viernes, 1 de septiembre de 2017


ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

The point is the present system cannot endure.

While the politicians and the mainstream media are playing down any concerns about the US debt ceiling, Treasury Bill market participants are seeing chaos as the yield curve has snapped across the Sept-Oct divide with panic-buying in bills that mature ahead of the September-end (Q3-end liquidity needs), and dumping of October bills.

The mirage of consumer wealth has been a function of surging debt levels“Wealth” is not borrowed, but “saved,” and this is a lesson that too few individuals have learned. Until the deleveraging cycle is allowed to occur, and household balance sheets return to more sustainable levels, the attainment of stronger, and more importantly, self-sustaining economic growth could be far more elusive than currently imagined.

For the second month in a row (and 3rd of the last 4), US construction spending dropped in July. This dragged the year-over-year growth to just 1.8%. The last two times construction spending growth slowed to this rate, the US economy collapsed into recession...

After much of last month's blistering job gains were revised away, a far more muted jobs landscape emerged in August. Here is a breakdown of who was hiring last month, and who wasn't.

Take your pick - best since April 2011 or near weakest in 12 months...

This was the biggest annual drop on a percentage basis for unadjusted job creation since the financial crisis. Perhaps instead of hiking, the Fed should take a long hard look at that QE4 button: after all, stocks already have...


We warned readers yesterday to "Prepare For Disappointment" with today's jobs report, and sure enough that's precisely what we got when moments ago the BLS reported that in August just 156K jobs were created, a big miss to the 180K expected, as both the unemployment rate and hourly earnings disappointed as well.

While the excuses are already flowing for the big miss in August's payrolls, markets are reacting with currencies the biggest factor. The dollar dumped immediately and precious metals spiked, bond yields fell marginally and while Nasdaq jumped a little initially, stocks are now all modestly lower...

 "This is going to be a substantial ouch for consumers... Satan could not have drawn up a more horrible geographic scenario for knocking out Texas refining."
In case miss it:  here three previous econ reports to read:

That's the problem with fragility: everything looks fine on the surface until a crisis applies pressure. Then the whole rickety contraption collapses in a heap...

"All the ingredients for a stock bubble are present. It’s not really a monetary bubble so much as an expectations bubble...when will people wake up from the hazy doses of self-deluded reality they have become emotionally attached to..."

"this much..."
The amount of monetary stimulus increasingly imposed on the financial system creates false signals about the economy’s true growth rate, causing a vast misallocation of capital, impaired productivity and weakened economic activity.

To help quantify the amount of stimulus, please consider the graph above.  See Big picture at:

"... the reality is we are very late in the current economic cycle. Just like in 2008, it was well after the fact, when the economic data was negatively revised, the recession became clearly evident. Given the deterioration is credit, the rise in delinquencies and plunge in savings rates, the economic back drop is likely far weaker than headlines currently suggest.

HERE  the readings for this weekend:


Research / Interesting Reads

La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

Here.. Evidence that current regime may be a fascist one. Trump-Antifa nexus is becoming clear

"It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them.  These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”

"Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over... and so much more. A rigged system!"

"Freeing mainstream America from the shackles of plutocracy necessarily means combating the mind viruses being dumped into their heads by toxic establishment war machines like the Washington Post."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

I guess Trump’s schizophrenic paranoia can be fixed.. but it has to be done soon

"Russia believes that the policy of putting pressure on Pyongyang to stop its nuclear missile programme is misguided and futile."


Having spiked briefly on the back of dollar weakness following a piss-poor payrolls print, EURUSD is tumbling back to unchanged on the day after Bloomberg reports that European Central Bank policy makers may not be ready to finalize their decision on next year’s bond-purchase program until December, according to euro-area officials familiar with the matter.
US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen



Vijay Prashad  Standing Up to Nazism
Margaret Kimberley  Joe Arpaio is Not an Aberration

The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered ..


Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

US          El torrente imperialista   John Saxe-Fernández
                K Marx y A Lincoln  “El hijo inquebrantable de la clase trabajadora”  AIT
                La atracción fatal de microplásticos sobre la fauna marina  Belén Delgado
Opin      Qué es el buen vivir (Sumak Kawsay)    Atawallpa Oviedo
                Guatemala:   Diez reflexiones sobre el momento actual  Simona Violetta
                Guatemala  Lecciones aprendidas, no más confrontación Ileana Alamilla
                Perú:   La magia de Angélica Mendoza   Gustavo Espinoza
                Perú Un presidente “atrapado” por su Congreso   OtraMirada
                ARG: Trabajadores, burócratas sindicales y sindicatos  Guillermo Almeyra
                ARG:  En qué garras? ¿De qué poder?    Claudia Rafael
                BRA: Resuena el grito  La Amazonia es nuestra  Carolina da Silveira
                Chile: Crimen de Estado e indiferencia moral del Ejército  Edit El Mostrador
                VEN:  La revolución en Venezuela, ¿como el Ave Fénix? JL Pacheco
                VEN: La Sexta República 2: La agonizante V República   Miguel Mora A
Korea    -Misil norcoreano sobre Japón, ¿casus belli?  Sebastian Bestard Molina

Global situation described by Iranian observers..

North Korea standoff on 'brink of large-scale conflict: Putin
Russia vows harsh response to destructive US measures

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