jueves, 14 de septiembre de 2017

SEP 14 17 SIT EC y POL

SEP 14 17 SIT EC y POL
ND denuncia debacle d Globaliz neoliberal y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Econ

Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics

"Although we respect the Fed’s independence, we are concerned about economic growth...And we’re less concerned about inflation at the moment."

"Conventional analysis of supply and demand dynamics might suggest the exiting of a large marginal buyer of these securities would cause yields to rise to some higher equilibrium level, but the QE experience suggests something else entirely..."

Even as the number of newly signed leases in Manhattan rose to an all-time high, the vacancy rate for apartments in the borough climbed...


Haven't we seen this movie once before?

NO todos los financistas gustan el neoliberalismo apoyado con terror imperial
Case N.1
"it wasn’t supposed to be like this…"
Case N.2
...That could lead to job losses numbering 770,000 in the US, and as much as 1 million in Europe...
Para los de arriba no hay futuro y para los de abajo ni el presente es vida

As we’ve noted time and time again, the number of Americans scraping by with almost no money in their savings account is staggeringly high...

Considering that the US economy is 70% based on consumption, Americans are probably over-consuming rather than saving. The Federal Reserve recently released data showing that aggregate credit card debt had hit an all-time high of $1.027 trillion, eclipsing the previous high that was set before the Great Recession. Add in another trillion of auto-loan debt and $1.4 trillion in student-loan debt, and the aggregate debt pile is not only larger than ever before – it’s growing at its fastest rate in decades.

And in what's perhaps the most troubling statistic highlighted by Motley Fool, a recent survey by CareerBuilder and The Harris Poll found that 78% of full-time US workers - nearly 100 million Americans - are now living paycheck to paycheck, up from 75% in 2016.


Judging by the explosion in jobless claims in Texas, it appears a 'natural disaster' is a bigger problem than a 'man-made' one...

Si JPMorgan niega frauds y la Clinton niega que burlo la Ley.. la inmoralidad reina en el US

"Bitcoin can’t be printed by a central bank. There’s no 'fraud' unless it's perpetrated by dishonest users of bitcoin, which is no different from any other form of value transfer. It can’t be 'closed'... Mr. Dimon’s bitcoin eulogy takes the top spot on this bitcoin obituaries website..."

Related  1

"Sure, criminals might use Bitcoin. They also use Amazon.com gift cards and government bonds... Ironically for Jamie Dimon, criminals even use JP Morgan bank accounts to launder their money, considering that the bank has paid BILLIONS in fines over the last few years for failing to detect their customers’ illegal activities."

"The big use that we are seeing for bitcoin is EB-5 visas to the United States..."


La seudo democ y sist  duopolico es obsoleto por fraudulento y corrupto. Urge cambiarlo

CAOS en la debacle política del Gov de Trump

"At this point, who DOESN'T want Trump impeached?"
"Trump didn't make a deal w Chuck and Nancy. Trump got screwed by Chuck and Nancy.  Trump just screwed his base."
Amenaza ridícula y peligrosa a la vez: la paranoia esquizofrénica  deviene asesina cuando pide  “acciones directas”.  En la esquina de mi barrio había un Loro que sacaba la madre a un matón cuando este pasaba frente a la tienda. El matón quemo la tienda y al loro con un tarro de gasolina. El tendero escapo. Cuando el matón celebro su osadía con bastante alcohol y se fue a dormir en su carro-casa, el tendero que adiestro a insultar al loro hizo lo mismo: puso doble candado a la casa transportable del matón y lo despacho al infierno también con gasolina. Eso podría ocurrirle al matón de hoy. Su casa no es nada segura y es muy fácil de incendiarse.  

El experimento “cambio de sexo” no funciona. .  aún hay cojones que aterrorizan a la CIA

"Senior leaders in our military have stated publicly that the leaks by Ms. Manning put the lives of U.S. soldiers at riskI have an obligation in my conscience - and I believe to the country - to stand against any efforts to justify leaks of sensitive national security information."

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K- compet. D rest in limbo

Hay preparativos de guerra en ambos lados: La guerra se frena con la guerra!

Russia's "Zapad-2017" wargames, which launched today, involves 70 planes and helicopters, 280 tanks, 200 artillery weapons, ten ships, 200 "heavy weapons and guns" and other military equipment. According to NATO, it will also include no less than 100,000 troops.

US politics crisis: Trump captured by Deep state to reproduce old cronyism without alter-plan


Global Econ-Pol crisis leads to more business-wars:  profiteers US-NATO under screen


Deep on the US political crisis, their internal conflicts n chances of WW3

“Secret” doc from Reagan adm show how the U.S. manipulated foreign govts
Interventionism Produced the 9/11 Attacks   By Jacob G. Hornberger




The nasty business of US-NATO-Global-wars uncovered .. pro RU view


Only stupid people buy Clinton’ lies
The Fix Is In? Bad Reviews of Clinton’s Book Mysteriously Deleted from Amazon  https://sputniknews.com/us/201709151057408825-bad-clinton-reviews-mysteriously-deleted/
Keiser Report  Episode 1123  Max and Stacy ask: why is America falling apart? 

Latino America fight to break with collapsing Empire:  leftist view on alternatives

ALC        Huracanes, cambio climático y devastación  Ángel Guerra
                Uruguay:  La izquierda después de Sendic  Fdo López
                Perú:  Tres presas para la Casa Blanca  Gvo Espinoza
                Peru: Luces y sombras de nuestra política exterior  A A
                Chile: Chile: economía injusta e ineficiente  Crismar Lujano
                Chile   Dulce Patria ¿para todos?   Punto Final
                La vida, la política y nuestras escuelas   Pablo Gentili
                Unipolarismo Global vs Multipolarismo Universal  Varios
                Caso Medellín  Paramilitarismo el “Brazo armado del neoliberalismo”
                Poderosos vientos de solidaridad humana sacuden a Cuba Vladia Rubio

Global situation described by Iranian observers.. Titles distorted n incomplete sentences


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