jueves, 25 de enero de 2018

JAN 25 18 SIT EC y POL

JAN 25 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics


Despite Mnuchin's and Trump's best efforts, dollar-owners ended the day like this... 

Before we start on the markets shenanigans, two quick things:
First - South Korea's economy reported a contraction last night, its first since the financial crisis - as exports crashed...

Second: US economic data has been notably disappointing this year (the worst start to a year since 2015)…
Not pretty:
  • Retail Sales Miss
  • Empire Fed Miss
  • Housing Starts Miss
  • Philly Fed Miss
  • UMich Confidence Miss
  • Richmond Fed Miss
  • Markit US PMI Miss
  • Existing Home Sales Miss
  • New Home Sales Miss

Under whether Trump will want to jawbone the dollar again as it sinks his precious stock market?

It's not just vol that is diverging from stocks, HY bonds have completely decoupled...

10Y yield are back below the Gundlach line of doom...

Steve Mnuchin did his best to try and walk-back some of his comments from yesterday... but really didn't and the dollar continued its freefall...until President Trump rescued it... But sadly the dollar did not hold onto those gains...
The Dollar Index dropped below 89 intraday.

"...to fix this, economists would have to admit that Economics itself is fundamentally, perhaps irretrievably, flawed. That’s not happening anytime soon, so this 'boom' will go on without any boom."
See chart: 

The real issue is in recovery, or enough recovery, if you will. If going from 25/50/25 < 50 with an average 10% decline in the middle proportion leads to eventually, say, 50/25/25 but this time with only an average 1% gain in the “improving” category, does the resulting index well above 50 really equal the same readings above 50 from before the contraction? NO.
See chart  Friedman Placking Model of Trend Cycle Analysis

Regardless of symmetry considerations, that would appear to indicate a general slowing in the US economy to end 2017 and begin 2018 (from an already lowered starting point).
See chart:

In other words, it’s a boom that isn’t a boom doing less while not booming. They call Economics the “dismal science” for the wrong reasons; it’s not a science, but it is a miserable excuse for one.

"An unprecedented bubble emerged during 2004-2006. We believe the current market environment is similar, in which monetary policy (hiking the policy rate) is likely to have a limited effect in restraining risk-taking."

Deutsche then lays out the three possible scenarios that could - in theory - stop, and maybe even reverse, the current asset bubble which are as follows:
  1. Monetary policies or communications designed to increase volatility,
  2. Monetary policies designed to hike long-term interest rates, and strangely
  3. Regulations and supervisions to curb  cryptocurrency trading.

And some further thoughts on these three points.
  1. First, Deutsche notes that former Fed Governor Jeremy Stein advocated for a monetary policy to cope with credit spreads (see excerpts below), but little headway was made in discussing policies targeting volatility (however, Chairman Powell prefers a communication style that raises uncertainty of monetary policy.)
  2. Second, monetary policies designed to hike long-term interest rates include tapering quantitative easing, reducing the size of the central bank’s balance sheet, twist operations, and changes to yield curve control. Yet, these policies are all predicated on inflation accelerating.
  3. Which leaves option three: regulating cryptocurrency trading and initial coin offerings (ICOs) which however, unlike in China, will take time in developed countries.

And yes, the irony of the Fed trying to burst one bubble, that of cryptos, to keep the equity bubble going just a little bit longer, is hardly lost on anyone, although we are surprise by Deutsche Bank's skepticism that this approach could work.
In summary, the biggest German lender comes to the gloomy conclusion that:
"...monetary policy and regulations/ oversight could, like in the last financial crisis, come too late to prevent an expansion of the asset bubble."

Paul Krugman's latest missive in the New York Times is a nice example of his two recurrent themes, namely self-regard and world-weariness.

It's important to understand the extent to which Krugman believes the Fed could simply recapitalize insolvent commercial banks with trillions of newly-created dollars to no ill effect (with his proviso that interest rates sta near zero). That those dollars mostly remain un-deployed in the economy, earning interest from the Fed no less, speaks more to a lack of creditworthy borrowers and real growth than it does to Krugman's insistence that inflation is not a threat. The Fed's balance sheet can unwind, however slowly, although we'll believe it when we see it. But increasing commercial bank reserves gives banks the ability to create more credit and loans. i.e. an increase in the monetary base creates the conditions for banks to increase the money supply. This is inflationary when/if it happens. And yes, the Fed really did simply monetize US debt in the process. Consider this howler from St. Louis Fed President James Bullard in 2010:
see table..

Krugman's belief that QE and the staggering run-up in the Fed's balance sheet was salutary rather than harmful is no more proven than his other (endless) claims and predictions. Before this is over it may rank up there with Greenspan's promise of endless growth and Fukuyama's claims that history had ended. 

