miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

SEP 13 17 SIT EC y POL

SEP 13 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Investors should not be fooled. This is serious and creates massive long-term problems..."

Following a weak 30Y auction, headlines struck that special prosecutor Robert Mueller is said to have "red hot" focus on social media with Bloomberg reporting his team probing Russia-backed fake news on social media. The instant reaction was dollar weakness and gold strength.

Concluding this week's series of lousy Treasury auctions was today's reopening of $12 billion in 29-Year-11-month Bonds due August 2047, which priced in line with the previous poor 3Y and 10Y auctions, printing at a high yield of 2.790%, a tail of 0.3bps to the 2.787% When Issued, and the lowest yield since last October's 2.47%.

"We still see a high likelihood for a second corrective pullback into early October; in this case we would see the SPX breaking its 2016 bull trend, which at least short-term would produce some kind of market volatility."

"More than $51trillion at risk if rates vol spikes and yields move higher... we have seen the global fixed income market growing to the largest size it has ever been."
Car-US-monopolists 1st blocked & then bought OB’project for electric car. Will they do it with Trump?

Since they can’t sell electric cars – not enough of them, anyhow – and not without subsidies so huge they amount to outright bribes – the solution appears to be to outlaw all cars except electric cars.

[[ China prohibió los carros poluters porque el Estado representa intereses de la Nacion..  Aquí el FED y el Senado representan  intereses  monopólicos  ]]

"While we don’t know whether the price of cryptocurrencies will go up or down in the near-term, the history of currencies, governments and financial fraud tells us that the future for crypto-currencies will likely not be bright."
Lo único que vendemos “bien” (ex. Thadd missiles in S-K)  son armas de destrucción masiva

WTI and RBOB prices are higher this morning following API's reported the biggest gasoline draw in history (compared to EIA data). Of course, disruptions (Florida demand and Texas supply) remain dominant but DOE reports a massive 8.4mm draw in Gasoline inventories - the biggest draw ever.


OMB Director Mick Mulvaney told Fox Business this morning that the target date for the release of details around a renewed tax plan is September 25th (presumably 2017) and that has triggered USD-buying and gold-selling.


“You have massive risk at these levels... just don’t like 10-year Treasuries at this level, they don’t have any business being down here..."

Otra cosa en la que no va bien son las mentiras en la prensa .. & we’re proud of it

“When it becomes serious, you have to lie...”
Pero las verdades  siempre se imponen:

Despite significant acceleration year-over-year - thanks to a 9.5% surge in gasoline costs producer price appreciation in August disappointed expectations. PPI Final Demand YoY accelerated from 1.9% to 2.4% (but fell below the 2.5% expectation), rising only 0.2% MoM.

When will America finally wake up?
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

A new bombshell joint report issued by two international weapons monitoring groups Tuesday confirms that the Pentagon continues to ship record breaking amounts of weaponry into Syria and that the Department of Defense is scrubbing its own paper trail.

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

NO AL WW3!  LIBEREMOS D-SERINE del cerebro de ratones


Ya no tendremos que escuchar los disparates de Trump (es cierto que mejoro la venta de WMD, pero nos puso al borde del WW3).  Todo fue una falla siquiátrica en la cabecita de ratón de Trump, para lo que si hay cura, dicen los científicos de  “Tufts Medicine” en su revista Medica de Summer 20/17, Vol 75.N.2. (Ver Art “A New Hope” de David Levin).

Ya antes otros médicos indicaron que el caso de Trump es paranoia esquizofrénica. La buena Noticia del hoy es que ese tipo de “schizophrenia” si tiene cura. Todo es question de soltar un quimico cerebral denominado  “D-serine” existente en todo cerebro. El experimento ya se hizo en otros ratones, ahora es cuestión de aplicarlo en la ratonera de Trump, digo, en su cerebro.

Hay que pedirle a Trump que someta a estudio su cerebro por el bien de humanidad. Pero como eso no le interesa  a Trump creo que el FED podría usar la mentirita conocida como “FedGibberish!” con él. Y si se les pasa la mano y se les va, pedirle que antes del experimento Trump done su cerebro a la “ciencia medica” para que en su “day after” la ciencia siga avanzando. 

Ademas, ese quimico “D-serine” podría ayudarlo a recuperar memoria, indican los médicos de Tufts.

Se olvido Trump –si alguna vez le intereso la historia - que Korea ya sufrió la barbarie terrorista “guerra” de nuestros exportadores de “democracia”. 

El terrorismo “guerras imperiales”  explica  la necesidad de N-Korea de armarse para evitar otra, como lo amenaza Trump.

EVITEMOS LA GUERRA  WW3! .. Presionemos para Liberar el “D-serine” del cerebro de los ratones.


"The adoption of another illegal and evil ‘resolution on sanctions’ piloted by the U.S. served as an occasion for the DPRK to verify that the road it chose to go down was absolutely right. The DPRK will redouble the efforts to increase its strength to safeguard the country’s sovereignty and right to existence"

"What do you expect? Should we wait for you? We take care of ourselves in every security point. We are taking precautions and we will continue to do so," Turkey's president Erdogan said addressing Western opposition to Turkey's just concluded deal to buy Russian advanced surface to air missiles.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

China and Russia Warn the U.S. By Ting Shi and David Tweed
Do Not to Seek North Korean Regime Change
U.S. Senate Votes For More War   By Connor O'Brien



The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Econ      Oportunidades para un cambio del paradigma  Pablo José Martínez
ALC        Guatemala:   Congreso acuerda la impunidad  Giorgio Trucchi
                ARG: El movimiento obrero en una encrucijada  Gmo Caviasca
                Chile:   ¿Qué es y qué no es la Renta Básica Universal?  C R
Mundo -La Ruta de la Seda  Mario Hernandez
Neoliberalismo cubano: lo definible y lo verificable
   P Monreal
COL        Lo del papa   Antonio Caballero
                Justicia e impunidad, memoria rebelde  Camila Umaña

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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