jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018


WED  AUG 1  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

US Economic Recession today Wed Aug 1: Again : ups & downs

Seemed appropriate...  
So  Apple beat expectations...and a buying panic ensued...
Big disappointed for everyone by not becoming the first company to be worth ONE TRILLION DOLLARS today... Doubled in size since June 2016
See Chart:

Despite AAPL's help, S&P and Dow ended red with only Nasdaq green on the day... (NOTE the ramp in AAPL to get the S&P green very briefly - that failed)
While AAPL ripped, FANG stocks could not catch a bid
See Chart:

All eyes on Tesla after hours as bonds lead the carmaker lower..
See Chart:

With 10Y Yield topping 3% (the same as at the June Fed hike)...
See Chart:

Before falling back to hover around the 3.00% into the close..
The yield curve steepened
See Chart:

The Dollar Index ended the day practically unchanged
See Chart:

Commodities remain lower on the week, with copper leading the drop..
See Chart:

Finally, we offer three charts:
First, Atlanta Fed's GDPNOW model is forecasting a 4.95% GDP growth in Q3.
Second, despite the hopeful forecasts for US economic growth, the housing segment is collapsing...
See Chart:

As Gluskin Sheff's David Rosenberg notes"The Fed could get away with using the term "strong" three times in the opening paragraph and five times throughout because it conveniently missed discussing the housing market!"

Third and finally, Consumer Confidence measures are flashing a very loud "late-cycle" warning...
See Chart:

And, once again, as Gluskin Sheff's David Rosenberg notes"The gap that has opened up between consumer confidence for the present and future is so classically late-cycle. As in, no more pent-up demand. Consider this a near-2 SD event. Take out the umbrella!"
BUT, “Apple beat expectations...”  IS FALSE.  The  new HUAWEI  swallow the “roasted-turkey”

“The importance of Huawei overtaking Apple this quarter cannot be overstated...”


...the U.S. tech giants are in the early stages of destroying themselves, due to two primary factors - size and politics.

Only $6 dollars away...

[[ Charged the $6 and saved to get a more affordable apple .. Besides, you’re gona get out of competition anyway. THE RULES ARE SET (no way to continue financing big gluttony) .  Just accept  the reality:  “Apple beat expectations...”  IS FALSE.  The  new HUAWEI swallow the “roasted-turkey” ]]

The initial reaction to what appears to be a hawkish-tilted Fed statement is dollar weakness, bond and gold gains...
See Chart:

...those that celebrate cryptocurrency are thus “effectively celebrating the use of cutting-edge technology to set the monetary system back 300 years.”

Isn't it obvious that those at the top of the wealth-power pyramid don't want us to know how much ground we've lost while they've gorged on immense gains?

The new feature is part of Microsoft's "Defending Democracy Program"
[[ We have to get inside them.. before they invade us  ]]
Short News 4:  Adios gluttony

"This settlement holds Wells Fargo accountable for actions
 that contributed to the financial crisis"

Costs are expensive because there is almost no skin in the game. 
Graft has taken over.
See Chart:
Short News 6 

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

... the new plans involve creating aspecial Native American “autonomous nation” within the new independent state,creating a “buffer zone between between Donald Trump’s America and the new independent California Republic...”
Abandoning Chicago-Illinois:

"The reality is, Illinois’ failed policies discriminate against no one. People are being forced to do what’s best for their families. And if that means leaving,  They’re doing it. "
New month.. new high prices for the poor. The big Corp want to play the game too.. Ruined all

For the first time in 55 months, the auto industry cut back spending on incentives.The result was a plunge in auto sales.

If the U.S. economy is really doing so well,then why is homelessness rising so rapidly?

"...the items below represented what I consider to be the most identifiable 95 signposts on our mid-summer’s journey to either making America Great Again or into a neo-Orwellian hell on earth."
[[ This article is incomplete & naively addressed.. the issue however  is very pertinent ]]

Globalism, the tech boom, illegal immigration, campus radicalism, the new racialism... Are they leading us toward an 1861?

How, when, and why has the United States now arrived at the brink of a veritable civil war?
Almost every cultural and social institution — universities, the public schools, the NFL, the Oscars, the Tonys, the Grammys, late-night television, public restaurants, coffee shops, movies, TV, stand-up comedy — has been not just politicized but also weaponized.

Donald Trump’s election was not so much a catalyst for the divide as a manifestation and amplification of the existing schism.
We are now nearing a point comparable to 1860, and perhaps past 1968. Left–Right factionalism is increasingly fueled by geography — always history’s force multiplier of civil strife. Red and blue states ensure that locale magnifies differences that were mostly manageable during the administrations of Ford, Carter, Reagan, the Bushes, and Clinton.