Robinhood, the "fastest-growing brokerage ever" is getting into cryptocurrencies, and with its "no fee" model is set to become the biggest competitor to Coinbase.
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

The last two months have seen tectonic shifts regarding Julian Assange’s hopes of being able to safely leave the Ecuadorian embassy in London after what is now over seven years of arbitrary detention. The Wikileaks Editor In Chief was granted an Ecuadorian passport in December, which conferred on him the right of Ecuadorian citizenship. Potentially even more significant was Ecuador’s move to classify Assange as a Diplomat.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

...The Bulletin for Atomic Scientists' "Doomsday Clock" is now two minutes to midnight...

On Thursday, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists raised the likelihood of an apocalyptic nuclear catastrophe to its highest level in the clock's 70+-year history, the Washington Post reported.

During a press conference announcing the escalation, the group of scientists comprising the Bulletin offered a "grim assessment" of the factors that preceded the increase: These factors included North Korea's nuclear program, tensions between India and Pakistan  and Russia's and China's incorporation of nuclear drills into its military exercise.  President Donald Trump's mercurial tweets were also cited in the report.

“There is little doubt that the risk that nuclear weapons may be used - intentionally or because of miscalculation - grew last year around the globe,” Rosner said.
SEE CHART below:

The Air Force has recently upgraded the largest non-nuclear bomb in its arsenal — a 30,000-pound “bunker-buster,” which can be only dropped by the B-2s.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Looking Into 2018 By The Saker   WAR OR NO WAR
The Russiagate Stakes Are Extreme  By Paul Craig Roberts
A coup conspir organiz by top officials of Obama Justice Depart, FBI, CIA, & the Hillary DNC
Pilger: Mainstream Media and Imperial Power  By D J Bernstein and R Credico

Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Keiser Report   Episode 1180  Max and Stacy discuss the US jobs being added thanks to tax cuts. Max interviews Marco Santori, a lawyer specializing in cryptocurrency

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

La pregunta es si vale la pena defender a quienes mienten, extorsionan con nukes, imponen sanciones a países pobres, hacen fraudes electorales y todo por el amor al USD que se imprime de la nada.. sin respaldo en oro ni en el ‘trade’.. Felizmente el USD ya se va y con él , las deudas soberanas. Entonces  caerá el imperio que dejo tanta destrucción y muerte.
                -Balance del cese:  101 días de un riesgoso cese al fuego  T Garcí
                - Las mentiras mediáticas sobre Venezuela   Benjamín Forcano
                - El Petro puso la burocracia imperial en estado de desesper   C L
Fem vs machism es falso dilema: parte del supuesto de que el honor de ambos esta entre las piernas. Hombres y mujeres son 2 caras de una misma moneda. Al devaluar, devalúas la otra

Todos sistema de poder corroe y pervierte. No a todos y quizá Evo es la excepción. Pero todo sistema tiene conflictos internos y esas contradic definen la vida de un sistema. Pienso que la habilidad de Evo fue y es mediar esos conflictos, no exacerbarlos. Pero veo un error que es notable: el vacío de poder que dejaría si no se crea un sucesor como el para mediar los conflictos internos. No sé si existe la persona (hombre o mujer) que pueda substituirlo en esa función. Si no es visible, eso es grave, pues si cae Evo es posible que el poder polit vaya a uno de los ejes del conflicto y sea la Nacion quien pierda. Por eso pienso que Evo debe ayudar a crear un substituto  que sea capaz de dar el balance que él dio al sistema. Le deseo la mejor suerte a Bolivia .. Me quede con ganas de visitar Cochabamba. Dicen que quien no visita Machu Pichu y Cochabamba no va al cielo .. El Machu Pichu lo subí y tres veces.  Y si no visito Cochamanba me quedaré en el purgatorio .. porque al infierno de Don Sata no voy. Preferiría el US, un infierno con fuertes heladas que dejan los runtus sonando como nueces. Total el Sata “T” de aquí es removible.. y es tan idiota que auto-rompió el techo de vidrio de su imperio. Sin duda,  necesitamos un EVO aquí.
Cultu     - El monumento Rosa Luxemburgo y Karl Liebknecht  R  Munguía
                -Gramsci: catarsis histórica   Su actualidad para América Latina L O
                - Marx bicentenario (1818-1883).  Escritos juveniles Salvador López
                -Biodiversid y segur alimentaria eje del Congr de la papa Mariela J
Econ      -Falsos principios del neoliberalismo  Jesus González
                -Lawfare: la vía “justa” al neoliberalismo  Varios autores
Peru      -Fujimori, Franco y Vargas Llosa, ¡vaya trío!  Alfons Cervera
                - Perú A rendir cuentas    Marité Bustamante
BRA        -La proscripción de Lula  Atilio A. Boron
                -La condena a Lula y Nuestra América  Amílcar Salas      
Wars     Las víctimas de la grandeur atómica  Eusebio Val
Ecua       -La Revolución Ciudadana en disputa  Javier Calderón
Cuba      -Los avatares del reformismo en Cuba  Haroldo Dilla
                -Las elecciones en Cuba pasan una nueva etapa
Opin      Papafilia-Papafobia  Emilce Cuda vivan las papas del mundo, No el pope
Keiser Report   Trump contra los banqueros

Global situation described by Iranian observers..



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