domingo, 8 de enero de 2017



Is really RT the one that manufacture the mind of international audiences?  That is the real blame on RU and RT. The next step will be prohibiting RT in the US and the West, and -with the same argument- the American press inside Russia will be cut too .. Final result: a fascistic suppression of Press Freedom at world level. Is that possible in America and world wide? .. 

My answer is YES and that is why I write this article 
Hugo Adan
Jan 7, 2017

So far, we’ve inundated  the US and EU with fake news and more people is going to RT to balance INFO. If RT is suppressed people will go to other similar sources. No way to stop this trend.

With fake news on RU the Press Freedom has been already cut and may be cut totally –though for a little while- if the US and its allies in EU start the nuke 1st strike on RU. However, once the tit-for tat from RU comes, our  Nations will demand the truth and our Econ & Pol system will be under fire, if still alive.

Now that the teck-info Rev is almost totally decentralized  (this move will go further) it won’t be possible the hide the truth forever.

So far, most people in the world know –or suspect- that the purpose of this idiocy of blaming RU and RT has the hidden agenda of preparing the nuke attack on RU (there are State agencies and top officials  that made clear such intention inside the US). That assumption departs from the wrong idea that a massive 1st strike against RU and China will not be responded by them. The fact is that RU-China are already prepared to respond immediately with a double strike to US and key NATO allies.  

Another FACT : most nations worldwide  knew –or suspect- that the US and NATO allies were the masters of wars and terrorism (Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria..) and we know also that we arrive to the limit in which war and terrorism became obsolete to define geo-political supremacy.

If WW3 happens there will not be winners (MAD Mutual Assured Destruction thesis, will prevail),  so, if this war mongerism is not stopped now, the NATO allies will be responsible for this human disaster.

Not even in the previous century the strategy of silencing the truth won all audiences in favor of Nazi’ German and Italy’ fascitic regime . They failed in doing so. It didn’t work at that time and much less will work today ..

Can you imagine the chaos if the internet and the media is cut one single day at international level? .. Simply : the neoliberal system will collapse immediately. “Las bolsas de valores” will be closed and perhaps forever. Wall Street and similars will disappear during the course of war and its aftermath. People will be armed and the “commandos populares” that we saw in the US supporting the native rights to their land and water,  will be really armed this time to target the oligarchy inside and abroad.

That is that the ongoing stupid scum on RT and RU will create at international level.

America is the most vulnerable nation to be heat inside and abroad by the angry “commandos antimperialists” if WW3 starts. The international resentment  against the US is not hide anymore (Case in point: the US Libyan Embassy in Benghazi).

The US is the most armed nation of the world and our soldiers and policemen will turn their arms against  the owners of our system (bankers & big corp profiting from wars and manufacturing WMD). The big manufacturers of WMD and wars will be the first target of people' retaliation. We have created the force that will bury our system.  

WW3 is the most idiotic proposal behind the current stand on Russia and RT.

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