viernes, 6 de enero de 2017


JAN 6 17  SIT EC y POL


 What could possibly go wrong?
  • Russell 2000 speculative positioning has never...ever... been more long.
  • VIX futures positioning is near its shortest ever.
  • Treasury futures speculative positioning has never...ever...been more short.


The Washington Post is very disappointed...
This file was inadvertently published

The Dow tried (and failed) 8 times...


According to the BLS at least, some 155,000 seasonally adjusted jobs were added in December, arbitrarily goalseeked as they may have been. Where were they?  Here is the answer:

Putting the exclamation point on a trend that has marked Obama's entire presidency, in the final Obama jobs report, the BLS announced that the total number of people not in the labor force grew once more, rising by 18,000 in December, and a whopping 841,000 in the past three months, to a new all time high of 95.102 million Americans no longer in the workforce.

With Wall Street expecting a 178K payrolls print for president Obama's final full monthly December jobs report, the headline December nonfarm payrolls increase of just 156K is likely to disappoint. However, the poor December headline number will be offset by the sizable upward revision to the November number, which rose to 204K, as well as the big jump in average hourly wages which rose 0.4% in Obama's last full month.

There is a simple reason why the vast majority of American workers, some 82% of them, are not feeling any wage growthTHERE SIMPLY ISN'T ANY.

Following October's pre-election surge in new factory orders, November saw orders plunge 2.4% MoM (worse than expected) and the biggest drop since Aug 2014. This drop comes despite a 103% MoM rise in defense aircraft orders as non-defense aircraft orders crashed 73.8%. Factory Orders also dipped back into negative territory YoY.

The only other time in history where the Dow advanced 5000 points over a 24-month period was during the 1998-1999 period of “irrational exuberance” as the Fed was fighting the fears an inflationary advance, while valuations were rising and GDP growth rates were slowingMaybe it’s just coincidence. Maybe “this time is different.” Or it could just be the inevitable beginning of the ending of the current bull market cycle.
With Janet Yellen and the Fed once again chasing an imaginary inflation“boogeyman” (inflation is currently lower than any pre-recessionary period since the 1970’s) the tightening of monetary policy, with already weak economic growth, may once again prove problematic.

If price acceleration in the market is a sign of investor optimism, then the chart recently published by MarketWatch should raise some alarm bells.  See image at:

The only other time in history where the Dow advanced 5000 points over a 24-month period was during the 1998-1999 period of “irrational exuberance”as the Fed was fighting the fears an inflationary advance, while valuations were rising and GDP growth rates were slowing.

Maybe it’s just coincidence.
Maybe “this time is different.”
Or it could just be the inevitable beginning of the ending of the current bull market cycle.
Here the suggested reading for this weekend.


Interesting Reads

When asked about the economic outlook for America, millennials were the only generation to predict 2017 would be worse than 2016. As Bloomberg reports, the feeling of impending doom wasn't exclusively reserved for 2017: about a third of millennials surveyed said they don't think they'll have enough money to comfortably retire at all.


After legitimizing electoral corruption with his Law on Super-pacs .. OB drop crocodile tears

"By 'election infrastructure,' we mean storage facilities, polling places, and centralized vote tabulations locations used to support the election process, and information and communications technology to include voter registration databases, voting machines, and other systems to manage the election process and report and display results on behalf of state and local governments."

"The reality of it is that it was a Bernie Madoff type scheme.  It was an unsustainable feature. What they turned it into was an investment strategy and guaranteed themselves a return that is unheard of."


Seven years after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," despite having been in office for less than one year and having pretty much no actual, tangible foreign diplomacy accomplishments at the timePresident Obama will depart the White House having dropped 26,171 bombs on foreign countries around the world in 2016, 3,027 more than 2015.

"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."
"Discrediting" Hillary? COME ON .. she discredit herself  with her frauds, lies & dishonesty against Sanders .. she discredit herself with her voracious gluttony for “money contributions” to the Clinton Foundation and her Superpac.. She discredit herself when delete the files on Libya under investigation (money from Saudis to kill Gadafy and empower the terrorist of future ISIS, main suspects in the crimen of 4 American in the US Embassy).. Because her arrogance of money (placing  herself above the Law) and the nasty record as Sec of State she became the worse among 2 evils in election Time. RU didn’t manufacture that image .. she did it herself. The Nation knew that and didn’t vote her. .. Now she put her image to cover up the war plans against RU from big banker & Corp .. What a scum she is!   
Si la nación no la quiere.. por qué NY?  ..

After failing in spectacular fashion in her 2016 bid for the White House, several sources are reporting today that Hillary Clinton is mulling a potential run for New York City Mayor.


