sábado, 2 de septiembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Good FBI-DHS report on left-right violence before-after Charlottesville clash in Aug 12 at:

The story of domestic terrorist violence in the US went back to the time when a white citizen: Timothy McVeigh, blew up the Oklahoma City FED building in 1995, killing 168 people. He may’ve lost members of his family in the State terrorist massacre of Waco-Texas (1994). The religious cultist of Waco lost about 100 people incinerated alive in their building and the Federal lost much more innocent people. That happens during Clinton Presidency, a regime full of corruption & violence abroad.

Timothy McVeigh never revealed the name of those who participate in his Tit for Tat operative.

This brutal experience left a clear lesson to US political history: secret org exist and can blast the nation. DHS & FBI are worry about the chances of these rightist & leftist secret org to get more weapons and tech from foreign countries. They are monitoring those groups and found that some of them visited Turkey. Of course USA  billionaires are the most worry about the existence of these clandestine & extremist groups, they could be the next target. But nothing is being published beyond this article and the previous April 2016 DHS and FBI report entitled “Baseline Comparison of US and Foreign Anarchist Extremist Movements.” 

This concern may explain why President Trump & the Senate suppressed a Constitutional rights to the Nation, so Fed Sec staff can get inside any house to check for weapons and related tech without Court warrant. The main problem remains untouched: the economic and political context that favor the existence of such terrorist extremist organizations.  [[ Hugo Adan  ]]

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

 It struck me that Mises pithily summed up in four words a program for “stabilizing” the economy, that isabolishing booms, bubbles, and recessions.

“No further credit expansion!”

While The Boomtown Rats "don't like Mondays"; it appears bullish traders love Tuesdays...

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

“No retailer can under-price as long as Amazon can, make no money and get away with it. That’s why people are scared..."

...if water overflows a riverbank or gushes down a street to seep into a house, the homeowner can expect a claim to be rejected...

Prominent NASA scientists, fearing the worst and believing preemptive measure should be taken, have been told to back off from their plan to stop the Yellowstone supervolcano from erupting by drilling into it.
Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

A furious Russia has summoned an American diplomat in Moscow to hand him a note of protest over U.S. plans to conduct searches in Russia’s trade mission complex in Washington. The ministry called the planned "illegal inspection" of Russian diplomatic housing an unprecedented aggressive action” which may be used by the U.S. special services for "anti-Russian provocation"” by the way of “planting compromised items”.

“The rules of the global oil game may begin to change enormously..."

Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

Korea Crisis Exposes Orwellian West   By Finian Cunningham
Putin's Warning To The World   By Tyler Durden
CIA ran weapons to Al-Nusra terrorists through Azerbaijan
'Sad Day for Warmongers'  By Julia Conley  Iran in Total Compliance with Nuke Deal
Joe Arpaio Is No Aberration  By M Kimberley  US is full of Arpaios in all 50 states

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ARG       La disputa por el territorio urbano  Raúl Zibechi
                Más límites que hegemonía y más derecha que renovación  C Katz
                VI Encuentro Internacional "Economía de lxs trabajadorxs"  M H
Ent         “Repensar la solidaridad”  a Patrice Meyer  por Sergio Ferrari
                ARichard Labévière  "El terrorismo es la faz oscura de la globalización"
BRA        Un año sin Dilma, sin derechos, sin soberanía  Gleisi Hoffmann
Chile     Chile es la Corea del Norte del capitalismo”  Javier Larraín
COL        Un país que regala su petróleo  Ismael Ardila
                Mitos sobre el ELN (tercera y cuarta parte)  Héctor Useche
                Legalizar el paramilitarismo, ¿otra vez?  Yolanda Álvarez
US          Corea, ¿la próxima víctima?   Arthur González
                Las farsas de EE.UU para sustituir la lucha de clases  Varios
Cuba      La difícil lucha sindical  Fernando Luis

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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