sábado, 28 de enero de 2017

JAN 28 17 SIT EC y POL

JAN  28 17  SIT EC y POL


The message from America's ruling elite is, as always - "do as I say, not as I do" - and nowhere is that more evident in the following chart. Simply put, follow the money!

As we detailed last week, as US financial stocks have soared in the post-election Trumphoria, so bankers have been dumping over $100 million in personal stock holdings... See 3 graphics at:  http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2017/01/23/20170124_sell2_0.jpg

As Barron's details,   (SEE small graphic above) it's not just the bankers that are bailing out of US stocks (just as the corporate elite and their mainstream media lackeys cajole you and your hard-earned retirement funds back into the most-expensive market ever), it's everyone!!  See it again:

The massive spike in insider-selling (relative to buying) is broad-based...

Still - listen to CNBC, buy some more NFLX or TSLA or the latest Biotech stock, we have reached a new permanently high plateau...  see below:


According to transcripts released this month, Fed officials in November 2011 were debating whether unemployment was caused by bad work ethics and drug use – rather than by the greatest financial crisis in 80 years... "The room of central bankers then broke into laughter..."

"...if President Donald Trump can avoid stumbling into a trade war—or a real war—there’s no reason the Dow Jones Industrial Average can’t exceed 30,000 by the year 2025."

Amazon has begun shipping products from Chinese merchant partners to its U.S. warehouses via its own ocean freighters. Amazon used to outsource exclusively. Question: How long will it be before Amazon has minimal to no staff on self-guided transports?

With the world (apart from Israel) in uproar over President Trump's decision to ban immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, Department of Homeland Security official Gillian Christensen just confirmed "[the order] will bar green card holders" and those who hold dual nationality also will be barred.

The State Department and Customs and Border Patrol were still devising the formal rules for who is eligible for waivers from Trump's refugee and travel ban. The Trump administration also has yet to issue guidance to airports and airlines on how to implement the executive order. "Nobody has any idea what is going on," a senior Homeland Security official told NBC News.
California Threatens To Cut Off Funds To Washington  CA-exit, secession at portas, the 1st in line..

"California could very well become an organized non-payer... They could recommend non-compliance with the federal tax code."

"America already hates California, and America votes on emotions...I think we’d have the votes today if we held it." Activists in California have just taken an integral step that could leave America with only 49 states in the near future. Yes California, a pro-secession organization, received approval Thursday to begin collecting signatures from residents to put “Calexit” on the ballot for a 2019 special election.

"Is Trump going to usher in a new era of prosperity and innovation? Or is he going to be the one standing in the center ring when the circus tent comes down? ... much of this hinges on a variable that Trump doesn’t control...The Federal Reserve."

With banners and chants proclaiming "build a wall... we'll tear it down", "let them in", "hey, hey, JFK, no more fascists USA", and "refugees in, racists out", hundreds of protestors are assembled at JFK airport (and Chicago O'Hare) following President Trump's 'Muslim' ban and the detention of 12 refugees.

"While respecting the American people and distinguishing between them and the hostile policies of the U.S. government, Iran will implement the principle of reciprocity until the offensive U.S. limitations against Iranian nationals are lifted,"an Iranian Foreign Ministry statement said.

In response to Trump's immigration ban, Canada's Trudeau tweeted on Saturday afternoon "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada." Moments later, his statement was echoed by Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon, who retweeted Trudeau's comment.

On their first official phone call, Trump & Merkel covered "a range of issues, including NATO, the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, relations with Russia, and the Ukraine crisis." The two agreed on the "fundamental importance to the broader transatlantic relationship and its role in ensuring peace and stability." Trump also said he accepted Germany's invitation to attend the G-20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

"... for more than two centuries, America has supported, has been an ally in two world wars, and now considers the US as an important partner in the fight against international terrorism."

The first step in fighting back in a 4th Gen war is to acknowledge that there is no easy way out. There is no way to change the corrupt system from within. There is no way to use politics and government to our advantage. Despite all the hopes activists have, Trump is not going to save you, or America. The Republican controlled House and Senate is not going to save us. There is nothing they could do even if they wanted to.
Here is what can be done, though, to mitigate the damage and fight back against the establishment…

Separation From The System
People are always looking for grand and cinematic solutions to fighting the globalists, but the real solutions are far less romantic. Defeating the “new world order” requires individuals to take smaller actions in their day-to-day lives. Becoming more self sufficient, the ability to provide one’s own necessities, the ability to defend one’s self and family, the move away from grid dependence, homeschooling your children, a healthy skepticism of web tied technologies and the “internet of things,” etc. [He forgot to say that economic  association in mall  companies  COOPs is the key for survival]

Separation From Invasive Technologies
Remove active surveillance from your life. Stop carrying a cell phone around with you everywhere you go, or at least pull the battery until you need it. Cover or remove computer cameras. Deactivate microphones when not in use. Refuse to purchase appliances with built-in web connectivity. Refuse to participate in smart grid programs. Remove GPS modules from your vehicles. Stop posting photos constantly to Facebook and sharing your entire life on social media. Give the enemy less information to work with.

