lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

Traders are asking whether "this time will be different:, or inversely, will today's market reaction will be a carbon copy of what happened last Monday, when stocks gapped sharply lower on North Korea missile launch fears, only to surge 1% by the end of the week.
I doubt on this news: fake USD n bitcoins has same freed n power & China focus is against USD

Ethereum and bitcoin are crashing this morning, after China confirmed (??) its recent threat of an ICO crackdown, when the central bank said [ where ] on Monday that initial coin offerings are illegal and disrupt financial markets. "This is a positive move given the rapid proliferation of low quality and possibly fraudulent coin sales promising the moon."
[[ Besides.. it is easy to know when a bitcoin is fraud or not  .. visit “Fuck” coin  ]]

"...That’s what’s really bothering me about Trump, his hypocrisy, because when Trump was a candidate and he got elected because by and large he told the truth about the phony nature of the recovery... and the stock market..."

While stocks have been limping higher since around 2amET (following headlines on an imminent ICBM launch) they remain lower from Friday's close and precious metals the biggest gainers of post-North Korean "hydrogen bomb" testing safe haven flows.

RBOB Gasoline futures tumbled to their lowest level in almost a week overnnight as several US Gulf Coast refineries reported their plans to restart operations after the devastation of Hurricane Harvey forced them to shutdown.
WS’ rulers try to put in the mind of people that WW3 is inevitable & nothing with happen to us

Traditionally, 3-5% selloffs in the S&P 500 have occurred on average every 2-3 months. By comparison, the current rally has now gone 10 months without even a modest a 3% correction, "making it the 3rd longest since World War II without one."

"If the Donald really wanted to address the economic pain in Flyover America he would slash or eliminate the payroll tax and replace it with a VAT...

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working, it is...
[[ N-K is not the target of US foreign policy. CHINA is & they will respond.. So the US is pressing to start WW3 and that will be the most irresponsible act  from our regime.. US’people and  the world is in favor  of  Peace-negotiations. If we open the Pandora box of WW3 we won’t be able to control its evil spirits via peace. Only the fire of nukes can extinguish it and we’re an open society .. easy target, as it is China and RU and they won’t survive this fire. RU has to cancel Futbol games and we too. Ashame of us if we are to do so.. And all this to benefit few big Corp that profit by selling weapons and war..  What a waste of humanity ]]

"...enough is enough... the time for half-measures is over... it is begging for war..."  
[[ I don’t think she said so from her heart .. Is she a mother?.. She is paid to say so.]]
USA and China are plying with FALSE FLAGS.. this don’t cause surprise nor anger to any one.

"To what extent can/might China exercise guidance and control? It rather suited them to watch Trump fulminating and leave him embarrassed. That may no longer be true. It rather looks like the North Koreans are not playing to the script – clearly catching China as surprised and angry."

Hugo Adan. Sept 4/20/17

We are again breaking the rules of JUST WAR , if we proceed to the attack (direct or indirectly) to N-K. Before war.. (just at bellum)  the one who carry the banner of Peace is the winner (Sun Tzu plus comments by great novelist on War and Peace from France and RU .. and by von Clausewitz.  In the theory of JUST WAR  there 4 justifications for going to war and none of them apply to current context (US-NK)  not only because we are already in a process of war. Quickly Check the 4:

A- Proper authority. We do not have it (we commit crimes of war unpunished: Hirosh-Nag, plus the bombing in Irak, Libya and Syria) and the UN doesn’t have it either (a-key post & dynamic has been controlled by the US , and b- the UN was unable to stop recent US-NATO allies in Yemen and other places). 

B- Just cause: we never have it. That we have is nasty business of selling weapons and fostering wars that favor few big Corp profits.

C- Right Intent.. most of our wars were based on lies and false-flags, like the one today.

D- Peaceful End.. our wars only destroyed entire Nation-States and keep their population as migrants and misery, like the one in Afghanistan, Syria and others. 

The theory of JUST WAR also provide justification for acts during war (Just in Bello). It explicitly state the main act during war is “Proportionality”. All the violence and crimes we commit during never ever respect this principle, since our nuke attack on JAPAn. There is not proportionality between the US weapons power and a small part of the country like N-Korea that reacted against the installation of Thadd semi-nuke missiles inside South Korea. Besides nukes, we have supply biological and chemical weapons for Sadam Hussein to attack Iran and we are doing the same in favor of ISIS to change and destroy Assad regime in Syria. All this has been documented properly by different credible reports.

"I am saddened by how the FBI’s reputation has been tarnished by the poor judgement and ethics of its leadership.  I know I’m not the only retired (or serving) FBI special agent who is concerned about Mr. McCabe’s conflicts of interest on the Clinton email matter.  The agency seems to be illegally hiding records about this scandal, which is why I’m heading to court with Judicial Watch."
So Deep, It's Sunk?  On the Clinton’ corrupt clan

"If this is the best the supposed all-powerful deep state could come up with, then the deep state isn’t nearly as powerful as supposed. The way this affair was handled buttresses that conclusion, because it opens deep staters to serious legal liability. Before the election they thought they would be shielded by a Clinton administration, but now they’re wide open to prosecution her for a number of possible crimes. "

"The US work force continues to develop a Third Word complexion of lowly paid part-time domestic service employment. The American Dream continues its closedown..."
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

[[  NK: ultra-mini-power  compared to US, RU and others  ]]

Sunday's detonation was estimated to have been 100 kilotons or more, far more powerful than previous tests and the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. How does it compare with the warheads inside current U.S. and Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles?

