miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2018

Wed AUG 8 18 SIT EC y POL

Wed  AUG 8 18  SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

World recession is been accelerated

The Great Fall Of China continues...
See Chart:

European stocks limped lower on the day...
See Chart

US Stocks ended ugly with only Nasdaq holding gains...
See Chart:

S&P and Nasdaq remain shy of their record highs... (nasdaq up 7 days in a row - longest streak since March)
See Chart:

Treasury yields went absolutely nowhere today - not something we can remember seeing.
See Graph

Another intraday reversal for the dollar index which ended lower...
Bloomberg dollar index .. worse dawn
See Chart:

But the move of the day goes to the Loonie which plunged on headlines that the Saudis would be dumping Canadian assets (as retaliation for poking their nose in the kingdom's business), but then decided that this was great news and the canadian dollar exploded higher...WTF!
See Chart:

Gold.. the cheapest one in 11 years
See Chart:

Original Source:

In short, Austrians believe money is never neutral 
(not in the short, medium, nor long run)...
See Table VII-1

In short, Austrians believe money is never neutral (not in the short, medium, nor long run), and institutions that deal with it (banks in particular) must be founded on universal legal principles which prevent a “falsification” of relative prices due to strictly monetary factors. Such falsifications lead to the widespread malinvestment of resources, and inevitably, to crisis and recession.

Thus Austrian theorists consider the following to be the three essential principles of macroeconomic policy, in order of importance:

1. The quantity of money must remain as constant as possible (i.e., as in a pure gold standard), and credit expansion must be particularly avoided. These objectives require a return to the traditional legal principles which govern the monetary bank-deposit contract and the establishment of a 100-percent reserve requirement in banking.

2. Every attempt should be made to insure that the relative prices of different goods, services, resources, and factors of production remain flexible. In general the greater the credit and monetary expansion, the more rigid relative prices will tend to be, the more people will fail to recognize the true cost of a lack of flexibility,and the more corrupt the habits of economic agents will become. Agents will eventually come to accept the misconceived idea that the vital adjustments can and should always take the form of an increase in the quantity of money in circulation. In any case, as we have already argued, the indirect, underlying cause of economic maladjustments lies in credit expansion, which provokes a generalized malinvestment of resources, which in turn creates unemployment. The more rigid the markets, the higher the unemployment.

3. When economic agents enter into long-term contracts negotiated in monetary units, they must be able to adequately predict changes in the purchasing power of money. This last requirement appears the easiest to satisfy, both when the purchasing power of the monetary unit declines continuously, as has occurred since World War II, and when it gradually and predictably rises, as would occur following the adoption of a policy to maintain the quantity of money in circulation constant. In fact the condition is even more likely to be met in the second case.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"Dewayne Johnson is one of more than 5,000 plaintiffs
across the United States..."
Description: https://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/styles/teaser_small/public/2018-08/china%20us%20trade%20war%202.jpg?h=439aa373&itok=zWRwokN1
"At this point we expect the White House to implement tariffs on the majority of thenext round of $200bn in imports proposed in July (70% chance)."

"When we get tired of blowing up Muslims for Israel, will we turn on ourselves?"

 Hersh "has single-handedly broken more stories of genuine world-historical significance than any reporter alive (or dead, perhaps)..." 

The places where most of your paycheck goes to rent is actually cities with high salaries but very high rent. Only College Station and Orlando have relatively low rent and make the list because of low salaries.
Stupid distortion on socialism. The FACT is :Socialism is growing up faster than Geopis & Dems

Once upon a time, Sanders understood the 'need' for violence and even murder in the creation of the socialist state, and he tacitly approved it. Today, he and Ocasio-Cortez pretend that they can peacefully create that happy utopia where everyone is happy, and there is a coffee shop on every corner."

US-WW ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

The newly imposed sanctions would ban licenses for export of sensitive national security goods to Russia, downgrade diplomatic relations, suspend Aeroflot's ability to fly to the US and to cut nearly all exports and imports.

