miércoles, 3 de enero de 2018


ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Because nothing says sell volatility like an uncertain Fed, unbelievable Trump-related headlines, and an un-bullish bond market...
"... the fact is that Imperial Washington has become so dysfunctional that the most powerful government on earth can't seem to keep its doors open for more than a few weeks at a time."
"Figure out a way to have exposure to precious metals. Put your bubble vision on mute. You do not have to be invested in the market. That is a fallacy. Take what you have and pay down your debts."

After gaining over 36,000% in 2017 - the best-performing cryto-currency, Ripple is soaring again today (after a brief dip yesterday) to $100 billion in market cap and up 30% year-to-date for 2018.
“As a historian of the great equity bubbles, I recognize we are currently showing signs of entering the blow-off or melt-up phase of this very long bull market...Good luck. We’ll all need some."

Let’s look at what is missing in the way of psychological and technical signs of a late-stage bubble and what is beginning to fall into place. On the topic of classic bubbles, I have long shown Exhibits 1 and 2. They recognize the importance of a true psychological event of momentum increasing to a frenzy. That is to say, acceleration of price. The average time of the final bubble phase of the great equity bubbles shown in Exhibit 1 is just under 3.5 years, with the average upcycle of real acceleration just 21 months. And the two smaller equity bubbles had gains of 65% and 58%.


Following the FOMC Minutes, the dollar was bid and gold was dumped... but that did not last too long...  See image..

VIX was monkey hammered to an 8 handle for only the 6th time in its history... (the close on 11/3/17 of 9.14 was the lowest in history) VXST dropped to 7.33 record lows.  See image..

Bear in mind that VIX had only traded with an 8 handle once before 2017 (on 12/27/93)
 Despite a rise in March rate hike odds, treasuries at the long-end rallied (yields dropped)...  See image..
The yield curve flattened dramatically today, erasing all of yesterday's steepening.  See image
As prices rises the market cap of all crypto currencies has soared above $700 billion for the first time...
 See image
Source: see all images her:   https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-03/gold

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

Plan A: Russian Collusion; Plan B: 25th Amendment; ..."We know Plan C. We saw it in the case of JFK..."

As public trust in the mainstream media continues to fall to a new all-time low each year, it may come as no surprise that the same outlets promising to provide you with “fair and balanced” coverage, are actually censoring truth and feeding you content that is approved by their social interests.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Currently, there are an estimated 14,555 nuclear  warheads in the hands of just nine countries, but who really has the "biggest and most powerful"...

The "huge story", as Graticule's Adam Levinson called it, will, it appears, be a "wake up call" for the West that seems to happily be ignoring the potential bombshell that is China's looming launch of domestic oil futures trading.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

FEM       Las rapadas del franquismo   Nuria Alabao
Cult        -K Marx (1818-1883)  En el bicentenario de su nacimiento (I) S López
                - Regreso a los revolucionarios años 60  Jesús Aller
Opin      -¿Son más inteligentes los ricos?  Marc Vandepitte O mas huevones
                - Arg de Macri   Ajuste y represión  Héctor Bernardo
                - Arg 2018: La hegemonía en cuestión   Daniel Campione
Boliv      -La lucha por el poder y por salida al mar  Sullkata M. Quilla
                -El MST hoy, ayer, mañana, siempre  Eric Nepomuceno
ALC        -Perú:   Retorno de Fujimori a la cárcel  Hugo Blanco G.
                - Perú: Grandes combates contra molinos de viento  Hugo Salinas
                - Perú: la noche de los indultos   Bárbara Ester
                - Perú  ¿Indultar a Abimael?   Isaac Bigio
                - Perú Cristian@s en marcha contra indulto a Fujimori  P Barrera
                - Balance 2017 y 2018  Am Lat: progresismo vs. neoliberalismo  A S
                -La fortaleza de un Caribe unido  Manuel E. Yepe
VEN       -Las doce victorias del Presidente Maduro en 2017  Ignacio Ramonet
                - Venezuela la trinchera del mundo  Ali Alberto Anzola
                -Un sistema autodestructivo  Rodolfo Bueno
                -Federica Mogherini (UE) llega hoy a Cuba
Chile     -Héctor Llaitul:  “Veinte años sembrando autonomía y resistencia” AP
                - Chile La sociedad civil: plan Nacional de Derechos Humanos M Zegers

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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