"You can choose to cooperate with United States of America or to cooperate with Russia," Russian Rear Admiral Eduard Mikhailov said, speaking at the Manila Harbor. "But from our side we can help you in every way that you need..."

Hundreds of U.S. tanks, trucks and other military equipment arrived by ship in Germany on Friday to be transported by rail and road to eastern Europe as part of a NATO buildup that has been sharply criticized by Putin.
THE NEOLIBERAL TITANIC IS SINKING but we are OK.. we’ll survive

European shares fell modestly, Asian equities declined for the first day in three, and US equity futures were unchanged before the December U.S. nonfarm payrolls report. China’s offshore yuan fell the most in a year to pare a record weekly rally, while Mexico’s peso climbed after the central bank sold dollars. Oil was trading lower in early trading.






We now have detailed evidence that the commander of CENTCOM’s Air Force component attacked the Syrian army deliberately.  [ Obama is the commander in chief.. so, accomplice in such action.. it doesn’t if Pentagon is using him as toilet paper.. he is responsible for such actions. ]
Emails Were Leaked, Not Hacked   By William Binney, Ray McGovern
[ If Trump don’t dismiss all of them .. he will be either the next toiled paper or the next JFK ]
US FOREIGN POLICY is based on an orchestrated “Muslim threat.”.
The Trump Bubble  By Mike Whitney
Trump knows his so called “tax holiday” scam is a bunch of baloney.


Detailed Intel Report on Russian Alleged Hacking of US Election Released
Zealots of cronyism & his lawyer Mr.Drones-OB pueden hacer lo que quieran para resucitar los cadaveres mal-olientes del clan Clinton y lo que lograran será otro fracaso y cómica sepultura
Related 1
Hyped Up Senate Hearing on Russian ‘Hacking’ Ends Up Being a Flop
Related 2
After Intel Briefing Trump Says Hacking Had No Effect on Outcome of Election 
Esto no es solo “idiotic plot”, es  sobre un complot de ultra-derecha  anti-Americana.
Lo que buscan es preparar ambiente para la Guerra nuclear contra RU y servir así a 6 big Corp. No al USA. Si estos estúpidos y falsos héroes de guerras pasadas creen que RU no responderá.. estan equivocados.
Related 3
Trump Calls for Investigation After NBC Got Intel Report Before He Was Briefed
Trump sabe que la propuesta guerrerista lo pone a él en la mira del sniper. Si no los frena.. Adios
More Money for wars: Pentagon Approves $125 Billion Nuclear Submarine Expansion


It’s easy to quantify the annual cost of Social Security/Medicare, and not so easy to calculate the cost of Cartel Cronyism and Central Bank-created inflation. Cartel cronyism is a hidden tax on the entire economy, as is Central Bank-created inflation.

That makes it easy for the financial-political Oligarchy to continue their skimming operations, because nobody says Cartel Cronyism cost us $1 trillion last year, and central bank skimming (inflation) cost us another $1 trillion.

The stark reality is there are limits on what we as a nation can afford in the long term. Borrowing trillions of dollars annually at low rates of interest creates a magical-thinking illusion that we can just tack on another $10 trillion, or what the hay, make it $100 trillion, and get away with it, because we’ve gotten away with it so far.

This leaves us an equally stark choice: we can only afford one of these three crushing costs:

1. Limited Social Security/Medicare (no nation can afford unlimited anything, including healthcare)
2. Central bank inflation/credit expansion. All central banks desperately want higher inflation, which acts as an economy-wide tax on wage earners whose incomes are not rising along with inflation.
3. Cartel Cronyism You know the drill: regulatory capture, monopolies enforced by the central state, cartels that eliminate competition via absurdly complex regulations imposed by the state, etc.
⇒ Keep Reading   


Ecuador  En respaldo a Acción Ecológica  Boaventura de Sousa Santos
MX.  CNI y el EZLN   ¿Una iniciativa pospatriarcal?  Diana Itzu
Otro mundo es posible  Consuma y no piense  José Antonio Mérid
Una visión distinta del sindicalismo  “El trabajador de la ciudad”   Jesús Jaén
Israel  Netanyahu recibe una doble bofetada  Michel Warschawski
Este texto revisa la conceptualización marxista de la acumulación primaria
Memoria histórica  Con impunidad no hay democracia  Andoni Txasko
La obsesión racista acorta vida Polit a Trump. CA y otros Estados mandaran abajo el muro


Jerusalem belong to Christians, Muslims n Jews
The Vatican doesn’t belong to Italy. Jerusalem belong to the 3
Obama policy continue killing innocent people in Syria

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