lunes, 4 de septiembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The global market value of government bonds trading with negative yield within the JPM GBI Broad index rose to $7.4 trillion, up 60% from its low of $4.6 trillion at the beginning of the year.

If tax reform looks stalled, and we should find out in the next few weeks, is there any reason for Gary Cohn to stick around if he concludes he won’t be appointed Fed Chair?  We wonder... and how will markets react?
Stop bailouts is OK .. but not regulation and market law is stupid neoliberal view

The best way to regulate banks is to turn over regulatory control to the very exacting, and unsympathetic, order of the market. That is to have little to no regulations and one very specific and uncompromising provision: "There will be absolutely, unconditionally, categorically, no government funded bailouts."

“The rules of the global oil game may begin to change enormously..."

In an echo of last week's move following North Korea's teating of missiles across Japan's territory, futures markets are opening in a decidedly risk-off maneuver following North Korea's "hydrogen bomb" test. Dow Fall down 100 points, Gold jumping and Treasury bonds bid...

While VIX has collapsed so far this year - on path to set the lowest annual average ever a dramatic steepening of the term structure suggests it may not last.

"You might wonder what will stabilize used vehicle values going forward.... The answer, years of declining new vehicle sales and we are just getting started."
La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

" has become plain that some of NGOs workers are acting as something more than intermediaries. Many have in fact been acting as facilitators. This makes the NGOs effectively no more than the benign face of the smuggling networks. Undercover workers have also discovered NGOs handing vessels back to the smugglers' networks, effectively helping them to continue their criminal enterprise indefinitely." 
Are we a Nation of mercenaries?

“If you are paid $25.00 an hour to show up to a rally to 'counter' the other party using physical force and violence, you are not a 'counter protestor'. You are a mercenary...

While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working,  is it?...

While many in the United States firmly believe that the government just isn’t working, it is.  But it’s only working for the powerful and rich elites in the government and the media who have a desire to cling to their oppressive control of others and the money many are willing to allow them to steal.

The fight has never been between the republicans and the democrats.
According to Intellectual Takeout, the fight is between “us” and the deep state; not those on the right and those on the left.  More and more often we are seeing bureaucrats, lobbyists, and elected officials of both parties circle the wagons in an effort  to prevent any true reforms of the government. They constantly  write laws they exclude themselves from,  come up with inventive ways to tax us to our breaking point and destroy the healthcare system.  And this is all by design.

According to Joost Meerloo in his seminal book The Rape of the Mind, the author discusses the psychology of brainwashing that’s allowing every American to succumb to tyranny right before their eyes and not only not realize it, but beg for more oppression.  “The burning psychological question is whether man will eventually master his institutions so that these will serve him and not rule him,” said Meerloo in his discussion of the Deep State or the “administrative machine” published in 1956.

Meerlo describes the rise of the deep state as:

“… The development of a kind of bureaucratic absolutism is not limited, however, to totalitarian countries. A mild form of professional absolutism is evident in every country in the mediating class of civil servants who bridge the gap between man and his rulers.  [[ elected senators and other officials?]] Such a bureaucracy may be used to help or to harm the citizens it should serve.

It is important to realize that a peculiar, silent form of battle goes on in all of the countries of the world — under every form of government — a battle between the common man and the government apparatus he himself has created. In many places we can see that this governing tool, which was originally meant to serve and assist man, has gradually obtained more power than it was intended to have.

… Governmental techniques are no different from any other psychological strategy; the deadening hold of regimentation can take mental possession of those dedicated to it, if they are not alert. And this is the intrinsic danger of the various agencies that mediate between the common man and his government. It is a tragic aspect of life that man has to place another fallible man between himself and the attainment of his highest ideals.”

Meerlo goes on to say that the power of simply being in government will corrupt:

Being a high civil servant subjects man to a dangerous temptations, simply because he is a part of the ruling apparatus. He finds himself caught in the strategy complex. The magic of becoming an executive and a strategist provokes long-repressed feelings of omnipotence. A strategist feels like a chess player. He wants to manipulate the world by remote control. Now he can keep others waiting, as he was forced to wait himself in his salad days, and thus he can feel himself superior.–The Rape of the Mind

But what we are seeing now is not only the corruption of the government.

We are witnessing the deep state pulling the strings of every politician and fight to keep their power and moneyThe members of the Deep State are fighting for not only their jobs and their power but their sense of being. It is an ego boost to control entire populations.

Over many decades, the very government so many still trust to keep them safe has put in place compulsive orders, red tape, and regulations  while expanding exponentially to enforce what it creates and stealing more tax money to cover the rising costs. 

Even the politicians who we send to D.C. thinking that they represent us are ensnared in the game. They begin to play by the rules set forth by the Deep State; indeed, our elected officials even become dependent upon the Deep State.

So the question is, how do we combat the deep state and get our freedom back?
[[ ANSW:  via community’ organization we get  control over local representatives and via REFEREMDUMS to depose them if they betray community promises and expectations.  ]]


On Friday, the White House announced that Trump would make his decision whether to end the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), or "Dreamer, program on Tuesday. Well, we won't have to wait to long, because according to Politico, Trump has made the decision to end the DAVA program with a six-month delay.

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

A dosis of xino-fobia

"China is in a pre-crisis situation today... It is confronting the harsh logic of the 'Impossible Trinity'..."

"North Korea has conducted a major Nuclear Test. Their words and actions continue to be very hostile and dangerous to the United States..."??   [[ Danger to US or your stupid way of thinking?? ]]

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen

El pueblo sufre el guerrerism de Trump.. los ricos fabrican bunkers inside n outside. Stop WW3!
US Military Battles Syrian Rebels Armed by CIA By Jason Ditz Eso es part del terrorism imperial

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..

Es lo que quiere el SUR: sentar bases para Des-auton y con propia moneda. Adios a deuda USD!
A muchos nos avergüenza tener un Presid tan estúpido en su retórica e intenciones
Over 2,300 Tremors Now Recorded in Second-Biggest Yellowstone Supervolcano Earthquake Swarm to Date  Esto si debería preocuparle al Pres .. si desea realmente ser Pres ..Como proteger la nacion?
Boomers Step Aside: 13-Year-Old Running for Governor of Vermont  What is the problem? This one has better mental-age than Trump

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ARG       Dónde está Santiago Maldonado?    Nicolás Lantos
En Argentina la Justicia investiga la hipótesis de la desaparición forzada
Victoria electoral de Cambiemos  ¿Hegemonía y renovación?  Claudio Katz
Cuaderno postcrisis: 1   El fin de la crisis: algunos interrogantes   Albert Recio
RU          REV Rusa.  La intelectualidad y la clase obrera en 1917 (II)  David Mandel
Spain     Laicidad: ¿Imanes controlados y vigilados por el Estado?  A Gómez
                Debates   Izquierdas y nacionalismos: el caso catalán  Jordi Borja
What is the diff between a Big & small Clown in current world-circus?.  No Diff: both r parrots
American’ people si tiene opciones: impugnarlo- Revolucion anti FA- No reeleccion.
"EE.UU. presionó a Corea del Norte hasta más no poder"  Solo creo contexto para viol-US-mundo

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


UK could be the 1st NATO ally to be out of the game: 1 bomb in London & does it
Who is going to do it?  Whoever be.. N-K & S-K are going to be the next victims.
WW3 can start here instead of ASIA. Of course ISIS-al Qaeda will claim victory In UK
The world will point to US, the financier & sponsor of ISIS-Al Qaeda operatives. The
Internat- community will wonder: What was the point of stopping 1 more Nuke State?

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