jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

JAN 25 17 SIT EC y POL

JAN  25 17  SIT EC y POL


World context:

We have an economic crisis - centered on the persistent elusiveness of real growth, rather than just monetized debt masquerading as 'growth'; and a political crisis - in which even ‘Davos man’, it seems, according to their own World Economic Forum polls, is anxiously losing his faith in 'the system' itself.

As the attached chart shows, we are now 11.2 months removed from the bottom of the last correction. Which to InvesTech means "the market is overdue for at least a 5% correction."
Description: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/fp_thumb/images/user230519/imageroot/Flip%20This%20House.JPG
Unfortunately, at least for those of us that prefer not to day trade our primary residence, America's home flippers are making a big come back in 2016 with home flips accounted for 6.1% of all U.S. home sales, the highest share since 2006 when flips accounted for 7.3% of sales.
As Bloomberg points out, the cities where home flipping seems to be the most pervasive are all the same ones that suffered the biggest boom/bust during the last cycle.  Perhaps we could suggest that the people of Las Vegas need to just do all their gambling INSIDE the casinos from now on.

Of course, rising home prices are responsible for luring Americans back into the home flipping game...because everyone gets to look like a genius real estate investor in a rising market.

The trend in 'actual' earnings has been dismal.. but the trend in 'hope' has been exceptional. Will hope prove right?

We are heading into a new depression. It is not coming. It is already here but we are only in the beginning so it may not be easy for many people to see just yet. Once it is easy to see it will be too late for any meaningful actions to mitigate the effects. Just as you must prepare for a tornado ahead of time, you must prepare for economic conditions early.
We have 20 trillion in debt, over 200 trillion in unfunded liabilities and over a quadrillion in derivatives held by the banks. Our GDP is only about 17 trillion a year and world GDP is only about 60 trillion. It does not take a math wiz to realize that even if we are not paying any interest at all on this massive debt, there is no way to ever pay it all back short of some type of default.

That is what depressions do. ... That means we are in for a very bad ride in the near future.

The depression of the 1930’s was a deflationary one in nature. People lost their jobs, prices fell and cash was king. People holding bonds did very well. In an inflationary depression, prices rise, people will get paid in increasingly worthless paper and bonds will collapse. Banks will enact bail-ins to stay solvent and people will go broke while holding piles of cash.

In the end the inflationary depression will end with the currency collapsing and people losing everything they have that is not fully owned. Eventually we will see deflation as prices fall due to the destruction of the monetary system. At this point most people will be financially devastated. Those that make it to this point with their wealth in tact will be the new wealthy class.

So how can a person survive something like this? You simply need to focus on the needs of your family over this period of time.  ..  If your home is paid for, your car is paid for and you have a supply of energy or a way to produce it yourself, it will not matter to you how fast prices are changing or how much money you bring home every week. You will be able to live outside of the rapidly changing economy. The rapid changes that will destroy others will only provide you a glancing blow.

Those that survive on credit will be devastated as their access to credit is cut off and they become unable to continue making payments on their possessions. They will be devastated even if they still have a paying job.

The whole of the production and distribution system depends on 30 day credit. When the credit system ceases to function, goods will stop being produced and transported. This will lead to high prices and few goods to buy. So even if you have a bag full of money you may not be able to buy what you want at some point.

Just like a tornado that tears through a community, a depression can leave the people without the resources they need unless they have them hidden away safely for future use following the event. This is why having resources, real physical goods, put away now will allow you to thrive when the system fails. When the system resets, you will not get a second chance to do it right. You only have one shot and that requires you to finalize your preparations now while you still can make a difference.

The whole point of preparing for this type of upheaval is to maintain a standard of living that you find acceptable. Lack of preparation in this type of event will likely find you living much poorer than you would like. If you are successful in maintaining your standard of living and preserving your wealth throughout this event you will have won the battle and set yourself up for a better future when things stabilize.

In short, the water affordability crisis is not something that is a few decades off, or even a single decade off: More than 40 million American citizens could find themselves unable to afford water in the next five years if both stagnating incomes and increasing water prices stay on their current trajectories. Resource scarcity breeds conflict.

It's your choice, America - you can keep your cartels and the captured government that enables and protects them, or you can fix what's broken and unaffordable.

Although the stock market is giddy from President Trump’s pro-growth policies, there is another constituent not quite so enamored with recent developments...the more Trump pushes on the fiscal accelerator, the harder the Fed will lean on the brake.

