sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2018

Nov 24 18 SIT EC y POL

Nov 24 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"It’s an unfortunate historical anomaly that people think about the paper in their wallets as money. The dollar is, technically, a currency. A currency is a government substitute for money. But gold is money."
Read This:
Aristotle defined five reasons why gold is money in the 4th century BCE (which may only have been the first time it was put down on paper). Those five reasons are as valid today as they were then.

 The proper definition of money is as something that functions as a store of value and a medium of exchange.
Government fiat currencies can, and currently do, function as money. But they are far from ideal. What, then, are the characteristics of a good money? Aristotle listed them in the 4th century BCE. A good money must be all of the following: 

: A good money shouldn’t fall apart in your pocket nor evaporate when you aren’t looking. It should be indestructible. This is why we don’t use fruit for money. It can rot, be eaten by insects, and so on. It doesn’t last.
  • Divisible: A good money needs to be convertible into larger and smaller pieces without losing its value, to fit a transaction of any size. This is why we don’t use things like porcelain for money – half a Ming vase isn’t worth much.
  • Consistent: A good money is something that always looks the same, so that it’s easy to recognize, each piece identical to the next. This is why we don’t use things like oil paintings for money; each painting, even by the same artist, of the same size and composed of the same materials is unique. It’s also why we don’t use real estate as money. One piece is always different from another piece.
  • Convenient: A good money packs a lot of value into a small package and is highly portable. This is why we don’t use water for money, as essential as it is – just imagine how much you’d have to deliver to pay for a new house, not to mention all the problems you’d have with the escrow. It’s also why we don’t use other metals like lead, or even copper. The coins would have to be too huge to handle easily to be of sufficient value.
  • Intrinsically valuable: A good money is something many people want or can use. This is critical to money functioning as a means of exchange; even if I’m not a jeweler, I know that someone, somewhere wants gold and will take it in exchange for something else of value to me. This is why we don’t – or shouldn’t – use things like scraps of paper for money, no matter how impressive the inscriptions upon them might be.

Actually, there’s a sixth reason Aristotle should have mentioned, but it wasn’t relevant in his age, because nobody would have thought of it... It can’t be created out of thin air.

These are the reasons why gold is the best money. It’s not a gold bug religion, nor a barbaric superstition. It’s simply common sense. Gold is particularly good for use as money, just as aluminum is particularly good for making aircraft, steel is good for the structures of buildings, uranium is good for fueling nuclear power plants, and paper is good for making books. Not money. If you try to make airplanes out of lead, or money out of paper, you’re in for a crash.

That gold is money is simply the result of the market process, seeking optimum means of storing value and making exchanges.

Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio

Too bad it's not nearly enough...

"Mexico has open arms and everything,but imagine, one caravan after another after another, that would also be a problem for us..."       

How separate from the State are these social media giants in the first place? ..the very act of social media giants kowtowing to political demands, tell us one thing: We’re living in an extortion-based political economy.

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo

"The U.S. Government routinely interferes in elections all over the world, but builds mountains out of molehills of ‘evidence’ to charge that Russia’s Government is the global threat to democracy, and especially to America’s (fake) ‘democracy’..."

"The continued deterioration in the bond supply/demand balance we expect for next year looks set to put further upside pressure on yields in 2019."

"Now all diplomats known to Assange have now been transferred away from the embassy..."

Trump- Saudis-Yemen violations:

"The only reason we don’t treat these terrible things like what they are is because they have been normalized for us to the point where we take them for granted and assume that’s the only way things could possibly be..."

"Apart from the flawed analysis, Trump’s statement is an extraordinary demonstration of realpolitik... [sending] the hidden message to the Saudis that to save himself the Saudi crown prince will beexpected to disburse $450bn in investments..."

"The real story behind Turkstream,however, is, despite Putin’s protestations to the contrary, political... Erdogan wants tore-take control of the Islamic world from the Saudis..."

"If the masses were to wake up and realize they are being manipulated, oppressed, and corralled like sheep, revolution would sweep the land. People are being driven mad by an overwhelming feeling of cognitive dissonance..."

Denmark, Finland, and Germany have halted Saudi arms exports, but Saudi imports have actually increased

[[ Why?  Because US, Canada & few other countries.. China  included ]]

See Map:

"Negotiations went on through the night with Spain and Britain. In a telephone conversation just now (European Council President Donald) Tusk and (Spanish Prime Minister Pedro) Sanchez reached an agreement on Gibraltar."

GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am search f alternatives to neo-fascist regimes & terrorist imperial chaos


                Un salto cualitativo en las tormentas  Raúl Zibechi
FEM       Los bulos sobre el abolicionismo Ana Bernal Case:Prostitu
                Qué demonios le sucedió a Brasil?  Paul Krugman
CULT      Catalunya. Mitos y resistencias  Rosa Guevara
ARG       La universidad de los hombres  Maria Eva Koutsovitis
Méx       ¿A dónde va López Obrador?   Eduardo Nava

ISRA       Netanyahu en el abismo

Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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