Build Real Community
Stop trying to build hollow friendships with people on the other side of the country through a cold medium like the internet and start building relationships with the people that live right in your own neighborhood or town. The one thing the elites fear more than anything else is people organizing groups that are outside of their influence. The more community groups there are, big and small, the more effort, money and resources are required to keep tabs on them all.

Establish Alternative Communications
Make sure your group or community has at least one ham radio expert. Resistance to tyranny requires independent communications. 

Refuse To Participate In Resource Management
In the event of a greater collapse, resource management will be the name of the game. For the elites to gain a stranglehold on a population, they need to isolate the insurgency (freedom loving people) from the regular (subdued) citizenry, and then they need to confiscate as many resources as possible to supply “loyalists” while starving out undesirables.

Vigilante Justice
I am not condoning OR criticizing this kind of development, but I am pointing out that it is inevitable. If top globalists continue to engage in the use of economics as a nuclear option against the public, along with their many other crimes, then individuals with the right skill-sets will likely seek them out with the intention of ventilating them. I think the danger of lone-wolf vigilantes acting without group contact and without warning is terrifying to the globalists.

Our Window Of Time Is Short
Keep in mind that the millennial generation is about 10 years away from becoming the dominant cultural force in this country, and those precious snowflakes are like another species. The majority of them long for collectivism, and they work diligently to stifle dissent in colleges and public schools. 

Whatever we end up doing, I believe we have about 10 years before hitting the point of no return (with ample crisis and struggle from now until then). After this, we will either have the globalists in prison or in the ground, or, we will have a massive economic reset and a new world order. The choice is up to us, even though some people don’t want to accept it.




How Trump's Safe Zones May Help Syrian Armed Rebels to Catch a Second Wind   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701281050110448-trump-safe-zones-syria-opposition/
Why Trump's Plan to Build 'Safe Zones' in Syria Could Backfire at US   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701261050036176-trump-safe-zones-syria/
Trump, Putin Agree on Need for Cooperation in Fighting Terrorism  https://sputniknews.com/us/201701281050115355-trump-putin-talk-improving-ties/
FACT is that Trump (NATO allies UK, Israel, Saudis +) are building Safe Zones to support terrorists & destroy Syria State sovereignty. That includes regime change of Asad, while RU-Iran-China are supporting Asad and hitting the terrorists. IN SHORT: the 1st conversa  was useless & the INFO: fake
Es la resistencia de trabajadores organizados (a nivel gremial y político) lo que frenará a Trump
NYC Taxi Drivers Strike Over Trump's Immigration Bans  https://sputniknews.com/us/201701291050117697-nyc-drivers-strike-muslim-ban/
Trump, Turnbull Discuss US-Australian Ties, Situation in Asia-Pacific Region   https://sputniknews.com/politics/201701291050118076-trump-turnbull-discuss-usa-australia/
Australia to Carry On Work With TPP Nations Despite US Withdrawal   https://sputniknews.com/world/201701271050072029-australia-us-tpp/
Merkel to Become German Ruling Coalition's Single Candidate for Chancellorship   https://sputniknews.com/europe/201701291050118284-merker-cdu-csu-single-candidate/ 
No good news for Trump original plan. He favored  EXIT of British, Italians etc to destroy EU
Keiser Report  Episode 1025  Max and Stacy discuss Jack Ma’s statements at Davos about the US wasting trillions on wars


EE.UU.  El Muro FbaD
Néstor Kohan  Resistencias frente a la “nueva” barbarie  Marcela Paolucci
Cumbre de Celac    Un organismo que perdió fuerza  Ignacio Díaz
Por la unidad de ALC  Bolivia en los tiempos de Donald Trump Edo Paz Rada
VEN  -Oposición venezolana sin salida  Luis Bilbao
Se preparan los que venden armas y guerras.. Si desaparecen, en buena hora, cuanto menos dure la guerra nuclear mejor.. Pero que no jodan la neutralidad de los países del Sur .. Los juzgaremos!.
From Spain 
México   Adiós a la dependencia  ¿?  Luis Leija
Mundo armado  ??  Ulises Tuero  Los de arriba lo están, no los pueblos
Putin y el G2   Germán Gorraiz  De la conversa telefónica con Trump nada se dice aquí. 
Solo que el VP de T participara para que no se lo devore Putin. El VP simula contradic con T
Siempre se lo mando abajo con la venia de rancheros USA y -por lo bajo- de la oligarquía.


‘US should orient military towards defense. So, get out of Syria
Trump, Putin to keep 'regular personal talk against daesh in Syria

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