.

See Chart:
Annual %of BBBs Downgraded by HY

Finally, for those who are curious for other, less obvious "fallen angle" shorts, we leave you with what Horseman Capital said one year ago:

To find a potential fallen angel, I looked through the holdings of investment grade bond ETFs to find large BBB bond issuers. The biggest of the BBB issuers happened to be the large telecommunication companies. The sector has over USD300bn of BBB rated debt compared to a high-yield market of USD 1tn. I am not a debt specialist, but I have noticed that falling share prices tend to be good lead indicators on debt downgrades.... US debt markets look in trouble to me, whether that has any effect on broader equity markets remains to be seen.

In retrospect, after the biggest market rout since the financial crisis, it did.

The dollar is weaker this morning (cable higher), Treasury futures are unchanged, butUS equity futures are extending their late-Wednesday tumble with Nasdaq leading the plunge...

See Chart:

... the number of turkeys raised in the U.S. has declined by 2.5 million year-over-year...the lowest level recorded since 1987.

See Chart:

"Thanksgiving is, foundationally speaking, acelebration of the ongoing genocide against native peoples and cultures across the globe..."

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Will they respect American Freedom? .. If don’t.. what we have to do?

Google will have enough data to create a corporate profile on the human and even their family...

YES,  don’t say THANKS.. just pay the DEBT to natives who gave you turkey & in return you Kill them and almost exterminate.

"Washington didn’t intend Thanksgiving to be a day for offering up glib platitudes that require no thought, no effort and no sacrifice. He wanted it to be a day of contemplation, frankly assessing our shortcomings, and resolving to be a better, more peaceable nation in the year to come."

"WHAT IF..."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

Are we getting peace with China?  It will be good the defeat of trade war!

"We are absorbing a significant part of the tariff to help make our cars more affordable for customers in China."

Mexican sovereignty violated.. with the consent of AMLO?. Trump idiocy is very naive: he manufacture weapons and wars abroad with clear intention of paving the road to WW3.. that will ERASE ALL BORDERS.. but his anti-latino racism goes 1st in opposite dir

"The whole border. I mean the whole border. And Mexico will not be able to send US cars into the United States where they make so great benefit to them, not at great benefit to Mx."

[[Las ensambladoras de carros USA en Mx pagan en pesos (min-wage) al labor mexicano. Dan trabajo, es cierto, pero quien se beneficia más es el empres US. Decir la inverso solo sirve para cubrir el chantaje anti-migra de Trump. Quieren esclavos allá, en Mx, no aquí, pues quitan trabajo al labor US, es su false logic. Quien se encarga de destruir esa falsa lógica son los mismo rancheros US que si  ingresan ese labor barato con diminuto INFO que les permiten ir y salir del US]]

No creo en los turcos: invaden Syria y hoy compran armas rusas –quiza para revenderl al US y contra RU, no Siria.  Quizá por eso lo sacaron al Min Ruso de Intelig.. Anulará Putin esa venta de armas a los Turcos?.  Nadie lo sabe hoy.. quizá mañana se sepa. Si creo que Putin juega buen ajedrez y sabrá crear un jaque doble  a la inversa. Veremos

After prolonged hibernation, the Astana Process on Syrian peace is kinetic, with the troika of ‘guarantor’ states – Russia, Turkey and Iran – set to hold a round of talks in the Kazakh capital on November 28-29...
[[ La geo-política es un verdadero ajedrez y solo 1 vez un Amer le gano a 1 RU. Si ese Amer aún vive y sabe de geo-pol, habría que preguntarle que haría hoy ]]

When we are going to defeat the bullish of inside clowns?

The script is getting old.

IMF is fine recycling the USD… Cryptos and single basket of mayor currencies  will make the IMF disappear.. Soon or later the world won’t need this type of IMF.

"...the shift into crypto was not at all a 'revolution' against the globalists, but a con designed by the globalists in part to get liberty proponents to become unwitting salesmen for the next phase of the economic control grid. But how do they intend this end game to play out?"

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Xenophobia-CIA  get suicidal  .. It may be hurt to know that China beat US in trade-war


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


FEM       La desigualdad de género mata  Ladiaria
ECUA     La madre de Atahualpa   Ileana Almeida
Histo     No los mataron y quisieron volverlos locos  Mercedes D             
Nicar     El dilema nicaragüense  Giovanni Zavala
Boliv      El proceso electoral boliviano:  Fernando Molina
BRA        El destino de Lula y el de Brasil  Emir Sader
COL        Duque o la gran estafa  Fernando Dorado
Cuba      Libertad, emancip y la Cult  Cubana  Enrique Álvarez
Españ    El sendero socialista hacia las elecciones  Antonio Antón



Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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