T racist attack on Latinos immigrants are very aggressive and fascistic

While we are sure Mayors de Blasio (New York) and Emanuel (Chicago) are compassionate men who want nothing more than to ensure the safety of illegal immigrants in their cities, we couldn't help but notice that, following Trump's decision to defund so-called Sanctuary cities, the sound and fury spewing forth from various municipalities today was perfectly correlated with the size of taxpayer-money they received from Obama.
As Reuters reports, U.S. President Donald Trump's attempt to strip municipalities of federal dollars for shielding illegal immigrants threatens $2.27 billion in annual funds for the nation's ten largest cities, a Reuters analysis of federal grants found. While Trump has the authority to cut some kinds of funding to the cities, cuts to other federal funding would require an act of Congress. The total amount remains unclear, as federal money can be filtered through state governments or granted directly to social-service organizations or other groups. The numbers do not include federal money for law enforcement, which was excluded in the executive order, and programs like Medicaid, which are administered by state governments.

Trump plans to make good on his campaign pledge to block federal funding to states and cities where local law enforcement refuse to report undocumented immigrants they encounter to federal authorities, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said.

"The American people are no longer going to have to be forced to subsidize this disregard for our laws,” Spicer said. Spicer said an executive order signed by Trump on Wednesday directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to look at federal funding to cities to figure out "how we can defund those streams."

"Our negotiating positions are totally different. Mexico is being hung out of an skyscraper window by its feet," a Canadian government source said. "Mexico is in a terrible, terrible position. We are not."

So how much did Blackstone promise to give to the Obama library for this huge grift, um, parting gift?

"If a trade war developed between the two countries, both China and the U.S. would be negatively impacted," the People's Daily warned in a commentary. "In the end neither side would win, it would bring harm to other countries and that harm would be brought to others without benefits to the U.S. or China." Here is a quick look at the biggest losers...
The Trump administration is preparing a set of executive orders aimed at isolating the US and which would allow the United States to "drastically reduce" its role and involvement in the United Nations and other international organizations, "as well as begin a process to review and potentially abrogate certain forms of multilateral treaties, officials said." The order calls for then enacting “at least a 40% overall decrease” in remaining United States funding toward international organizations.

Faced with a Tweeter-in-chief, how are investors to navigate what’s ahead? Is there a strategy behind President Trump’s outbursts; and if so, how shall investors position themselves to protect their portfolios or profit from it?
So what have we learned from our Tweeter-in-Chief?
  • Trump likes to take credit, but does not like to own problems
  • There’s method to what appears to some as madness
  • New policies may be hiding in plain sight
More subtitles:
Not owning problems
Trump says he is a "winner." To defend this brand, he disavows any potential problems.

New policies may be hiding in plain sight
Fiscal policy.

So what does it all mean for investors?

Bush torture center to be re-opened.. though is only a draft, say today

Earlier today, the New York Times published a 3-page draft of an executive order, allegedly penned by the Trump administration, entitled "Detention and Interrogation of Enemy Combatants" that calls for, among other things, the reopening of CIA "Black Site" prisons around the world that were previously utilized by the Bush administration.






Nonviolent Action: Why and How it Works   By Robert J. Burrowes




Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan to Impose New World Order - Hedge Fund Manager   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701261050016570-trump-foiled-soros-world-order-tpp-plan/
Is There Anything He Doesn't Fund? Soros Closely Connected to DC Women's March  https://sputniknews.com/us/201701241049960639-soros-funding-women-march/
Over 2,600 Militants Laid Down Arms in Syrian Wadi Barada Valley - Russian MoD  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201701261050018003-syria-militants-arms/
How Mainstream Media 'Legitimized' Terrorists, Letting Them Gain Ground in Syria   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701251050006177-syria-terrorists-media/
Dejar con vida a los terroristas .. no es también una forma de legitimarlos?
Anti-TPP Mood in Senate in Ratification Showdown  https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701261050018873-australia-tpp-mood/
India to Buy Hundreds of Missiles for Russian Self Propelled Air Defence System   https://sputniknews.com/military/201701261050004061-india-russia-kvadrat-system/
Turkey Building 'Great Wall' on Border With Syria (VIDEO) Does not expropriate Syria’ land?


If there is any goal that might attract support from across the political spectrum, it’s creating more fulltime jobs in the U.S. But this laudable goal is dead-on-arrival (DOA) unless we first fix these four things. Why is job growth stagnating? Many point to automation, and yes, that is a systemic dynamic that will only expand going forward.

But much of the stagnation is the direct result of the high costs and structural failures in these four inputs to the job market. U.S. healthcare costs more than twice as much per person as healthcare per person in our advanced-economy competitors. Why would anyone open a business in a nation so poorly run that healthcare costs twice as much as it does everywhere else?

