martes, 10 de enero de 2017

JAN 10 17 SIT EC y POL

JAN 10 17  SIT EC y POL


What do you do when a quick rise in mortgage rates suddenly threatens to tame home buying demand from subprime borrowers who, despite the lessons from the past, are still purchasing homes, en masse, with only 3.5% down payments and just enough monthly cash flow to cover mortgage payments? Well, if you're the Obama administration then you simply socialize the problem and force those higher mortgage costs on taxpayers.

Throughout history, as shown in the chart below, prices have ALWAYS, and I repeat ALWAYS,eventually found their limits. There has never been a “permanently high plateau” that inoculated investors from devastating consequences of misconceived and poorly managed investments.

Throughout history, as shown in the chart belowprices have ALWAYS, and I repeat ALWAYS, eventually found their limits. There has never been a“permanently high plateau” that inoculated investors from devastating consequences of misconceived and poorly managed investments.

Importantly, as you will note above, whenever prices have had extreme deviations from the underlying long-term growth trend, as we have currently, the resolution of those excesses were never accomplished by just a “reversion TO the mean.” 

With the markets, and the economy, currently pushing the historical limits of time and distance, the reality of an unexpected mean-reverting event has risen in recent months. While such a statement does not imply that a correction will occur immediately, or even within the next few months,

Since I covered “Curing The Trading Addiction” yesterday, which were more general concepts of money management, I wanted to follow up with the specific actions we take which lead us to poor outcomes over time.

Common Trading Mistakes

1) Refusing To Take A Loss – Until The Loss Takes You.
2) The Unrealized Loss
3) If I Bet Big – I Win Big
4) Bottom Feeding Knife Catchers
5) Dollar Cost Averaging
6) You Can’t Fight City Hall OR The Trend
7) A Good Company Is Not Necessarily A Good Stock
8) Chasing Performance
9) Technically Trapped
10) The Tale Of The Tape
11 ) Worried About Taxes
12) Leave The Guru’s In India
13) Everybody’s A Genius

Don’t confuse genius with a bull market. It’s not that hard to make money in a roaring bull marketKeeping your gains when the bear comes prowling is the hard part.

“The market whips all of our butts now and then, and that whipping usually comes just when we think we’ve got it all figured out.”

Managing risk is the key to survival in the market and ultimately in making money. Leave the pontificating to CNBC. Focus on managing risk, market cycles and exposure.
In the long-run, you will likely be better off.

"This is my only forecast for the 10-year in 2017. If 2.60% is broken on the upside – if yields move higher than 2.60% – a secular bear bond market has begunWatch the 2.6% level. Much more important than Dow 20,000. Much more important than $60-a-barrel oil. Much more important that the Dollar/Euro parity at 1.00. It is the key to interest rate levels and perhaps stock price levels in 2017." Bill Gross

The dirty little secret of Neoliberalism is that the markets it creates are rigged in favor of Elitist cronies. 
Sorry, pal, you're evil. Self-righteous indignation counts for nothing in the strict accounting of real progressivism.

"Before anyone hyperventilates, I am not saying Israel was responsible. Nor am I stating Russia was not responsible. I am simply going to present “evidence” in the same fashion as the intelligence report did regarding allegations, innuendo, and a smear campaign aimed at news agency RT."

Here is the full 35 page dossier making "explosive, but unverified, allegations" that the Russian government has been "cultivating, supporting and assisting" President-elect Donald Trump for at least 5 years and gained compromising information about him

In a story that is getting more surreal by the minute, a post on 4Chan claims that the infamous "golden showers" scene in the unverified 35-page dossier which served as a basis for a US intelligence report, was fabricated as a hoax, which however managed to fool virtually everyone.
Here one section of the Self-Proclaimed "Progressives"

"Say no to the Trump fascist regime.  We have to stop these motherfucking pigs from getting into power...."

The election of Donald Trump has been perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for the “radical left “ in modern American history, and they are working very hard to turn January 20th into a major political statement.

Backtracking on a position held as recently as yesterday (according to the WSJ), Trump today pressed Republicans to move forward with the "immediate repeal" of Obamacare, and to replace it very quickly thereafter, saying, “We have to get to business. Obamacare has been a catastrophic event.” The only problem is that there is no way to rush a replacement, and it could take as long as two years (or more).


Despite the proclamations from The White House and its lackeys that this is the best jobs recovery ever and we are at full employment, it appears all is not well at the world's third largest employer.

A year ago it was the Ruble, but for much of the last year it is the South African Rand that has been the most volatile currency in the world. That is until the last week, as Turkey deals with rising domestic instability (and Erdogan's push for total rule), theLira has become the world's most unstable currency...

If, however, in the absence of a violation of the treaty by Iran, we tore up the deal, we could find ourselves isolated. For Britain, France and Germany also signed, and they believe the agreement is a good one. Do we really want to force these NATO allies to choose between the deal they agreed to and a break with the United States?


