viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Fri AUG 31 18 SIT EC y POL

Fri  AUG 31  18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"I hate to break it to you, but the everything bubble isn't permanent..."

OK, I get it--the Bull Market in stocks is permanent. Bulls will be chortling in 2030 that skeptics have been wrong for 22 years--an entire generation. Bonds will also be higher, thanks to negative interest rates, and housing will still be climbing higher, too. Household net worth will be measured in the gazillions.

Here's the Fed's measure of current household net worth: a cool $100 trillion, about 750% of disposable personal income (DPI):
See Chart:

Household net worth has soared $30 trillion in the past decade of permanent monetary and fiscal stimulus. No wonder everyone is saying Universal Basic Income (UBI)-- $1,000 a month for every adult, no questions asked--is affordable, along with Medicare For All (never mind that Medicare is far more expensive than the healthcare provided by other advanced nations due to rampant profiteering, fraud and paperwork costs--we can afford it!)

We're only rich until the bubbles pop, which they will. All speculative bubbles deflate, even those that are presumed permanent, And when the current everything bubble pops, net worth--and all the taxes generated by bubble-era capital gains--vanish.

Take a look at the Federal Reserve's Household Balance Sheet (June 2018):
$34.6 trillion in non-financial assets
$81.7 trillion in financial assets
$15.6 trillion in total liabilities ($10 trillion of which is home mortgages)
$100 trillion in net worth

So $25 trillion is in real estate. When the housing bubble pops, $10 trillion will go poof. Maybe $12 trillion, but why quibble about a lousy $2 trillion? We're rich!

Consumer durables are worth $5.7 trillion, minus consumer debt of $3.8 trillion. As we know from the 2008-09 recession, the value of used boats, BBQ grills and assorted other gew-gaws drops to near zero (boats abandoned to avoid slip fees, etc.), so shave off the phantom $2 trillion in consumer durables.

Stocks held directly and indirectly, $28 trillion. Stocks are overvalued by half, so once reality sets in $14 trillion will vanish into thin air.

Non-corporate businesses currently worth $11.9 trillion--in the depths of a recession, many will close and the market value of the struggling survivors won't be much. Let's say $5 trillion vanishes.

That's $30 trillion up in smoke, and we haven't even gotten to pensions and $15 trillion in "other financial assets." Whatever they are, we can bet that $10 trillion in pension entitlements and "other financial assets" disappear, too.

So a reasonable estimate is post-bubble, household net worth drops by 40%, or $40 trillion. This is actually being generous, as this leaves a $20 trillion gain since 2000, a period in which GDP rose from $10.2 trillion to $19.5 trillion:
See Chart:

I hate to break it to you, but the everything bubble isn't permanent. Extend this geometric line of net worth a decade and then extend the GDP line a decade; at that point, our wonderful assets will be worth $1,000 trillion while our real-world economy will have grown to $25 trillion. Does history suggest this is possible, or likely? Will the pundits still be declaring that this is all quite reasonable considering how well the economy is doing?


The premium spread for buying BBB- tranches of commercial mortgage backed securities versus AAA is the lowest its been since May 2007.
See Chart:
Investors are receiving the lowest premium to invest in riskier CMBC

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"When the hallucination dissolves, the winners will be the new losers and the old losers will be looking to string them up. That scenario remains to be played out..."
Exactly what the Nazis said before:

"When even CNN, that bastion of anti-Trump groupthink, agrees that this is a dangerous, horrifying slippery slope, I think we can all agree we’ve gone way beyond dangerous."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"If America attacks us, our friends will attack America’s interests and its allies in the region" - senior Iranian IRGC commander
Construction of the base has started, and China will send at least one battalion of troops, along with weapons and equipment, to be stationed there and provide training to their Afghan counterparts.”

"What is left roaming our wilderness of mirrors depends on the mood swings of the Goddess of the Market. No wonder an effect of Eurasia integration will be a death blow to Bretton Woods and 'democratic' neoliberalism..."
Read This:

What is left roaming our wilderness of mirrors depends on the mood swings of the Goddess of the Market. No wonder an effect of Eurasia integration will be a death blow to Bretton Woods and “democratic” neoliberalism...  a tornado directly connects to the battle between Eurasia integration and Western sanctions as foreign policy.

It is the paradigm shift of China’s New Silk Roads versus America’s Our Way or the Highway. We used to be under the illusion that history had ended. How did it come to this?  … For centuries the Ancient Silk Road, run by mobile nomads, established the competitiveness standard for land-based trade connectivity; a web of trade routes linking Eurasia to the – dominant – Chinese market.

Deprived of a trade connection via a land corridor between Europe and China, Europeans went all-out for their own maritime silk roads. We are all familiar with the spectacular result: half a millennium of Western dominance.

Deprived of a trade connection via a land corridor between Europe and China, Europeans went all-out for their own maritime silk roads. We are all familiar with the spectacular result: half a millennium of Western dominance.
Until quite recently the latest chapters of this Brave New World were conceptualized by the Mahan, Mackinder and Spykman trio.

Continue reading..
Here the subtitles with brief extracts:

The Heartland of the World
Halford Mackinder’s 1904 Heartland Theory – a product of the imperial Russia-Britain New Great Game – codified the supreme Anglo, and then Anglo-American, fear of a new emerging land power able to reconnect Eurasia to the detriment of maritime powers.

