viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016


SET 9 16  SIT EC y POL


"So here we go: BoJ ready to commit to go deeper negative rates and experiment with their curve, the Fed is seemingly locked-and-loaded on a hike as global growth rolls over, a deluge of supply into a suddenly wobbly rates backdrop, and a loaded-coil of synthetically low volatility across asset classes…as cross-asset correlations trickle back near multi-year/crisis extremes."

"One thing we learnt from Japan is that the equity secular valuation bear market takes many economic cycles to unfold and ends when equities are dirt cheap?. US equities did not get dirt cheap in March 2009 at a Shiller PE of 14x - they just got cheap. To be dirt cheap they needed to half again from the 666 level they reached."

"So we have a choice, either we continue down the road of negative rates to Fantasy Land, where central banks own all the stocks and bonds and asset prices always rise, but real wages and average living standards always fallor we take our chances on a different path that leads to reality, however unpleasant the transition may be. I for one would choose the latter, but it looks like I won’t have much company."

The old Wall Street expression is “They don’t ring a bell at the top.” This snarky adage is usually employed by those saddened financial managers who ride a successful investment to a peak and then watch in horror as it reverses course to a level below their cost basis. A pity this notion is misguided, since the market frequently “rings the bell.” It is just that most market participants are not listening. Perhaps they should be listening now.

The algos driving yesterday's spike obviously did not read the weather forecast as the one off draw is 'storm shut in'-related and not a sign of demand and massive glut reduction. Add to that a number of nations demanding exemptions from any freeze and the gains are gone...


Other than being the first woman president, what is the great change that Hillary Clinton offers America?

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”

Government has plenty of money, and as The Rebel's Lauren Southern explainsthe idea that feeding more money into a broken system will somehow fix the system is quite literally insane. Yet to this day we still here politicians lying through their teeth saying they need to raise taxes - and liberals defending their decision.

Given that Donald Trump is the 'devil incarnate' if one listens to any of the Clinton surrogates, Democrats are growing more and more concerned as Hillary's 'insurmountable' lead has collapsed to its lowest since the conventions

The "Undisclosed PRN Staff Member" that admitted to having the "oh shit" moment and wiping Hillary's email server despite knowing about a subpeona from Congress turns out to be Paul Combetta and he, like Pagliano, was also granted immunity by the DOJ.


Los neo-nazis al ataque

Germany is preparing to deploy troops within its borders for the first time sime World War II amid growing fears that a "catastrophic" terrorist attack is "conceivable, even probable."






Professor Andrew Bacevich of Boston University says the forum could have clarified positions on a number of defining national security issues including the subject of 'modernizing' the US nuclear arsenal
Ahead of a major court ruling expected on Friday, TRNN examines the financial and political interests behind the Dakota Access Pipeline


How can a solution be found when one of the parties is part of the problem? 
The Kurdistan Projects  By Thierry Meyssan
This pseudo-Kurdistan is no more than a Western bribe intended to turn the Syrian Kurds against Damascus.
People in both the US and Russia would benefit from diversion of funds away from billion dollar weapons systems
Zionism's Jewish Enemy  Video

Alan Hart Interviews Professor Ilan Pappe, on Israel’
The official 9/11 story is collapsing before our eyes
Another treaty, whose probable impacts are almost identical, is waiting in the wings. And this one is more advanced 
News organizations treat Mrs. Clinton as a serious candidate, while Mr. Trump is sometimes handled more benignly




Syria Ceasefire Plan Could See US, Russia Join Military Forces Against Terrorists
Top CNN Anchor More Worried About US Defense Revenues Than Thousands of Dead Civilians in Yemen
US 'Funneled Weapons to Terrorists' in Syria - Rand Paul ….

Safe Zone: Priority Goal of Turkey's Euphrates Shield Operation in Syria

[[ IF RU-China area unable to defend Syria & Iran.. means that they are unable to defend the whole humanity against the most evil empire in the World .. they will continue destroying entire State-Nation with impunity … and the next will be them. All is a matter of life vs.death. Just support Syria and Iran no matter what.. given them all weapons to defend themselves against, Saudis, Israel & Turkey .. and respect the autonomy of Syria to defend their sovereignty against Turks invaders. They should remove their tanks & troops asap, their destruction called “help” is not needed there.  ]]


Presumption of a Cover-Up
Judges and lawyers know that – if someone intentionally destroys evidence – he’s probably trying to hide his crime. American law has long recognized that destruction of evidence raises a presumption of guilt for the person who destroyed the evidence.  So what does it mean when the US government intentionally destroyed massive amounts of evidence related to 9/11?

Judge and Prosecutor Destroy Evidence
For example, it was revealed in May that the judge overseeing the trial of surviving 9/11 suspects conspired with the prosecution to destroy evidence relevant to a key suspect’s defense. And see this.
(The Defense Department has also farmed out most of the work of both prosecuting and defending the surviving 9/11 suspects to the same private company. And the heads of the military tribunal prosecuting the 9/11 suspects said that the trials must be rigged so that there are no acquittals.)

Destruction of Videotapes
The CIA videotaped the interrogation of 9/11 suspects, falsely told the 9/11 Commission that there were no videotapes or other records of the interrogations, and then illegally destroyed all of the tapes and transcripts of the interrogations.

9/11 Commission co-chairs Thomas Keane and Lee Hamilton wrote:
Those who knew about those videotapes — and did not tell us about them — obstructed our investigation.


Brasil  Después del impeachment  Ariel Goldstein
ALC  Los golpes de Estado de ayer y hoy  Marcos Roitman




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