domingo, 10 de septiembre de 2017

SEP 10 17 SIT EC y POL

SEP 10 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Keiser Report  Episode 1121  MUST LISTEN
Max and Stacy ask, “RIP, Petrodollar?” China readies a Yuan-priced oil benchmark backed by gold. Is this the final nail in the dollar’s coffin? In the second half, Max interviews Michael Pento of

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Over the decadesthe entire economy’s been warped by the constant expansion of government debt.  Take it away, and the economy crumbles.  Continue its current trajectory and the economy blows upThat’s the government debt paradox we presently live with.  Pick your poison.  Enjoy the ride!"

"That 'deal' has effectively nullified any leverage the Republicans had to strong-arm a deal on taxes later this year...The markets are figuring it out as well..."

Well, here is the updated chart of the 4-week net change to the Fed’s balance sheet. As you can see, reinvestments have, once again, returned to the market in a very“timely” fashion. Of course, since the Fed claims they are not trying to, nor are they influenced by, the markets, this is purely coincidental. (#SarcasmAlert)

The good news this week is that the market maintained last week’s advance despite the one-day tantrum earlier this week. Interestingly, since the election, the market has ratcheted higher in slightly more than 3% increments with each move higher followed by a drawn-out consolidation process that runs primarily along the 50-75 dma. The last sell-off tested, and held, the 100-dma but stayed within the confines of the consolidation process. The 2400 level on the S&P 500 remains the clear “warning level” for investors currently.

But this short-term bullish backdrop is offset by intermediate-term bearish underpinnings as shown by the next two charts. With an intermediate-term momentum sell-signal in place, combined with overbought conditions, continues to suggest further gains from this point will likely remain limited and more volatile to obtain. That statement DOES NOT preclude the markets reaching new highs, it just suggests that downside corrective risks outweigh the potential currently for further gains.

The bigger concern continues to be the internal deterioration of the markets as the number of stocks on bullish “buy signals” and the number of stocks above their 200-dma continue to deteriorate. Again, this is more supportive of a continued correctionary process versus a reversal and strong push higher in asset prices. 

We agree with Howard Marks who recently stated:
It’s time for caution, not a full-scale exodus.
‘Move forward, but with caution.'” 

Signs, Signs, Everywhere A Sign

You don’t have to look very hard to see a rising number of signs that suggest the“Trump Trade” has come to its inevitable conclusion.

Following the election, this past November the financial markets rallied sharply on the hopes of major policy reforms and legislative agenda coming out of Washington.

Eleven months later, the markets are still waiting as the Administration has remained primarily embroiled in Washington politics with a divisive, Republican controlled, House and Senate. While there are still “hopes” the Administration will pass through tax reform, the failure to “rally the troops” to repeal the Affordable Care Act leaves permanent tax cuts an unlikely outcome. That hopeful outcome was further exacerbated with the deal cut between President Trump and leading Democrats to lift the debt ceiling and fund the Government through December. That “deal” has effectively nullified any leverage the Republicans had to strong-arm a deal on taxes later this year.

The markets are figuring it out as well.

If you want to know where the economy is headed over the next few months, you don’t have to look much further than interest rates. Since interest rates are ultimately driven by the demand for credit, and that demand is driven by economic growth, their historical correlation is no surprise.

But like I said, if you want to know where GDP is going to be in the months ahead, keep a close watch on rates. I suspect, before year-end, we will see rates below 2.0%.

The recent decline in the dollar, which is likely to continue, suggests that economic growth will weaken in the months ahead.


"...$40 trillion of 'assets' in a system with only $2 trillion in equity..."

After a week of arguing if the EUR is overvalued and whether the ECB will pinpoint this, we get back to the crux of the matter, which is USD weakness. We have seen US Treasury yield pressed back to levels seen in the aftermath of president Trump's, victory, but we have had two 25bp hikes in the US since then and as such, reflation has been completely priced out and more.
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Aquí y en N-K  (a la vez) puede empezar el WW3. Están los 2 frentes ya preparados?  Creo que si.

One year ago the US bombed Syrian Army positions in Deir Ezzor as ISIS advanced. Will there be a repeat as both sides vie for post-ISIS territory? 

[[ Esto no debe ocurrir de Nuevo. Muy posible que el Frente RU evite que ocurra. La aviación Israelí querrá eliminar Assad bombardeando Damasco y a Hezbollah en Lebanon. No creo que ataque a Iran, pero podría ocurrir. Como RU lo evitara?, no lo sabemos. Quiza golpenado directamente la maquinaria USA ya instalada en Syria e Iraq y golpeando también la aviación Israeli en su propio suelo. Esto podría ser un choque de Frentes. Veremos que pasa. Lo que sí sabemos es que China se dispone  a defender N-K. Ver nota abajo.]]

