viernes, 12 de enero de 2018

JAN 11 18 SIT EC y POL

JAN 11 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

[[ What indecent manipulation of INFO to our Nation: Note in this art: that the order in paragraphs has been altered  and statement inside paragraphs too ]]
                [[ Here the valid  order]] :
In short:  we now have confirmation of what we have long suspected, namely that both retail investors - such as the wildly famous former Target manager Seth Golden, and hedge funds, are now net short vol to an unprecedented degree.
So what does this mean?
First, recall what JPM's head quant, Marko Kolanovic, warned last  June, namely that there is now a risk of "catastrophic losses" amid various vol-selling strategies, should the VIX move by a mere 5 vols, from 10 to 15
Toward the end of the third quarter, as the VIX was plumbing new all time lows - a trend that has largely persisted ever since - we reported that in the latest striking development involving volatility derivative products, the total outstanding Vega across the entire levered and inverse VIX ETP space had reached $375 million, an all time high.   See chart 15…

This, as Bank of America showed at the time, was the result of the highest positioning in levered long VIX ETPs since July 2016 offset by a record high exposure across short ETPs.  See chart 14…

Fast forward a few months to the first week of the new year, when Goldman's new derivatives strategist Rocky Fishman, who until recently toiled at Deutsche, followed up this observation and highlights that, in an acceleration of the move we first observed last September, "the net position of VIX ETPs has become short over the past few weeks, for only the second time in their eight year history." 
See  chart 1 . ..  (this is the one showed at the beginning  in the introd to this art)  = order inverted
                Exhibit 1: VIX ETPs have a short net volatity position  (in 2018 is similar to 2016)
This odd finding - namely that VIX ETPs are now net short vega as shown in the chart above, prompted the Goldman strategist to ask glibly "Should we worry?"
Seach for:  Golman Sachs: Derivatives Research   VIX Positioning : VIX ETPs are neo net short vega. Should be worry?

Putting this in context, just a 3-point spike in the VIX would force some $110 million vega to buy. This goes to Fishman's original question whether "we should be worried" because it represents double the highest ever seen before 2017 and "would be around 60% of daily 1st/2nd VIX futures volume, and around 30% of open interest."
When volatility rises, both inverse and levered long VIX ETP issuers are economically driven to buy VIX futures: the inverse product issuers doing so to reduce a short position that has become too large, and the levered issuers to supplement a long position that has not risen as quickly as the ETP itself.

Of course, that "air pocket" scenario is just the waterfall analysis that Morgan Stanley put together back in July when it previewed what could happen to the VIX ETP sector, and the market in general, "If The Vix Goes Bananas."  See graph: Equity Equivalent supply if S&P 500 falls by..  see graph..

Barclays conclusion back in September was troubling:
[O]n balance the total demand from VIX ETP managers is likely to be higher relative to a few weeks ago and is a significant source of risk especially during a large fundamentally driven shock. The only caveat we would keep in mind is that the volume in VIX futures is likely to cross $1Bn vega during a shock scenario.

IN SHORT:  we now have confirmation of what we have long suspected, namely that both retail investors - such as the wildly famous former Target manager Seth Golden, and hedge funds, are now net short vol to an unprecedented degree, something also shown in the chart below.
See 2 small charts together..
So what does this mean?
First, recall what JPM's head quant, Marko Kolanovic, warned last  June, namely that there is now a risk of "catastrophic losses" amid various vol-selling strategies, should the VIX move by a mere 5 vols, from 10 to 15:
Hide the risk of econ debacle: ostrich policy: hide you head in a hole & show your ass

"the integrity of the CDS market - which is predicated on the expectation that companies seek to avoid payment default, not to accept illicit payments to default intentionally - will be irreparably damaged"
See introductory chart…

Back in November, Bloomberg first profiled  a fascinating story involving Hovnaian, whose credit derivatives swaps were soaring as if New Jersey’s largest homebuilder was about to default, even as its stocks and bonds show no signs of panic. 
See Chart:  Hovnaian Swaps Signal Default Risk
"Ignoring a rigged system ..  that is only getting worse   won't benefit the financial services industry..."