No Smoking Gun on Russia Hack   By Philip Giraldi
Is Trump Bending?  By Paul Craig Roberts
When Fear Comes   By Chris Hedges




Is FBI Investigating Trump Over Moscow ‘Golden Shower’ Orgies?
Obama, Hillary & some neocons are pushing Trump against RU, n toward fascism n WW3
Related  1
Donald Trump Accepts Russia’s Role in DNC Hacking - Aide
Related 2
Again Hillary’ nasty job?:  using  similar sex scandals used during Primaries against Trump
See transcript below: 

Obama Administration Wants to 'Complicate Ties With Russia Even More'
US Sanctions 5 Russian Individuals in Relation to Magnitsky Act


Dear Self-Proclaimed “Progressive”: I love you, man, but it has become necessary to intervene in your self-destruction. Your ideological blinders and apologies for the Establishment’s Neocon-Neoliberal Empire are not just destroying your credibility, they’re destroying the nation and everywhere the Empire intervenes.

While you squandered your political capital defending zero-cost causes like “safe spaces on college campuses,” the Empire was busy killing, maiming and making refugees of women and children in Syria. President Obama and his Neocon crew (former Secretary Hillary Clinton included) aren’t fools; they rely on drones and proxy armies to do their dirty work.

Neoliberalism is the Establishment’s core ideology, and by supporting Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, you furthered, defended and rationalized the Empire’s neoliberal expansion and exploitation. Neoliberalism’s Big Lie is transforming everything into a market makes everyone richer.

The dirty little secret of Neoliberalism is that the markets it creates are rigged in favor of Elitist cronies. If you can set aside your “progressive” blinders for a moment (Bill and Barack could do no wrong for 16 long years of neoliberal exploitation), you might learn that the Presidents and party you supported ushered in the era of neoliberal pillage as public-private partnerships, Philanthro-Capitalism, and rigged markets that enriched the elitist Establishment you defend at the expense of the bottom 95% non-elites.
Keep Reading


No me extrania .. fueron los 1ros en librarse de ejércitos que solo sirven para matar su propia nación
Sin clientes no hay trata y a la inversa. Carolina Vásquez: 

[[ Ya no hay tiempo que perder en quien fue 1ro, el huevo o la gallina. Se trata de luchar por trabajo decente para ambos, con igual salario y con protección especial para quien va a ser o es ya madre. Es el sistema neoliberal –ya obsoleto- el que tiene que ser puesto en la mira de nuestras luchas. Hay que ver el bosque que se está incendiando  para poner mejor atención al árbol que puede ser rescatado. Feminism vs machism solo genera odios,  no sirve para unir pueblos, minorías nacionales, ni Naciones ni Estado contra problemas comunes. Si hay mujeres violadas, hay que usar canales de ley para su defensa. Nuestra prioridad debe ser la atención a causas económico-sociales y políticas que crean esos problemas. Si mi opinión te parece machista, te puedo mencionar  decenas de mujeres que no solo piensan así, sino que además actuaron y actúan en esa dirección . ]]     
ALC  La impunidad es la negación del estado de derecho  Informe  sobre violencia anti-sindical
COL  Inhumanos que hablan de paz y agitan la guerra  Manuel Humberto Restrepo
Ent a Nerea Aresti  “El género no es sólo una cosa de mujeres”  Marcos Rey
La era Trump  ¿Qué podemos esperar?  Inmanuel Wallerstein
Debates  Lenin y la política electoral  Nicolás González
Obrerismo y clasismo en el movimiento del cambio  Brais Fernández y Raúl Parra


Iran elucidates US violations of JCPOA  El circo acaba, la Guerra empieza y tu soñando
‘Obama complicating ties with Russia’ OB is a servant of the Mil-Ind- Compx: the main losers of a deep-State sector, the one profiting from drones, nukes & WMD. They want to put Trump in their pocket .. if get it.. we all lose.. YES, ALL, with WW3
There won’t be whit RU’s help. No here, not in Syria. RU is blinded by oil. Erdog
expansion fit with RU plans. Get arms from Iran-China and take Turkeys out of iraq
Daesh car bombings drop in Mosul: Cmdr.  When you hear “Daesh”  you got a
think quickly on CIA, Mossad, Saudis n sub- terrorists agencies of NATO allies.
The best prevention is dismantling nuclear bombs & the UN must propose it, if there is brain and cojones inside top comands.
At this point diplomacy won’t work, to avoid attack by Israel, Iran need nukes. Then MAD thesis will prevail: not attack if both mutually will be destroyed.

 [[ If there is a war with RU it will be a nuke war.. and sending troops for a nuke war.. doesn’t make sense, to say the less .. no even for those who manufacture plastic bags to return our soldiers .. this is simply an idiotic way of thinking war in dangerous nuclear time  .. and very irresponsible way of wasting money need to rebuild our nation. ]]
Retired generals warn Trump on torture  What a torture! .. if Trump said so; a torture of having him..
‘Trump might roll back Russia sanctions’  Ver para creer, dijo un ciego. .. Dicen que miró, será cierto?
‘US-China tensions threaten global trade’ Si matan la gallina de los huevos de oro, mueren de hambre
Sanders surprises with Trump compliment  The worse: his compliment to Hillary: peor que traicion.
Obama rejects Israeli betrayal  No te me acerques que me tisnas, le dijo la olla al sarten. Who is worse

Who cares?.. en tiempo de peste imperial es posible que ni se note.. Si cuando estuvo viva nadie compitió por olerle pedos a la gorda.. por que lo harían si muere? .. Es que aún los britanicos  veneran pestes del pasado medieval? .. Si es así .. que siga el entierro de los Britts  y que el diablo se apiade de ellos.

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