jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Nov 15 18 SIT EC y POL

Nov 15 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Another day, another headline-driven chaos ride...
China was higher overnight...
See Chart:

European stocks fell with Italy leading the charge...
See Chart:

Futures show a relatively uneventful night and then all hell broke loose...
See Chart:

On the week, Trannies are the only index in the green...
See Chart:

Credit markets have begun to seriously crack..
See Chart:
 [[  This chart doesn’t describe crack properly.. just average ]]

Treasury yields ended the day lower...with the belly once again outperforming
See Chart:

The Dollar ended lower after a big surge (as cable tumbled) overnight - chaotic trading in the USD but the pattern seems quite clear - buying overnight (dollar shortage) selling in US...
See Chart:

Finally, Eurodollar curves suggest the market is rejecting Fed tightening almost entirely... 1.5 hikes in 2018 and actual rate cuts priced in for now for 2020 and 2021...
See Chart:

And based on the ongoing tightness of financial conditions, S&P should be trading notably lower...
See Chart: 

La recesión y colapso neoliberal tiene sus adivinos y no son cualquier gitano. Here is one and check the lasts charts.

"Both corporate and high-yield bonds are at or close to their most extreme levels of overvaluation historically."
See Chart:

As a result, both corporate and high-yield bonds are at or close to their most extreme levels of overvaluation historically, based on Double Line’s proprietary methodology. That methodology looks at the spreads of those bonds relative to similar-risk Treasury bonds; those spreads are approximately two standard deviations above their normal level.

The BBB-rated market, which has the lowest rated corporate bonds, is two-times bigger than the high-yield market. If those bonds are downgraded to junk, Gundlach said, it will “flood” the high-yield market.
See Chart:

Deciphering the global stock markets
The driving force behind global economic performance is central-bank monetary policy.

The G4 central-bank balance sheets are now shrinking, largely due to the Fed’s $50 billion per month quantitative tightening (QT), which Gundlach said represents bond issuance that will add to the size of the deficit. On a cash-account basis, he said our $1.3 trillion deficit will increase to $2.0 trillion with QT, plus there is “hundreds of billions” of pending corporate-bond issuance. (By “cash basis,” he includes money which is borrowed to support the Social Security system.)

The global stock market has changed course, Gundlach said. Those markets rose in parallel with rising central-bank balance sheets, but are now falling across the globe, he said.

See Chart:

High-yield bond spreads over Treasury bonds rose approximately 400 basis points prior to the 2001 and 2007 recessions. Those spreads have recently widened by about 75 basis points, Gundlach said. “It looks a little bit like the 2007 recession, but it is not definitive,” he added.

See Chart:

Problems abroad
Gundlach referenced “underlying problems in the core of the European banking system,” based on the fact that the stock prices of Deutsche Bank and Credit Suisse, two large European banks, have declined precipitously.

Emerging markets have been weak as the dollar has strengthened, he said. “The success and failure of emerging markets are with the fate of the dollar,” he said. “Bullishness on the dollar is extraordinary,” but he said he does not expect the dollar to rise to the level of its high in 1984.

See Chart:

China and the European central bank want to have a role as a reserve currency, according to Gundlach. China is trading oil futures of its own currency, the Yuan. “Once you start trading in global commodities,” he said, “you are taking steps to be a reserve currency.”

Treasury bonds are unattractive to foreign borrowers because of the U.S. trade policies and because hedging costs are too high, Gundlach said; the currency-hedged yields on foreign sovereign bonds are below zero. Domestic demand for Treasury bonds has been higher and has offset the lack of foreign demand.  [[ FACT is that RU-China dumped US T-bonds ]]

See Chart:
See more charts at:

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

GREENSPAN SAYS TRUMP'S TARIFFS ARE "INSANE"  [[ speculation-gluttony is insane ]]

"Throughout his career, Greenspan has mostly been a contrarian indicator. But he has been consistently right about trade..."

“We’re going to stress our whole corporate credit market for the first time...There probably will be some really scary moments in corporate credit.

On Thursday, the CME took "emergency action" to widen price fluctuation limits for eight nat gas futures contracts “in light of recent natural gas price movements" and to avoid a liquidation panic.


"It is only when one considers the cost of medical and disability care for soldiers, and future such costs, along with things like the interest on the extra money borrowed for the wars, that the true cost becomes clear."

Some of the dismissals could potentially begin before the end of the year.
[[ Is this a case of gluttony implosion for Big Bankers ]]

“Prosecuting someone for publishing truthful information would set a terrible and dangerous precedent.

America’s wealthiest have made their fortunes in a wide variety of ways, but there is one thing many of these tycoons have in common: 80% of billionaires picked up a Bachelor’s degree at some point in their lives...

"Nationalism and patriotism are indeed distinct. But they are not opposites...For all the grandstanding”

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"...It was supposed to be the arrival of worldwide recovery. Worse, too many arrows are still pointing down for 2019. But you wouldn’t know it from the Bank of Japan, ECB, Federal Reserve, etc. Not until they are forced into some honest assessments for once."
See Chart:

"The state-of-the art weapon that has been long developed under the leadership of our party's dynamic leadership has a meaning of completely safeguarding our territory and significantly improving the combat power of our people's army."

Our sun has been behaving very strangely, and this unusual behavior is really starting to affect our weather patterns...

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

[[ Jamas podran matarlo ni asesinar la prensa libre.. Es el imperio terrorist el que va a morir!]]


Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


                Cuando un colonialismo oculta otro  Bruno Guigue
                Acerca del nacionalismo  Hugo N. Lilli
Polit      Retos de la izquierda en la Unión Europea?  Eric Toussaint
BRA        Gleisi Hoffmann: “Los nuevos golpes usan al Poder Judicial”
ALC        Hay una nueva derecha latinoamericana?  Emir Sader
                Rumbo incierto de A L C  Eduardo Paz Rada
                Urug: El FA aprobó el ingreso de tropas de EU  Luvis Pareja
                Perú:  Corrupción: Jorge Yoshiyama cantó  Federico Romero
                Arg: Denuncian 216 femicidios desde enero en Argentina
                Chile muerte de Catrillanca: “hay responsabil políticas”  FP
                Col “Bolsonaros” en Colombia están a la defensiva F Dorado
                Ecua  ¿Qué sucede con Lenin Moreno y Jorge Glas? Nacho D
                Libro: La Pachamama y el humano  Eugenio Raúl Zaffaroni
ECOL      Una madre contra el fracking  Gerardo Honty
Españ    Torturas, el crimen mejor escondido  Marc Villanueva

                Desmontan mentiras sobre migración venezolana (I)  JM
Salvador Premiar la contaminación   Arpas   
                El derecho a morir con dignidad Benjamín Forcano


Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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