jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2017

SEP 28 17 SIT EC y POL

SEP 28 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"If one describes Bitcoin as a fraud, how would one describe a ‘financial cloud’ that is at least 4x-5x larger than the underlying economies? It is unlikely that US$400 trillion+ of financial instruments circulating around the world would ever be repaid..."

"Although our leadership is too polite to say it out loud, they've embraced stagnation as the new quasi-official policy. The reason is tragi-comically obvious: any real reform would threaten the income streams gushing into untouchably powerful self-serving elites and fiefdoms."


"Expectations tend to be prone to exaggerations in boom phases. The optimistic projections of the trends outlined above create ever-greater price fantasies. However, should sentiment change or interest rates increase, a correction is practically inevitable. In the past, rising interest rates almost always triggered a crash in housing markets."

"The U.S. economy is not as solid as it appears... Statistical anomalies hide profound weakness."

An ugly 2Y auction (with the highest yield since 2008) on Tuesday, a mediocre 5Y auction yesterday, and now a blistering 7Y auction, in which the Treasury sold $28 billion in "curve belly" notes at a high yield of 2.13%, stopping through the When Issued by a surprisingly strong 1.1bps, the highest since April.
No quieren ser cazados como Conejos cuando la ira del CRASH se lance sobre ellos

"Dear friends, I recently decided to close my funds and return capital to investors (excerpts from my letter to them are below). It was a hard decision, but the right one."

Despite the expert guidance of one Ben Bernanke, the world's once most levered hedge fund, Citadel, is reportedly returning money to some global hedge-fund clients.

"...the stock market hitting one all-time high after another, despite all the economic headwinds, shows the public is in a 'delusional phase'... we no longer know how to price risk...It’s almost pure speculation at this point, and maybe straight out gambling..."

"A bull market is like sex. It feels best just before it ends." - Warren Buffett

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Maybe Elon Musk had a point…

"Our culture is one of extreme superficiality. This is exactly why so many people lose their minds over NFL players taking a knee, but could never be driven to such burning outrage over a war launched based on falsehoods that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis...Politicians and oligarchs encourage such superficiality..."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Cut all business with the US?

Chinese authorities on Thursday ordered all North Korean firms to stop doing business in the world's second-largest economy...

Fitch has downgraded Deutsche Bank to BBB+ from A- due to continued pressure on earnings, combined with concerns over the prolonged implementation of its recovery strategy.

The Syrian Kurds are waiting to see how the world will react to Iraqi Kurdistan to draw conclusions about their own next move.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



William Blum   The Plague of Nationalism
Michael J. Sainato  The DNC’s Superdelegate Problem

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Keiser Report  Episode 1129  Max & Stacy on JPMorgan’s CEO calling  bitcoin a fraud

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

MX         Estado patán o las cajas vacías de Peña Nieto   Oscar Ariel
Econ      Discusion sobre el fin del capitalismo y lo que vendrá  Claudia Cinatti
                A la búsqueda del progreso sin crecimiento  Antón Costas
ALC        Guatemala   La patria del criollo y CODECA   Ollantay Itzamná
                BRA  ¿Estamos ya en plena dictadura civil?  Leonardo Boff
BRA  ¿Crecer a costa de la Amazonia?  Rodrigo da Costa Sales   
M-East  ¡Ciudadanos del mundo, venid a Palestina!  Ramón Pedregal
                Irma en el tejado: desastres, pobreza, y desarrollo en Cuba  Pedro
COL        Detenciones y tortura:   Facetas de una misma práctica
Todas las miradas sobre Cataluña El mundo está con Uds y el pueblo USA también
La vida secreta de Ri Sol, la esposa del líder norcoreano Es hermosa y no es secreto. Eso basta

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Hong Kong protesters demand full democracy  Worldwide democ is control ruling class interes
Pure Democ doesn’t exist. Here is control by the FED n 2 ruling oligarchical parties
Freedom of speech and self-determination:  the legal core of their fight.
They will win. They can use mail-vote, even credit card to deliver their vote
With confessed terrorists there are only 2 choices: life vs. death
Israel is a terrorist state.. supported by a terrorist empire. Their days are counted
Iraq's Kurdistan refuses to handover airports if Kurds obey empire policies, they will be crash
Trump not 'fit to serve as US president':  we fall in “lesser-evil” trap. Hillary was & is worse
Impacts of identity crisis on society  global, nation & indiv rights at stake
International Day of Peace   one day vs years of imperial wars
If we all move to streets.. that will sentence the evil empire. The rest is “arm peace”

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