"The U.S. is trying to conclude the trade disputes swiftly, but China is prepared for a protracted war... China has time to fight to the end. Time will prove that the US eventually makes a fool of itself."

Despite the deep slide, the currentoptimism that the Aussie has found a bottom may be a tad premature.
See Chart:

See more charts at:

Indian Oil Corp, the biggest refiner in Indiahas purchased a total of 6 million barrels of U.S. crude oil for delivery between November and January, as it has started to look for a replacement of Iranian oil cargoes...
"During my time in Iraq working for the State Department... I frequently lied to the media. I lied to them about how things were going, I lied to them about how successful we were... they weren’t looking for 'the story' just 'a story'.."
US  inside  GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3

CREATING PRETEXT FOR WW3 &  saving UK  from BREXIT chaos

US has to facilitate the sending of Assange to his country to freely  talk on whatever they ask. If Assange is sent to US International brigades may act against US-OK embassies & companies. It is a freedom of speech that matter now. If Assange is sent to US , it will be evidence of Empire-fascism That will be answer in the proper way at intenational level. That may start in Europe & South-Ame
The whistleblower has a right for asylum either in Ecuador or in his home in Australia ??
Kevin Kamps, Radioactive Waste Specialist at the organization Beyond Nuclear, joined Radio Sputnik's Loud & Clear Wednesday to discuss this issue:
"The number of deaths and injuries are mind-boggling: 140,000 deaths in Hiroshima, a city of 360,000. Nagasaki — because the bomb didn't hit downtown exactly because there was cloud cover that interfered with the targeting — [resulted in] another 70,000 [being] killed. What an announcement of the atomic age that that was," Kamps told 
Violence come from PALs said Israel.. They’re inventing lies to continue genocide on Palestianians
British Nation is more ‘Largely Against’ their police and the Clown Johnson


Lat Am NEW FOCUS: alternat to neo-fascist regimes, breaks to HR, Peace & support to US-terrorism 

ISR          -Ley de separación de familias de Israel  Michael Schaeffer
                -Israel y la impunidad nuclear  Pablo Jofré Leal
                No lo creo: basta que de ojivas nucleares e Iran se defiende solo
Ecua        Mov indíg: La reforma no puede estar en manos de reformist  L Iza
FEM       Sükran M: “socied patriarc detesta mujeres que se rebelan”  Quiza en  paises islámicos pero a nivel mundial las mujeres lideran Mov rebeldes. Lo fue siempre así en Perú, Bol y Chile
ECOL      -Ministros de los agrotóxicos  Darío Aranda
ECON    --Consumismo: adicción a la infelicidad  Javier Garcés
Áfric      -Marruec  Del hirak al boicot, ¿una misma lucha? LD y ZO
Boliv      -Dos puñetazos al liberalismo   Grecia Gonzales
PAL        Una tregua y genocidio israelí en Gaza  Ramiro Gómez
                --¿l Donald Trump redujo las visitas a Cuba?  José Manzaneda
                -China Iniciativa del cinturón y Ruta de la Seda  Nilo Meza  
                -Brasil Diez puntos sobre la elección en Brasil  Juan M Karg  
                -Geopolític de la crisis econ: globalism vs. universalis  WF y WD
                -VEN Claves para entender el Carnet de la Patria  Ana C Bracho  
                -Perú Entre continuis, buenas intenciy realidad  Mariana Álvarez 
                -COL  Duque reiteró que corregirá los acuerdos de paz  C R M
                -US El imperialis del capital financi y las guerras comerc  IT IS
                -Am-Lat  Gobiernos progresistas   Marcelo Colussi  
                Keiser Report   "EE.UU. ya no es capaz de competir con China"

Deep on the US political crisis: neofascism & internal conflicts that favor WW3

John Pilger: Julian Assange Countdown To Freedom  By Dennis Bernstein and Randy Credico
VIPS Plead for Humanitarian Asylum for Julian Assange  By Veteran Intellig Professionfor Sanity

Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars from US-NATO  allies


Focus on Trump policies & the Econ & Pol crisis he creates


Resume of Global News described by Iranian observers..


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