sábado, 30 de septiembre de 2017

SEP 30 17 SIT EC y POL

SEP 30 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Labor’s share of the national income is in free-fall as a direct result of the optimization of financialization...

The Achilles Heel of our socio-economic system is the secular stagnation of earned income, i.e. wages and salaries. Stagnating wages undermine every aspect of our economy: consumption, credit, taxation and perhaps most importantly, the unspoken social contract that the benefits of productivity and increasing wealth will be distributed widely, if not fairly.

This chart shows that labor’s declining share of the national income is not a recent problem, but a 45-year trend: despite occasional counter-trend blips, labor (earnings from labor/ employment) has seen its share of the economy plummet regardless of the political or economic environment.

This chart shows that labor’s declining share of the national income is not a recent problem, but a 45-year trend: despite occasional counter-trend blips, labor (earnings from labor/ employment) has seen its share of the economy plummet regardless of the political or economic environment.

Given the gravity of the consequences of this trend, mainstream economists have been struggling to explain it, as a means of eventually reversing it.


...For the benefit of the elites; not the rest of us...

We can add a third certainty to the two standard ones (death and taxes): The rules will suddenly change when a financial crisis strikes.

The Continuing Financial Crisis

Financial crises are inevitable, and the state (which includes the central bank) seeks to limit the crisis by taking control of the market. 

Examples include: closing the stock market, declaring a bank holiday, issuing a new currency, fixing wages and prices, and banning short selling.

In the current financial crisis that started in 2008 (and that has yet to end), central banks and states have largely avoided these outright takeovers of the market in favor of a more subtle strategy of controlling the markets while maintaining the appearance of “free markets.”

In Part 2: How To Defend Against An Unfair Re-Set Of The System, we’ll examine the ways the U.S. state and central bank have already extended control over the market—for example, via the mass purchase of assets by central banks (see accompanying chart)-- and what additional controls they will likely impose as the simmering crisis erupts anew in the years ahead.

We’ll also look at what we mere commoners can do to protect ourselves from the inevitable risks and unanticipated calamities this centralized control will unleash.
Click here to read the report (free executive summary, enrollment required for full access)

"Although shocks (political and other) keep arriving in the market, they seem to be appearing at what looks like predictable time intervals. Practically every week, there is a new issue that eclipses the previous one, and we lose interest in past issues, before there is any semblance of resolution."

If we isolate the last 15 years, US productivity growth is on par with what an agrarian slave economy was able to achieve 200 years ago... Perhaps this is why...

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

RUSO-PHOBIA IS ON… PLEASE  Pres.Trump: kill this hate to have peace in our Nation

"This isn't new, this is the Kremlin playbook. They have been exacerbating racial tensions in the US [for years]... There is nothing more important than the regulation of these American companies... that are making a lot of money, dominating our lives, hiding behind a lot of intellectual arguments...American democracy is under siege and they are hiding behind intellectual arguments."
"To succeed in journalism means you have to join the elites in NYC or DC, you have to play the game. You have to get on Twitter and signal how journalisty you are.... comment on breaking news regardless of the validity of the information. You have to pile on the tweet everyone else is jumping on... You have to mock those who hold different views... be snide...be nasty. You have to signal to everyone else just how in the know you are."

Where did all this money come from?

"This isn't new, this is the Kremlin playbook. They have been exacerbating racial tensions in the US [for years]... There is nothing more important than the regulation of these American companies... that are making a lot of money, dominating our lives, hiding behind a lot of intellectual arguments... American democracy is under siege and they are hiding behind intellectual arguments."

“Increasingly, the weight of the current political environment burdens the hearts and minds of Americans and causes anxiety, preoccupation, deepening depression, feelings of helplessness and despair, disgust and horror,” the hyperbolic warning declares.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Whatever doesn't kill bitcoin - and many have tried in the past month to do just that - has a habit of making it stronger...

"The Turkish representative promised us (months before the referendum) that harsh political measures will be adopted against Kurdistan but that no economic sanctions would be seriously considered.  After all it is up to Turkey to stop sending its oil tankers to recover our oil production at a cheap price if Erdogan considers it a practical move within his own economy."

"if Catalonia secedes from Spain...in terms of the debt sustainability parameters laid down by the Treaty of Maastricht,  it’d be the Eurozone debt crisis 2.0..."

Following a report that North Korea was again observed moving several missiles from a rocket facility in the capital Pyongyang, rising speculation of an imminent launch, the Trump administration acknowledged for the first time that it is in direct communication with the government of North Korea.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Why America Acts So Goddamn Crazy    By Caitlin Johnstone


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


The World According to Jesse  Policing the Police

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

COL        Desigualdad social en Colombia  Hedelberto López
                “Si no tomamos conciencia hoy, no tomaremos agua mañana” HA Torres
Spain     Clase, hegemonía e independentismo catalán  Marc Casanovas et.al
ARG       Ent a Bettina Müller y Darío Farcy   ¡¡¡Fuera la OMC de Argentina  M H
                Argentina: de regreso a octubre   Bárbara Ester
Cuba: Vitoreado por mafiosos, terroristas y mercenarios  Paso atrás de Trump
Ref del 1-O en Catalunya   El Procés  Paco Letamendia
Aun si hay violencia, Catalunya ha ganado ya y pronto recogerá los frutos.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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