[[ I’ll list here only his subtitles whose content you need to read .. A brief comment I did add ]]

1-Globalization                Big Feds & State Unions (US,EU, etc) are going to be dismantled: they’re obsolete
Demo-Bureaucracy is the pest in all of them: direct democ will replaced. Press-manipul of phobias create artificial enemies that doesn’t exist.. once Direct-demo control big media bye-bye to “RUSIANS are here” and “US IMPERIALISM is the cause”. Of course the cause is  the “global neoliberal economy” in both of them (including China) but RU-China have historic background to dismantled, we do not have it. IN FACT, what keep RU united is the US nuke blackmail & real surrounding of NATO in their borders. Once they accept the MAD thesis & that both super-nations will go back to stone-age with WW3, then they have to dismantle nukes & NATO.. Once it happens, RU Fed & US Fed will split themselves into several auton-independent nations.  RU is ready to accept the thesis of MAD (Mutual Assured Destruction) and perhaps Trump too, but there are stupid forces behind them pushing for confrontation (in the US we call them “hilarious stupids” to the extreme rightist pushing for WW3). In RU there’re extreme rightist with the same agenda (disguised as nationalists) but they are controlled & keep quiet. Once “the external enemy” disappear the big bureaucratic Feds will do it too. In FACT huge burecrats rulers in the US & RU  won’t be needed any longer.
2-  High Tech    Good.. but look Apple mistake, and US cars business .. they’re about to crash
3- The Campus The cause should precede effect.. students always revolt & always without strategy
4-  Illegal Immigration   Once nukes are dismantle..neoliberal abuse is over:no-wars to create migrant
5-  The Obama Project   He is not in power anymore.. Trump is miss-using his background

What Might Bring the United States Together Again?

A steady 3 to 4 percent growth in annual GDP would trim a lot of cultural rhetoric. Four percent unemployment will make more Americans valuable and give them advantages with employers. Measured, meritocratic, diverse, and legal immigration would help to restore the melting pot.

The Young Democratic Socialists of America organization now claims to have more than 250 chapters on campuses across the country, a dramatic increase from just 15 chapters in 2016.

[[ I hope they build a clear & coherent program to dismantle current electoral rules and to create the agenda for third choice in democratic rule (one beyond the corrupted DEMs & REPs parties). Perhaps this require to separate first the progressive sectors within those old  parties with the “R” : R-Dem & R-Rep and then advance to the creation of a People FRONT. The immediate goal is to obtain equal representation in power at all levels. Socialism is a local agenda and it is based in bottom-up pacifist REV. They have to take streets with active solid Mov in main cities. Avoid confrontation with police & get the pro-bono lawyers in case the rightists and police attack the socialists. Get tiny cameras, it helps in Court. The US is ready for socialism, nothing to lose, time is with us. And I’m ready to contribute with socialism too.]]

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"The impact of a 10% tariff on Chinese imports would be substantial... while we estimate the impact to be limited on the index level, companies with a large portion of sales to China are more exposed"
See Chart:


Iran's elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard forces are expected to begin a major exercise in the Persian Gulf as soon as the next 48 hours, which could be aimed at demonstrating their ability to shut down the Strait of Hormuz. 
[[ Are they using their boats with smart missiles & nukes? .. I don’t think so ..  since this is only a speed exercise. .. Real FACT: they’re only getting ready for a possible US attack ]]

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

OPIN     ¿Un «​desorden global»​ sin alternativas?   Santiago Alba Rico
ALC        Imperio, hegemonía y nuevos desafíos en Am Latina  Enric Llopis
                Am Lat y la nueva dinámic del sistema mundial  Monica Bruckmann
ARG       C Katz et al: Por coordinadora de economistas contra el FMI  MH
FEM       Ley Aborto Argentina: ¿sustantivo feminista?  Andreia Albratroz
ECON    -UE : Dejemos a las naciones quebrar  Heiner Flassbeck
PAL        -Por qué la Flotilla de la libertad a Gaza  Stgo González
Cuba       ¿Socialismo a la china para todos?   Marcelo Colussi
COL        La lucha por la verdad   Fernando Dorado
                -Entre raíces y futuro, IV Congr del Pdo Social Unido de Ven   G C
                -Honduras Pacto Fiscal: un cuento chino   Javier Suazo
                -Trabajo today    Luis Britto García
                Redes de trata: zamuros tras mujer emigrantes venezola ACB

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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