All Nodes Covered
At the height of the unipolar moment, history did seem to have “ended.” Both the western and eastern peripheries of Eurasia were under tight Western control – in Germany and Japan, the two critical nodes in Europe and East Asia. There was also that extra node in the southern periphery of Eurasia, namely the energy-wealthy Middle East.
See Map

The primary aim, once again, was to prevent any possible convergence of European and East Asian powers as rivals to the US.
Compare this recent idyllic past with Brzezinski’s – and Henry Kissinger’s – worst nightmare: what could be defined today as the “revenge of history”.

Divide and Rule, Revisited
The same applies for the preeminent post-mod Delphic Oracle, also known as Henry Kissinger, simultaneously adorned by hagiography gold and despised as a war criminal.  .. In the end, it’s always about variations of Divide and Rule – as in splitting Russia from China and vice-versa. In theory, Kissinger advised Trump to “rebalance” towards Russia to oppose the irresistible Chinese ascension. It won’t happen, not only because of the strength of the Russia-China strategic partnership, but because across the Beltway, neocons and humanitarian imperialists ganged up to veto it.

Heraclitus Defies Voltaire
Alastair Crooke took a great shot at deconstructing why Western global elites are terrified of the Russian conceptualization of Eurasia.
It’s because “they ‘scent’…a stealth reversion to the old, pre-Socratic values: for the Ancients … the very notion of ‘man’, in that way, did not exist. There were only men: Greeks, Romans, barbarians, Syrians, and so on. This stands in obvious opposition to universal, cosmopolitan ‘man’.”

So it’s Heraclitus versus Voltaire – even as “humanism” as we inherited it from the Enlightenment, is de facto over. .. What we have now is also a remastered version of sea power versus land powers. Relentless Russophobia is paired with supreme fear of a Russia-Germany rapprochement – as Bismarck wanted, and as Putin and Merkel recently hinted at. The supreme nightmare for the U.S. is in fact a truly Eurasian Beijing-Berlin-Moscow partnership.

The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has not even begun; according to the official Beijing timetable, we’re still in the planning phase. Implementation starts next year. The horizon is 2039.

This is China playing a long-distance game of go on steroids, incrementally making the best strategic decisions (allowing for margins of error, of course) to render the opponent powerless as he does not even realize he is under attack.

On sprawling, superimposed levels, the Russia-China partnership is on a roll; recent examples include summits in Singapore, Astana and St. Petersburg; the SCO summit in Qingdao; and the BRICS Plus summit.

Were the European peninsula of Asia to fully integrate before mid-century – via high-speed rail, fiber optics, pipelines – into the heart of massive, sprawling Eurasia, it’s game over. No wonder Exceptionalistan elites are starting to get the feeling of a silk rope drawn ever so softly, squeezing their gentle throats.

"They need to get all the major stakeholders, the best economists, to find a solution. But not the IMF, or outsiders. They’ll only make the country take on more debt. "

"The North Koreans are no dummies: they know a regime change operation when they see one. As they watch our Deep State go after a democratically elected President whose hopes for peace complement their own, the North Koreans are waiting to see if Trump survives."

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3



Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

ALC        Raúl Zibechi Mov sociales en Am Lat, un nuevo ciclo de luchas E LL
                Argentina  Incertidumbre   Eduardo Lucita
                -El fracaso de la política Jorge Castañeda  de cual política?
                EU viene “Reforzar autonom de mov sociales” Sergio Ferrari
                ARG  -La farsa de los Cuadernos  Claudio Katz
                BRA  -Los verdaderos delitos de Lula  Rafael Hidalgo
                BRA Rescatar democ mínima contra “Estado posdem”  L Boff
                MX  -El reformismo y la "revolución" posible
Españ    -El gobierno avestruz   Jenner López
Cuba      -¿Cambia la política del US  hacia Cuba?  Jesús Arboleya
Chile     -Neoliberalismo y precariedad salarial  Eduardo Andrade
                -El agua y el derecho a la vida  Editorial
                - El mito de agroquímicos inocuos  Eduardo Gudynas
OPIN     -El fin de la humanidad   Mónica Rincón
                -¿Y los zapatos de dios? Claudia Magliano Los crearon sin zapatos
                - discurso capcioso sobre inmigración  JFM Seco denle agua bendita
FEM       Mujeres cuidadoras: entre la obligac y la satisfac  Marcela Lagarde
ECON    -“Macri es rico, no necesita robar”  W Medina son los que + roban
                VEN Entre la operac militar UNITAS y las amena de marcos rubio JC G
                BRA  Lula puede revertir la ofensiva derech en Am Lat  Emir Sader  
                - Gusanos inteligentes   Jorge Majfud  No los que huyeron de Fidel
                Perú  La ley de Say y los venezolanos Humberto Campodónico
                MEX El Legislativo, protagonista del cambio  Eduardo Ibarra A

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

Can War Be Avoided and the Planet Saved?   By Paul Craig Roberts    Continue
Trump Threatens WTO   By Peter Koenig and Press TV    Continue
What Trump is attempting to do is dividing the world, breaking up alliances
The Three Tribes of Austerity  By Yanis Varoufakis    Continue
Big govt Corp, EU social dems & tax-cutting Reps are dismantling US New Deal once and for all.
Exposing the Giants: The Global Power Elite  By Robert J Burrowes    Continue 
VIPS Tells Media Support for Brennan is Not Unanimous  By Vet Intell  Profes for Sanity VIPS

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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