What caused the biggest jump [ into another]  Financial Crisis?

What caused the biggest jump since the Financial Crisis?


Walmart is closing dozens of Sam's Club stores nationwide, on the same day it announced it was raising the starting hourly wages to $11/hour, expanding employee benefits and offering worker bonuses of up to $1000.

Bitcoin and blockchain are likely to dominate discussions at Davos this month. But there will be a far deeper deliberation about the wider disruptive impact of technology on banks...
Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"The US military/security complex has taken another step toward Armageddon. The Pentagon has prepared a nuclear posture review (NPR) that gives the OK to development of smaller “useable” nuclear weapons and permits their use in response to a non-nuclear attack."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

"Every Administration goes through an episode of promising to deal with Chinese trade interventions and ends up with a watered down, vague agreement. China's pre-emptive action suggests that this time the level of worry is different..."

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

'Sh*t hole' Countries vs 'Sh*t hole' President :  How many migrants has been caused by his wars?
FACT: British people don’t like Trump .. teme la verguenza de ser maisvamente repudiado
Russia-China Trade Up 20.8% in 2017  So.. they were not collapsing  & trembling of fear to US?

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

Irán        La crisis de legitimidad del totalitarismo religioso  Nazanín Armanian
ARG       Etchecolatz y Hess: una lección moral  Atilio A. Boron
Libro      "El laberinto mundial de la información"  Ramón Reig, Aurora Labio
Econ      -Capitalismo mundializado: "oligarcofeudalismo"  Leandro Andrini
África    -Che Guevara en Congo  David Seddon
Cuba      - propuesta ciudadana:  Newton y la Ley de Prensa  José Raúl Gallego
                --Comunicado ante la situación de Ana Belén Montes
USA       -Migrantes, rehenes políticos   Editorial de La Jornada
P Rico    -Los Cuerpos de María  Mattathias Schwartz
MX         -Nueva crisis humanitaria en Chiapas:  En plena disputa territorial
Mund    -Guerras: cuando el hambre se nutre de hambre  Olivier Longué
                -Coreas: Primer paso de un largo camino  Unidad en el deporte
                -PAL: defensa del Derecho Internacional en el caso palestino  R P
                --Kurdistán:  La revolución tiene cara de mujer  Guido Luppino
Eso no dijeron los nativos de pilgims: emigr llegados de Europa.. lo dijo el Pres más .. del USA
Es cierto y lo resumo así:
1ro : Quedo probado que la disciplina y orden imperial basado en el chantaje nuclear y dispendio militar es obsoleto. Eso evidencia quiebra no solo ética, tecnológica e institucional a nivel global, sino además muestra la debacle de una hegemonía imperial que solo dejo mucha destrucción y muerte. 

2do: Quedo probado que la auto-defensa contra la agresión imperial depende no solo de la unidad interna del pueblo, también de acciones concretas que exigen valentía y disposición de entrega de  la vida en una causa nacional-popular y mundial: la derrota del imperio. Soy americano pero detesto el poder de los grandes billonarios que hoy destruyen el mundo con su gula neoliberal. Por eso  admiro la proeza del pueblo norcoreano que no se arrodillo frente al agresor más vil de la historia mundial.

3ro: quedo abierto el camino para hacer realidad la utopía de la unidad de las 2 Coreas: Se acaba de dar el 1er paso al anunciarse que las 2 Coreas presentaran un solo equipo en la olimpiadas de Invierno. Los deportes fueron y serán siempre el mejor evento de Paz y unidad de las naciones del mundo entero. Esto si une y mucho más que las Res de la  ONU y las declaraciones huecas de la diplomacia de geo-políticos. Todos los pueblos mundo estamos listos para celebrar la victoria de la unidad de ambas Coreas, la del  Norte y Sur. El 1er paso ha sido dado y el resto consiste en hacer camino al andar. Caminaremos juntos pues esta victoria será la más grande derrota del imperio.
Hugo-Adan. enero 12 del 2018

Global situation described by Iranian observers..


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