viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Fri AUG 10 18 SIT EC y POL

Fri  AUG 10 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

After producer prices disappointed modestly yesterday, prompting treasury yields to tumble, all eyes are on consumer prices today as it met expectations rising by 2.9% YoY - the fastest rate of increase since Dec 2011 - thanks to soaring rent/shelter costs.
See Chart:

Core CPI highest since 2008...

Under the covers, one of the bigger drivers was a surge in shelter costs...
See Graphic

Shelter inflation rose 3.5% YoY and Rent Inflation rose 3.6% YoY
See Chart:

Just a good thing wages are rising... oh wait!!

So much for Erdogan caving to the "LIRA VIGILANTES." So, Erdo was right: manipulation
See Chart:

 Turkish yields have resumed their surge to all time highs...
See Chart:

. and the TUR ETF is plunging.
See Chart:

Meanwhile fears of Turkish contagion have sent European banks tumbling to the lowest level since July 23.
See Chart:

And just like that, a million hopefulvoices cried out in horror...
See  Chart:

For years hope has been soaring that household income will rise any minute now...and despite two years of disappointment, they remain optimistic...
See Chart:

But unemployment is so low? Full-employment? Wage pressure? Hmm, maybe that dismal participation rate is more important that we thought...
See Chart:

Just keep believing America!!

Investors are ignoring the US mid-termsso far...

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

A federal judge held an associate of Roger Stone in contempt of court for refusing to testify before a grand jury in special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russian interference.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse,
there was a Trump tweet...

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"They are ruling the world on their own.Somebody must find a solution and say ‘stop’ to the United States."

Erdogan is fighting against a very dangerous economic foe. Himself.
See Chart:

Turkey took all the actions that MMT lovers applaud. The Erdogan government seized control of the central bank, and decided to print and keep extremely low rates to “boost the economy” without any measure or control.
See Chart:

Now the risk is rising for the rest of Europe.
On one hand, the exposure of eurozone banks like BBVA, BNP, Unicredit to Turkey is very relevant.  Between 15% and 20% of all assets.
See Chart:

The biggest risk for Europe will be to try to cover this mess with some aid in exchange for refugee and border support. Because what is already a relevant risk, but contained, will likely balloon to unmanageable proportions.

While Turkey is technically considered an emerging market, where it makes a sharp break with convention is that its external funding need is greater than the average Frontier Market...


This over-reliance on imports from individual OPEC members puts China in ageopolitically precarious situation.

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Despiadado el ataque contra Turquía .. a árbol caído hacha con el
"It is impossible to correlate the decision by President Trump to impose additional duties on steel and aluminum to the World Trade Organization rules. The US should know that they will not be able to achieve any results by such sanctions and pressure. They will only damage our allied relations, which have withstood serious difficulties.  As before, all steps taken against Turkey will receive a necessary response," the ministry said in a statement.
RELATED 2:  [[ It is not 1 Pastor & HR .. It is Turkey + EU  (RU oil implicit) that is at stake ]]

[[ La paridad dolar-Lira fue correcta pero llega tarde..  esto le da al US una victoria temporal táctica .. pero la perspectiva estratégica está a favor de Turquia. Europa y los paises emergentes + RU y China.  Esta alianza puede hacer caer al dollar de un sopetón. El bloqueo Econ al US es inminente y letal. RU-Chi están listas para responder la declarac de guerra del US..el chantaje de  sus sanciones Econ lo son. Eso es pillaje descarado e ilegal además de estar reñido con principios éticos básicos. Las brigadas harán  su aparición y golpearan objetiv Económicos y politicos a nivel mundial. El poeta Cesar Vallejo fue a España a celebrar la caída del nazism y se dice que tuvo el honor de abrazar a quienes pusieron en el tope de un edificio al dictador asesino Fco Franco. Esta vez también celebraremos la lucha de los nuevos brigadistas. ]]
Is Pilger making path to put JA in jail Pilger Says He Knows What Julian Would Tell US Sen- Comm


Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

FEM       Debate: aborto & Arg   #El Futuro llegó: La ley y la calle
PAL        cifras escalofriantes de la ocupación turca de Afrin    L  Albani
Perú      mensaje de Presid Vizcarra por Fiestas Patrias   Valentín Pacho

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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