"The bigger picture behind Official Washington’s hysteria over Russia, Syria and North Korea is the image of a decaying but dangerous American hegemon resisting the start of a new multipolar order..."

[[ El fuego trajo vida y alumbro noches oscuras.. quien pretendió monopolizarlo trajo lo inverso. Lo mismo ocurrió con el monopolio temporal del arma más avanzada. Con las nucleares hemos llegado al final de esa historia. La unica opción que tenemos es el desarme universal. Pero, a nadie le podemos exigir que se desarme si lo que queremos es asaltarlo con la nuestra. O bien  todos se arman o todos se desarman. Es la unica manera de evitar más guerras, destrucción y barbarie. Antes se intentó el desarme y hubo traición. Es claro ya que el WW3 será la última barbarie humana y si alguien queda con vida, ojala este armado y evite que quien lucro con ella  quede impune. Ese es un imperativo histórico y de conciencia en el que todos debemos asumir responsabilidad  desde hoy:  debemos sancionar a los inhumanos. De lo contrario, lo volverán a hacer. Armemos la paz desde ahora!.]]
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

China has told administration officials that if the U.S. strikes North Korea first, Beijing would back Pyongyang, a senior military official told NBC

An Iranian warship confronted an American warship in the Gulf and warned it to stay away from a damaged Iranian fishing boat, Iran's Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday, but the U.S. Navy denied any direct contact with Iranian forces.

While a full scale oil embargo against North Korea is unlikely, the reality is that North Korea would be able to survive such a measure with comparative ease.

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view

Lo que viene es el WW3 si el US-NATO atacan Korea del Norte
Down to Business: US to Make Billions in Arms Sales to Fraught Korean Peninsula

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives



Como ciudadano (aunque no catalán) forzoso del Reino de España 

Por  Acacio Puig 

Se aproxima la convocatoria, el 1 de Octubre, del Referéndum Catalán y con ella la urgencia de tomar posición. Es el caso de quienes no siendo catalanes somos ciudadanos forzados y forzosos del reino de España, los “legalmente atados” por la Constitución de 1978.

Hubo leyes claramente antidemocráticas y prácticas democráticas que no están respaldadas por ninguna ley o que, para hacerlas posible, es preciso desbordar el marco legal.
Catalunya  Comunes, ¿y si el dilema está equivocado?  Jordi Serrano
Mario Benedetti dijo: "Cuando creíamos tener las respuestas, nos cambian las preguntas".
La hora de la verdad  Esther Vivas   “El Govern debe ir hasta el final. Buscar una alternativa, como en el 2014, sería un fraude”.  Al desgobierno ya le llego su final, su dictadura de ultimo min es un Fraude
Los comunes y el programa  Josep Maria Antentas “Lo que importa más que la letra del programa, es la manera en que se concibe en la práctica viva”, lo dijo Rosa Luxemburgo.  Fundada el pasado 8 de abril, y ya con nombre definitivo desde el pasado 21 de mayo, Catalunya en Común nació con una elaboración programática y la estratégica se reconstruirá en la acción. Se hace camino al andar.
Peru  Entrevista a Pedro Castillo   Huelga en la enseñanza en Perú  Tito Praso. Entrevista realizada por Tito Prado, dirigente nacional del MNP, a Pedro Castillo Terrones, Presidente de Comité Nacional de Lucha de las Bases Regionales del SUTEP
Hasta la madre tierra juega al terrorism.. sera ese el tit for tat a abusos Petro de Big-Corp?

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

Nightmare.. bad dream. His political life is in ‘extinction’
Rouhani urges Venezuelans to unite against US  VEN is against US.. What about Rouhani?
IRAN needs to join VEN  rebellion.. no to act by convenience

NATO is involve in US’ THADD business in S-Korea & direct-involve on US sanction & missiles to RU. Any truthful negotiation with NATO implies their removal of those policies, if not, will be wiped out
UK warns of 'miscalculation' in North Korea standoff   which one?  US or the tit for tat. All is set.
'Muslims unity key to permanent global peace'  Global Peace with those who wants to kill you?
Germans hold anti-war protest near US base  That is good but late.. just remove NATO from Germ
UN condemns Saudi killing of Yemeni civilians  UN has been captured by Nato allies, it is obsolete
Hezbollah ready to withstand Israeli aggression  They need nukes to set effective deterrence

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