lunes, 15 de enero de 2018

JAN 15 18 SIT EC y POL

JAN 15 18 SIT EC y POL
ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Central banks have guaranteed a bubble collapse is the only possible output of the system they've created...

The psychology of blowoff tops in asset bubbles is fascinating: let's start with the first requirement of a move qualifying as a blowoff top, which is the vast majority of participants deny the move is a blowoff top.

See chart…  Exhibit 1: a chart of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJ-30):

The few who do grudgingly acknowledge this parabolic move might be a blowoff top are positive that it has many more months to run. This is the second requirement of qualifying as a blowoff top: the widespread confidence that the Bull advance has years more to run, and if not years, then many months.

Consider the psychology in play: central bankers have sought to convince private-sector players that central banks will never let markets decline, and so the smart strategy was to buy the dips, and buy every new high--in essence buy, buy, buy and don't bother hedging long positions, as there was no need to squander money on hedges against declines that would never happen.
Now the central banks are facing runaway asset bubbles that are the direct consequence of their promoting the belief that "central banks will never let markets go down."

The last four days have seen the US Dollar plunge 2% - the biggest drop since June 2016, pushing precariously close to its weakest since January 2015.

The last four days have seen the US Dollar plunge 2% - the biggest drop since June 2016...

As the chart suggests, there is a key driver of the dollar's moves. China's FX policy!
However: One might argue that the Renminbi has been a more stable store of value to the Dollar in recent months.

The Dollar weakness is dragging the Euro higher, entirely decoupled from rate-differentials (once again)

And at the same time, hedge funds and other speculative investors have amassed the heaviest long positions on the euro ever, according to the latest CFTC data.

And as The Dollar Index plunges, so Emerging Market FX strengthens...
Led by a resurgence in the Mexican Peso, MSCI EM FX Index is now at its strongest since 2011.
 See chart …  at the source of this art.

With US markets closed for holiday, it has been a quiet European session, with Asia similarly subdued, while continued USD weakness, now in its 4th consecutive day, has been the main focus as Bloomberg’s dollar index approached its lowest level in three years.

Seudo democ y sist  duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s  full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambiarlo

"How come there is no recognition that the promotion of multi-culturalism militates against the idea of a national common culture - e pluribus unum (out of many, one) - leaving nothing for any people to assimilate into? "

Donald Trump is certainly a vulgar fellow of questionable intelligence, and the country might be better off with someone else in the White House, but where exactly would that leave black America? We’re not going to re-run the civil rights campaign of the 1960s, which culminated in explicit federal laws that abolished the southern state’s Jim Crow laws.
What is government supposed to do now to improve the lives of black America?

OPEN to listen the answer

Was challenging the US warfare state the third rail that cost MLK his life?

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Geopolitics & Econ-Pol crisis that leads to more business-wars:  its profiteers US-NATO


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3




Geopolitics & the nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Syrian Deputy FM to Sputnik: Turkey Must Withdraw Its Forces, Stop Interference
Arequipa,  Ayacucho and Ica regions hit

Latino America looking for alternatives to neoliberalism to break with Empire: 

                - Niños palestinos:  Aqui no vuelan las mariposas  Juan Rosales
                - Medio Oriente en movimiento  Guillermo Almeyra
África    Ejércitos en la sombra  Ramzy Baroud
Econ      Varufakis: Crisis es más profunda, tóxica, y permanente"  Marina E
                -Tráfico de seres humanos en la base del capitalismo   Jesús Aller
MX         -La izquierda puede ganar en México  Emir Sader
                - La guerra sucia vuelve a México con JJ Rendón  Álvaro Verzi
ALC        -Nicaragua. La república pendiente  Sergio Ramírez
                -Perú  ¿Qué significa reconciliación política para PPK?  José Suarez
                -Endeudamiento externo en Latino-Am: ¿piedra o salvavidas? Lucía
-Papa Fco viaja a Chile y Perú eL 2018 2 paises Cat que perd su F-Arg
                Asbesto:  “ 70% de obreros astilleros victimas del amianto”  Paty  H
USA       -El peor presidente de Estados Unidos  Rómulo Pardo Silva
                - "I Have a Dream" (Tengo un sueño) Martin Luther King
                - Trump: disculpas obligadas  Los idiotas tienen derecho a no pedirla
ARG       -Panorama político-sindical:  Misión imposible  Mario Hernandez
BRA        -Condena a Lula, consolidación del golpe  Vanessa Dourado
                - MTST: “El 2018 es necesario barrer la agenda golpe”  Gisele Peres
COL        -El poder de la derecha colombiana  Javier Calderón
                -Siguen las capturas masivas e indiscriminadas contra el ELN
RT           Comienza gira del papa Fco por Chile y Perú  En su pais ARG no lo quieren
Siria indico que no necesita la ayuda de ningún invasor en sus país

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

Syria says 'resolved' to end US military  presence; Russia, Turkey warn over 'border force' plan
Russia 'not to support what US trying to  to change Iran nuclear deal: Lavrov

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