The American people are not healthy. Obesity / obesity-related diseases and opiate addiction are both epidemic. Workers struggling with lifestyle-caused chronic diseases cost more to hire and to help.

If you set out to destroy the nation’s ability to create jobs, you’d impose the unaffordable healthcare system we have, and the overly complex and costly tax / regulation system we have. And you’d push your students to get useless credentials instead of the real-world skills, moxie and values they need to get ahead and fulfill their potential in a fast-changing economy.


Feminismo contra Trump  Nos mueve el deseo  Marta Dillon
Debiera ser la razón: basada en análisis de la contradicciones Glab, Nac y Locales
El periodismo alternativo también es víctima de la represión. 1 de RT fue ya encarcelado

Neolib sin TPP y con Wall contra Mx indica que el neolib no sirve ni a la oligarquía. Hoy se postula su reemplazo fascista (nacionalista y militarista ) a favor de corp que fabrican armas y guerras = Trump
Las manifestaciones de rechazo  El efecto Trump Carolina Vásquez

[[ El rechazo es contra el asalto al poder por la oligarquía con su sistema electoral (super-Pacs, superdelegados, primarias cerradas a favor de 2 Pdos) lo que facilito el fraude 1ro del clan Clinton y luego de Trump. La democ fue suprimida. El pueblo aún cree en su reconstrucción pacífica, mientras Trump usa la violencia armada. Ocurrió antes con MLK. Hoy es posible que renazcan panteras negras y de todos los colores,  esta vez. Lo digo porque antes de la elecciones los ex soldados se unieron a las marchas de nativos contra mafiosos mafiosos del gas y petróleo. Esa alianza volverá. A eso vamos. ]]
Lo que viene ya ha llegado   Stgo Alba  [[ Llegó hace mucho tiempo y lo que viene es REV social.]] 

[[ La desigualdad explosiva  llego al tope, lo que viene es su explosión social .. quizá sea una Rev anti-capital neoliberal (anti  banca mafiosa y big corp). Quiza mescle capitalismo y socialismo. Ya hay de esto y crecen las Asoc de productores y Coops.  Ver R.Wolff, G Alperovitz, D DeGraw, Michael  Hudson y art recientes de Chris Hedges. En la marcha de mujeres de Pitt hubo socialistas que le dieron tono anti-oligarquico  (anti-Trump, anti-Clinton) al evento. Lo mismo ocurrió en NY, CA, Seattle, DC y Boston. Trump cree que basta el poder polit-militar para derrotar al pueblo. Esta vez se equivocan. ]]
El barrio de la Túpac Amaru en Jujuy   La utopía de ciudad compartida Alejaa Dandan
VEN  De la defensa al contraataque  Luis Salas Rodríguez
EE.UU.  -Proy terrorista del jefe CIA Alan Dulles   Operación 40 (Parte II) F Escalante
Odebrecht en Quito   La trama de la corrupción  Maria Florencia Pagliarone
Libertades   ¡Basta ya de censura!  Antonio Gómez
Violencias machistas   No con mi silencio. Si tocan a una, nos tocan a todos M Hernaiz
Que de un informe sobre daños que ocasiono NAFTA a MX? Que de la complicidad de la DEA en el tráfico de drogas Mx-USA?..  Que de salarios no-pagados y “otros” abusos a trabajadores de Mx en empresas de Trump en USA?  Que sobre la ilícita expropiación de tierras de MX dos siglos atrás? 


Trump plans to establish ‘safe zones’ in  Syria (it already failed with Obama)
US silence on settlements shocks  it stand to reason:  His yerno, el VP y otros en su régimen are jews (no sé si zionists). Eso es lo que avinagra “the T-salad”  
Return of torture: Concerns vs. rejections Its a crime against humanity, unethical n illegal policy
Trump signs executive order for Mexico fighing neigbors is not smart policy, is the opposite.. The Mx wall is not the problem .. his mental wall of racism n xenophobia is .. Result: 20M votes out of GOP
‘Trump's support emboldens Netanyahu’  No es el amor al cerdo .. es Israel como paraíso para la evasión fiscal lo que cuenta en esto .. además del lavado de dinero sucio..
Trump’s order fuels fresh pipeline protests illegal n order to resume the projects.
Va quedando claro para quien gobierna T ademas de su bolsillo pues tambien invierte en esto
Germany slams Israel over settlement  nuestro ex-aliado nos da lecc de decencia in Geo-politics

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