miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

From SUNISTAN to ROJAVA: one war to hide another

From SUNISTAN to ROJAVA:  one war to hide another 

by Thierry Meyssan
http://www.voltairenet.org/article197938.html   See my comment at the end.

While the Syrian Arab Army, the Russian aviation and Hezbollah are preparing to finish off Daesh, the Pentagon is planning a new war against Syria, this time with Kurdish troops. Just as the mission of the Caliphate was to create a Sunnistan straddling Iraq and Syria, so the mission of « ROJAVA » is to create a Kurdistan straddling the two states, as the Pentagon has been publicly stating for the last four years.

1- New US grand strategy: the Greater Middle East must be destroyed except for Israël, Jordan and Lebanon. … Consequently, the imminent victory against Daesh will change nothing of the Pentagon’s intentions.

2- President Trump is –apparently- against the manipulation of the jihadists. He has stopped the financial and military support that his country was giving them, and has managed to convince Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to do the same. However, nothing yet hints as to whether or not he will also oppose the Pentagon’s grand strategy..    the whole of CONGRESS is in league against him, and he has no possibility of preventing a procedure for destitution other than negotiating with the Dems Party.

3- His special representative against Daesh, Brett McGurk, is an ex-collaborator of President Obama, and is supposed to serve Trump’s new policy. On 18 August, he organised a meeting with the tribal leaders to « fight Daesh ». However, the photographs he published attest to THE FACT that, on the contrary, several of Daesh’s leaders also participated in the meeting.

[[ Then: the US Grand strategy is not against Daesh, but to save them from Syria-RU  allies.]]

4- In the same vein, helicopters of the US Special Forces exfiltrated two European leaders of Daesh and their families from the outskirts of Deiz ez-Zor, before they could be taken prisoner by the Syrian Arab Army on 26 August. Two days later, they also exfiltrated about twenty more Daesh officers.

5-Everything looks as though the Pentagon were storing away its jihadist structure and conserving it for other operations elsewhere [RU?].  Simultaneously, it is preparing a new episode against Syria with a new army, which, this time, will be composed around Kurdish forces.

[[ If this is the case, RU needs Turkey army against Kurdish forces & US forces. But,Turkey is still NATO member, SO it won’t be easy to used against US forces, unless Germany split NATO & create “own NATO with Turkey inside .. difficult task since Germany already rejected Turkey as EU member.]]

6- The US Grand Strategic war also planned to divide the Yemen into two states, potentially shared between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi – and finally, last but not least, to dismember Saudi Arabia.

7- So far the « ROJAVA » project corresponds to Israëli strategy, which, since the end of the 1990’s and the development of missiles, is no longer concentrated on controlling its border regions (the Sinaï, the Golan and South Lebanon), but on taking its neighbours from behind (hence the creation of South Sudan and eventually, Greater Kurdistan).

8-  The recruiting drive for European soldiers for the « Rojava » project has only just begun. A priori, it could assemble as many combatants as there were for the jihad, insofar as the members of the anarchist groups [pro KURDS?] which provide manpower are as numerous in Europe as common law prisoners.

Indeed, the jihadist network began in French prisons before becoming a generalised « crusade ». It is probable that the recruitment within the anarchist movement will also spread as the conflict goes on. Washington, London, Paris and Berlin, who organised this recruitment, planned in the long term. I use the word « crusade » deliberately, because these wars in the Middle Ages, like the one we have just experienced, were in fact European imperialist operations against the people of the Greater Middle East.

9- Not long ago, the French Minister for Foreign Affairs, Laurent Fabius, publicly declared that President Assad « did not deserve to be on Earth », and confirmed that the jihadists were doing a « good job ». Many young people answered his call by joining Al-Nusra (Al-Qaïda), then Daesh. Today, the French ex-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bernard Kouchner, publicly announced that France would support the creation of state which would include Iraqi Kurdistan and the corridor to the Mediterranean via Syria. A few young Europeans have already answered this call, and many others will follow.

10- Today, as in 2011-12, the Western Press has taken the side of this new anti-Syrian army, supported by their governments. They never question the treachery of Abdullah Öcalan, who renounced Marxist-Leninism for anarchy. They repeat that Kurdistan has already been recognised by the Sèvres Conference, in 1920, but it will avoid looking at the documents which specify its boundaries.  They will ignore the fact that the frontiers in fact correspond to nothing other than the plans developed by the Pentagon.

The referendum for the independence of the Iraqi region of Kurdistan and the territories annexed with the help of Daesh will launch the beginning of this US Grand strategy known a ROJAVA  project, on 25 September.

As in 2014, it will be intended to simultaneously destroy Iraq and Syria, this time without creating a « Sunnistan » from Rakka to Mossul, but a « KURDISTAN », on a Syrian territory linking Erbil and Kirkuk to the Mediterranean.
See map:

This map was published by Robin Wright nine months before the offensive by Daesh into Iraq and Syria. According to this Pentagon researcher, it rectifies the map published in 2005 by Ralf Peters for the reshaping of the Greater Middle East.
My comment:   By Hugo Adan

As Is evident in N. 5 above:
5-Everything looks as though the Pentagon were storing away its jihadist structure and conserving it for other operations elsewhere [RU?].  Simultaneously, it is preparing a new episode against Syria with a new army, which, this time, will be composed around Kurdish forces.


1-RU needs Turkey army against Kurdish forces & US forces. However,Turkey is still NATO member, SO it won’t be easy to converted into Syria-RU ally via military discourse other than defeating the Kurds. If something is more powerful than military discourses is the Economic language: both RU & Turkey have same common oil interest to work together inside Europe. That will create a strong alliance.

2- The US Empire is collapsing: at economic level the fake policies are unsustainable, the debt and fall USD is making the Ec crash imminent. The US has to reduce its military budget and brink troops home. The US cannot use their power with a 1st strike that will be immediately contested with double strength until surrender. MAD’ theory has made nuke-war obsolete:  there won’t be winners. At the level of politics the situation is worse for Trump. Trump has not governability power at all. Even his party is deeply divided and the Nation is totally not-protected for the event of nuke-war. The post-WW3 is simply total destruction of US Empire and the death of their billionaire elites.  The Syrian war is totally lost: there is not chance to hit RU-China-allies in Syria.  
The only option for US is to abandon the Big Corp that build weapons and profit form wars and foster the power of investors dealing with productive economy. US can save our Nation & the world if make alliance with RU-China & Bricks on common universal concerns and dismantling the NUKES.

3- Germany made clear their intentions to split NATO & create “own NATO and maybe with Turkey inside .. though before Germany rejected Turkey’ petition  as EU member.  In front of WW3 everything change fast, old alliances too. It is possible that Germany will opt for neutrality if WW3 Start “by accident”, as it is expected.

4-  Regarding the Kurds, they are been manipulated against ASSAD by the US apparatus. The people in the world who support their right to have a nation is progressive people, they soon will be against the US and against the Kurds, if they follow the US. Better to negotiate an agreement with Syria, RU, Iraq and Turkey to create a Federal system in which Kurds will have their autonomous government inside Syria, without splitting this country. 

This meeting should exclude the US and EU countries. Once a deal is build, the Referendum can take place. 

The US Referedum or designed by the US is the path to chaos, war confrontation and the killing of many Kurds. We don’t need more wars and genocides.

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