martes, 31 de enero de 2017

JAN 30 17 SIT EC y POL

JAN  30 17  SIT EC y POL

DANGEROUS TIME ahead:  the readiness  for ww3 (see Sputnik below) is the road to fascism and mass incarceration. To avoid it, people must org brigades for PEACE to take streets. There won’t be lasting Peace without Rev against the oligarchy world-wide .. All the beneficiaries of neoliberalism & its wars must be affected. This implies to create brigades & associations for self-manage of own enterprises, Coop. This Rev may imply expropriation of big Corp and WS speculators and those who manipulate current system to feed their greed.  The objective is to create a new system of small entrepreneurs that goes beyond neo-liberal wars and to create instead a system that serves the whole nation. It is either the barbaric destruction of the whole humanity with WW3 OR people’s REV against them.


A lot was made about why bonds did not rally more today amid the plunge in stocks...



Over the past 10-years personal income in the US has increased at a 3.39% annualized rate which is the slowest 10-year annualized growth rate since the data began in 1960.

"Most Shorted" stocks are crashing today - down the most since Brexit. Total Short Interest has collapsed from its highest since 2008 (at the March 2016 lows) to the lowest in three years now... The question is - is there any short-squeeze ammunition left?


You want to fix the economic system, reduce political bribery and reduce rising income inequality? Shut off the cheap unlimited credit spigot to banks, financiers and corporations.
Here's an example of the perverse incentives and unintended consequences this unlimited credit unleashes in the real economy. Let's say I'm a financier who is close to the credit spigot. I borrow $100 million at 1.25% (or sell $100 million in bonds yielding 1.25%) to buy a company that yields 4.25% in after-tax profits.


Following leaks this morning that the Trump administration is considering executive orders around the H1-B worker via program, tech stocks are tumbling with the Nasdaq down most since September...

"I used the phrase “irrational stubbornness” to describe the market’s determination to buy the dollar in the face of both contrary newsflow and price action. Stubbornness is not a trait that’s closely correlated with profits in markets."

In his Inaugural Address, having nominated the wealthiest cabinet in American history, he proclaimed, “For too long, a small group in our nation's capital has reaped the rewards of government.”  Under Trump, an even smaller group will flourish -- in particular, a cadre of former Goldman Sachs executives. To put the matter bluntly, two of them (along with the Federal Reserve) are likely to control our economy and financial system in the years to come.

"President Trump looks to do things that will be favorable for business, which would improve employment and growth if successful. However, protesters are all over the place, so I tend to think that will cause trouble for the country and for business."

One day after 16 democratic attorneys general across the United States condemned President Trump's order to restrict people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the country, on Monday one of them - the Attorney General of Washington state - said he is filing a lawsuit against President Donald Trump over his immigration executive order. 

The reason for the simmering cold war between tech CEOs and Trump can be summarized in just three letters: H1-B. According to Bloomberg, Trump's administration has drafted an executive order aimed at overhauling the work-visa program which will truly unleash tech CEO fury.

On Monday afternoon President Donald Trump amended the Saturday memo which established a National Security Council which originally did not list the CIA director as a "regular attendee" of NSC meetings (it did, however, elevate Steve Bannon to that position), and announced that the administration has decided to add the director of the CIA back to the National Security Council.

While President Trump is right to focus on the issue, there are several reasons why his proposed solution will unfortunately not lead us anywhere closer to solving the problem...They will keep coming as long as the incentives remain.

Charles Koch:  "America is at a point of tremendous danger...[we can] go the authoritarian route...or we can move toward a free and open society. So this is our opportunity."

" would have to be blind not to see the hate, anger and frustration that are all growing like cancer in the hearts of our young people...This is a time for the peacemakers. "

A petition to ban President Donald Trump from visiting The UK has now received over one million signatures and the UK parliament has just agreed to immediately hold a three-hour debate on the decision.

Russia is quietly engaging in the biggest military build-up in the Arctic since the 1991 Soviet fall and will, in some areas, give Moscow more military capabilities than the Soviet Union once had. "These Arctic bases are on our territory. Unlike some other countries we are not building them overseas."

In the 1940s, George Orwell wrote “during times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” This is our precise position today... "Marie Krarup, a member of the Danish Parliament contacted me to say that an EU task force has placed me on a list branding me as a pro-Russian propagandist (accusing me of spreading Russian disinformation)."

The IMF has once again threatened to pull out of the Troika following a warning that Eurogroup loan measures are not enough for Greek debt. This is one of those WTF moments where statements from Greece, from the IMF, and also the Eurozone make no apparent sense.





American Psychosis  By Chris Hedges
We are entering a period of national psychological trauma. We are stalked by lunatics.
Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister  By Glenn Greenwald    A hideous symbol of U.S. barbarism
This legislation, is an authorization for the President to use military force against Iran. But it is much worse than that.
If he can stop refugees from coming in, who's to say he won't also kick them out – or worse?
The Left Is Self-Destructing  By Paul Craig Roberts  Urge Mov Internat por la PAZ starting here
Outrage About Trump Exposes "Librul" Hypocrisy By Moon Of Alabama Same cause.. same deep-state
Pr Trump shows the same cowardice and dishonesty that infected the Bush and Obama administrations




US Study on 'Decapitating' Russia, China May Raise Fear of Surprise Nuke Attack
Ex-Pentagon Adviser: US Study on Russian Leader 'Survivability' Ups Nuclear Risk
International Military Helicopter Conference to Start on Tuesday in London   RU-UK
General Atomics Wins Contract for Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System
US Defense Chief Not to Claim Cost Rise for Military Presence in Japan, S Korea
US Moneybags Prepared to Spend Millions on Pressuring Trump Through His Circle
Chris Hedges examines the future of the American empire under the Trump Administration


Cheap credit–newly issued money that can be borrowed at low rates of interest–is presented as the savior of our economic system, but in reality, it’s why our system is broken. The conventional economic pitch goes like this: cheap credit enables consumers to buy more goods and services (and since the system needs growth or it implodes, that’s good).

Cheap credit also enables companies to invest in new productive assets (capital).
Last but not least, low rates of interest enables the government at all levels to borrow money at relatively low cost.

That all sounds good in theory, but let’s see how cheap credit works in the real world.

The first thing we observe is those closest to the central bank credit spigot get the lowest rates and nearly unlimited lines of credit. J.Q. Citizen may be thrilled to get a 4% annual-rate mortgage, but the mega-millionaire closer to the credit spigot can borrow 10 times as much as J.Q. can, and at half the rate of interest.

Mega-corporations and financiers can borrow billions at rates as low as 1%, which given an official inflation rate of 2%, is actually a negative rate of real interest.
Money-center banks own the credit spigot, so they can create money out of thin air at .5%.
Keep Reading


John Catalinotto  “Volved las armas” (segunda parte)  Ricardo Vaz
Jack London vuelve   Gregorio Morán
Chile     Incendios: Las cenizas del neoliberalismo  Mauro Salazar


'US on ME presence contingent on  undemocratic allies

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