martes, 17 de enero de 2017

JAN 17 17 SIT EC y POL

JAN  17 17  SIT EC y POL


"B" is for Breaking narratives.. as the reflation trade rolls over...

"B" is for Brexit talk from Theresa May sparked the biggest surge in cable since 1993, smashing back above 1.2400...  See Graph at:

"B" is for Banks stumbled most since the election...(despite great earnings from MS today)

"B" is for Bonds which saw yields plunge today.... (yields down 4bps to 7bps across the curve today)

And "B" is for Blood on the streets in FX land...

Since The Fed hiked rates, bonds have rallied... "policy error"?  see graph with error
See reality:  Are stocks ready to drop back to reality?  See graph

Despite all of the arm waving and pounding on the table by advisors touting long-term average returns, time-in-the-market, etc., the psychological impact of loss is all too real. While “buy and hold” investing has its appeal during bullish trending markets, the “impact of loss” on individuals is a far greater emotional pull. This is why investors tend to do everything backwards by “buying high” (greed) and “selling low” (fear).

For years, post-financial crisis policy was conducted on the self-serving belief that it works best by propping up asset (especially equity) prices, which will then cause some of the goodies to trickle down... known in the non-official journals as “cure through greater inequality." But, if global politics turn decidedly ugly, it should not be profound to believe that could act as a drag on world growth...

Trumpflation expectations have given up... bond-great-rotaters have given up... and carry-traders have given up... So what happens next?

With just days to go until Donald Trump is inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, speculators have almost never been so sure that markets will remain calm - despite record-breaking uncertainty.

US financials stocks are down 3% from Friday's exuberant post-earnings opening highs. That is the biggest drawdown since the election with BofA, JPMorgan, and Goldman leading the downturn (down almost 5% from Friday's opening highs)...
The WSJ published the latest excerpt of its Friday interview with Donald Trump, in which the president-elect himself said the dollar was already “too strong.” and said “our companies can’t compete with [China] now because our currency is too strong. And it’s killing us.

It appears The Donald is stronger than The Fed (for now). The president-elect's comments that the dollar is "too strong" have accelerated the weakness from his press conference last week, and erased all the "well the dollar is up because the US economy is so strong" gains in the greenback since The Fed hiked interest rates for the second time in a decade...

Having spiked exuberantly in November and December following Trump's election, Empire Fed's manufacturing survey limped lower in January, missing expectations, and was revised lower as Trumphoria fades.

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist...we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite...As we peer into society’s future, we - you and I, and our government - must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow."

America can no longer afford to waste trillions of dollars on a militaristic foreign policy. Donald Trump should follow-up his attacks on wasteful military spending by dramatically changing our foreign policy and working to cut the Pentagon's bloated budget. If the new administration and Congress increase spending, they will need the Federal Reserve to monetize the growing debt, but Fed action can only delay the inevitable day of reckoning.

China has taken "measures" to prevent market selloffs this week, Bloomberg reports, as President Xi Jinping’s appearance at the World Economic Forum in Davos puts Asia’s largest economy in the global spotlight, and its immediate reaction has been to manipulate its stock market.





Trump’s Cat Among European Pigeons   By Finian Cunningham
A Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof  By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity


Obama Orders US Security Team to Stay on High Alert at Trump Inauguration
WikiLeaks Founder Assange Thanks Campaigners for Chelsea Manning’s Clemency
Humanitarian Organizations Urged to Provide Medicines for 73 Syrian Settlements
Trump's Remark on NATO 'Delegitimizes' the Alliance as a 'Relic of the Past'


Political agnostics who are skeptical about Big Government “solutions,” left or right, view the current hullabaloo about the Trump presidency with some detachment. What’s remarkable to us is the extremism, not just of those bitter about Clinton’s loss, but by insiders who are threatened by the possibility Trump may upset their insider skims and scams.

As an opening observation, I don’t recall bitter Nixon supporters issuing death threats to performers at John Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961–and the 1960 election was extremely close.
I also don’t recall bitter Gore supporters issuing death threats to performers at G.W. Bush’s inauguration in 2001–even though the 2000 election came down to a few hundred votes in Florida.

Trump is a lightning rod for a spectrum of people and organizations. Let’s see if we can separate the spectrum into socio-political groups.

In times of turmoil, identifying a bogeyman/woman as the cause of the turmoil is a classic mechanism for shirking responsibility and agency. This is the psychological source of witch-hunts (it’s all the witches’ fault!), scapegoating, show trials, and so on: it isn’t our fault things are falling apart, or the fault of our institutions–it’s the bogeyman/woman’s fault.

This transference/projection concentrates the blame and responsibility on The Other–a scapegoated group, or even better, one individual or a small group. Those making the accusation reckon pointing the finger at some target lets them off the hook: I am blameless, it’s all his/her fault.
Keep Reading


Un siglo después de la Rev rusa   La desaparición de la URSS  José López
Debate Altamira-Kane:  Socialismo y “objetivismo” marxista   Eric Simonetti
La desigualdad crece a pasos agigantados  Informe Oxfam Intermon


You pardon their life .. you have your reward now. Law is not mercy to terrorists

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