miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Wed AUG 15 18 SIT EC y POL

Wed AUG 15 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The Economic Global context
A currency devaluation will likely lead to a stock market collapse, but it’s a trade-off China is willing to accept because a cheaper currency will stimulate exports and support jobs... China’s motives in market manipulation are about social stability more than profit and loss.

A currency devaluation will likely lead to a stock market collapse, but it’s a trade-off China is willing to accept because a cheaper currency will stimulate exports and support jobs.

This econo-political history brings us to the ongoing trade war between China and the U.S. A superficial account of the trade war says it was started by President Trump last winter with his imposition of tariffs on Chinese (and other) goods imported into the U.S. including steel, aluminum and certain appliances.

So far, China has not sought reconciliation. Instead it has injected a currency war tactic into the trade wars to give it more leverage than would otherwise exist. Here’s a chart that shows the radical devaluation of the Chinese yuan, CNY, against the dollar, USD, in the past four months:
Chart 1
In the past four months, the Chinese yuan (CNY) has collapsed 8.5% against the U.S. dollar (USD). From 6.28 to 6.88 per dollar. This is a greater collapse than the August 2015 3% “shock” devaluation that triggered an 11% U.S. stock market collapse. This new devaluation will continue as part of China’s play in the trade wars. This time a Chinese stock collapse is a more likely result.
See Chart:

China has discovered that devaluation is a near-perfect offset to tariffs. The devaluation tactic not only lowers Chinese export costs; it increases U.S. export costs, as shown in Chart 2 below.
Chart 2  Stronger Dollar, weaker exports

A declining Chinese stock market, as reflected in the FXI price, will be collateral damage in this escalating struggle. It’s not a result that China wants, but it’s a price they will pay in order to keep Chinese citizens employed and assembly lines humming.

The combined trade and currency wars are like a perfect storm aimed at FXI. Wall Street is misreading these developments, but you don’t have to.
See Graph:

It was late October, 1989.

Legendary investor Warren Buffett seems to have thrown up his hands with the ridiculousness of this market...
                [[ Ghosts run the Economy?  ]]

So while small, individual investors are piling in, Buffett is standing pat... and resorting to buying back his own stock just to have a safe place to deploy some capital.
No one knows how much longer this historic bull market going to last. Or when it’s going to end it.
But it’s safe to say that there are fewer days ahead of us than behind us.
And, in times like these, it might make more sense being prudent than being greedy.
And to continue learning how to safely grow your wealth, I encourage you to download our free Perfect Plan B Guide.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Easy to know who is winning the internal political war:

Trump's move "should gravely worry all Americans" as it is "part of a broader effort by Mr. Trump to suppress freedom of speech & punish critics."

"Her tell-all mea culpa won’t win her any brownie points with most blacks. Their loathing of Omarosa is virtually frozen in stone. She’s still roundly lambasted as a two-bit opportunist, a racial sellout and an ego driven hustler."
Are you the winner?  Ah ah.. the press-titute is.. You’ll get less critiques to cent-Gov than befor

A Twitter spokesperson confirmed that Infowars' account, which has more than 430,000 followers, will be prevented from tweeting,  re-tweeting, liking or following other users during a seven-day window.
Real Economic internal situation:

In all, Chicagoans are on the hook for $130 billion in unfunded overlapping Chicago-area and state ANPL, according to Moody’s.

That $130 billion is the total Moody’s calculates when adding up the direct pension debt owed by the city government, Chicago Public Schools, the park district and Chicago’s share of various Cook County governments and the five state pension funds. Moody’s takes a more realistic approach to investment assumptions than the city and county governments take.
See Chart:

That translates to nearly $125,000 in pension debt for every household in Chicago.
See Chart:

But with so many Chicagoans in or near poverty (27 percent), that burden won’t be distributed evenly. Expect Chicago’s middle class to be stuck with an even bigger burden that makes up for those that can’t pay.
*  *  *
Chicagoans are stuck watching their elected officials do all the wrong things when it comes to pensions.

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"This is what we are striving for in our bilateral trade and economic relations"

First it was Russia. Then Turkey joined the liquidation of its US Trasury holdings.
Who will be next?

This is how "free" trade works in predatory globalization: The only thing that's free is the cost of issuing trillions in global reserve currency. Everything else will cost you dearly.

With Russia now out of the picture,
Here is who sold the most US Treasurys in the month of June.

Perhaps the most notable seller of US paper was Japan, which dumped $18.4BN, bringing its total from 1048.8BN to 1030.4BN, the lowest since October 2011 as Japanese investors sold off US paper as a result of rising hedging costs which made holding European, or even Japanese bonds, more economical.
See Chart:

Finally, broken down by total assets, foreigners were net sellers of $45.5 billion in US securities in the month of June - the bulk of which was US Treasurys and Equities - the biggest monthly sale since September 2016.
See Chart:

Adios US impero: Como dice Cesar Vallejo: todos le dieron duro y el cadaver hay ..siguio muriendo
See more charts (Russia & China sellers) at:

US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

Los cadáveres ya hediondos de tanto ‘pedo’ .. zapatean antes de irse
The best Trump can do is facilitating his transfer to his country. 2 birds in 1 shot :fas-Sen +pedo-H
Pompeo necesita relajarse: envíenlo al BOOM-BOOM contest de Brasil.. urge su voto
China Urges Fair Treatment of Its Investors, Firms  otherwise: con el palo que mides serás medido
Worse than the corruption & victims of the Empire collapse?  I don’t think so.
That bolsh.. doesn’t buy votes.. Only idiots believe on it…it makes the DEMs ridiculous
US already lost war in Syria. Time to get out & let migrants return. Win peace if want to win war


Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

ALAI       COL: Algunas precisiones ideológicas sobre Iván Duque G de F Mora
                -Papel del deporte en el retorno del proyecto neoliberal  EA Mejía
                - Nos empujan a la guerra  Jaime Galarza Zavala 
                VEN: Plan Patria 2019-2025: 3er Objet: Ven país potencia en A. L JM
                Brasil Lula es la llave  Mariano Vázquez 
                México ¿Se irán así nomás?  Teresa Gurza  
                USA Qué preocupa a Trump en estos momentos  Néstor García I 
                USA  35 mill de dólares para “fabricar” democ en Cuba y Ven  E P
                Chile Un ejercicio de memoria y derechos humanos Cristián Castillo
Pirataje nausebundo y Chantaje nuclear.. Buscan el WW3 y si siguen.. la tendrán
                Keiser Report  "El bitcóin es como el oro, pero sin gobiernos de por medio"

Analysis on US Politics & Geopolitics

Rev. William Alberts   United We Kneel, Divided We Stand

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..



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