"It's time for the U.N. Security Council to seriously consider ways to block North Korea's sources of foreign currency, including a halt to oil supplies to the North and a ban on its exportation of laborers," said South Korea president Moon during a telephone call with Vladimir Putin.

As tensions on the Korean Peninsula reach new heights with Pyongyang's latest nuclear test, Japan is planning for a possible mass evacuation of the nearly 60,000 Japanese citizens currently living in or visiting South Korea, Japan's Nikkei reports.

"The fact is clear that Turkey should not become a member of the EU..."

It is the reverse that happens.. Just “double speak”, the Orwellian Tactic

"What is definitely unacceptable to us is a situation in which on the one hand we work to resolve this issue peacefully but on the other hand our own interests are subject to sanctions and jeopardized," Chinese foreign ministry spokesman  Geng said at a regular briefing on Monday.

[[ We are at the beginning of war and when it starts all is a matter of kill or be killed. Take Sun Tzu: “insist on peace until last minute.. once they kill,  act quickly and directly on the weakest-strategic points of you enemy .. If don’t do it, they will continue attacking and you will be defeated”. Meaning: China and Russia will be destroyed and balkanized.. So, they have no other option than get ready to ACT. If Clausewitz is taken “destroy first their weapons and Tech & human capacity to respond”. History said that China-Russia are much more nationanalist -prompt to be united- than the US. War is ad-portas & when Lions fight, dears scape. It is happening now in the US.. no bunkers for them. ]]

The threat of total abandonment of NAFTA took on a second front this weekend as Canada’s biggest private-sector union said NAFTA should be scrapped if Mexico cannot agree to better labor standards.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen
Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Listen To Those "Or Elses"   By Eric Margolis
The Risk of NATO’s H-Bombs in Turkey   By Jonathan Marshall
Diseases of Despair   By Chris Hedges


The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Cuando converse con 2 maricas en Pittsburgh me di cuenta que no sabian que la bandera de 7 colores, los del arco iris, fue la bandera del Imperio Inca, con base en Cusco-Peru. Bandera que aun siguen siendo colocanda por encima de la bandera oficial de 2 colores (rojo y blanco). 

Historiadores dicen que la bandera “arco iris” significo INCLUSION, lo que ayudo a expandir el imperio por todo el SUR sin necesidad de guerras. Rara vez se usó la guerra: solo cuando los enviados del Inca para diseminar  sistemas de irrigación y escuelas, fueron atacados. La historia registra solo un ataque: la INTEGRACION PACIFICA  PREDOMINO.

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

Nuestra revolución rusa   Charles Michaloux y François Sabado
                Del ruido de sables al ruido de botas   Higinio Espergue
US-MX  Peña Nieto:   El flautista de Washington  Carlos Fazio
US          Por qué el huracán Harvey ha sido tan devastador?  Lisa Friedman,
                Crisis a la vista  La burbuja financiera que tiene sin cuidado a Donald Trump
Costos de la vida   (Re)pensar la ciudadanía para los ciudadanos A Torres
Femi      Una defensa marxista de la interseccionalidad  Sharon Smith
                Rep Domin  Ser mujer, ¿una condena?  Lilliam Oviedo
COL        Gobiernan para las transnacionales   Luis Gaitán

SI. Como? dando Nukes a los Big-Brics States y a VE. Why? MAD’ theory= best deterrence: Si todos la tienen nadie la usa. Si dos la tienen y uno jode al otro, los 2 desaparecen. Asi, todos los chantajes nucleares pierden sentido. Eso es lógico.. pero no funcional?  

Y que de la otra lógica disfuncional: Que nadie tenga nukes: desarme total. .. Ya se intentó y el US traiciono: Gorvachev fue al basurero de la historia.  

La real lógica del contexto actual: USA usa nukes para someter el mundo. N-K ya sufrió eso y ahora ha dicho BASTA! Tiene o no derecho a la defensa propia?.  Muchos en el US creemos que SI. Pienselo: Estoy seguro  me dara la razón.

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences

‘Militarists led by Mattis taking over US govt.’   La idiotez como razon de Estado
Colombia, ELN rebels agree ceasefire  Esta es la logica que el pueblo defiende
May ready to 'intensify' Brexit talks with EU Aqui otra logica de la estupidez
Get out of LATIN AMERICA.. WE have our own clowns, we don’t need you.
Los turcos hace rato que perdieron la brujula: no saben adonde van
US ready to nuke North Korea: White House  Read this up-side down:
Is N-K ready to bomb the White House?.. No yet.. harry up then
And please heat it when undesirables  are there.. no when Melania & her son is there
How much will Soros pay for each signature?  Where he plan to sell it?
Debate: North Korea nuclear test  Nothing to debate, unless Trump participate
That will entertain the whole universe. It will be the greatest circus of the century
Debate: North Korea nuclear test  Another tricky business ? 
Which Com is going to sell the plastic bags? Is not enough to sell weapons and pre-fix wars

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