domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

SET 25 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 25 16  SIT EC y POL

"I think it’ll be a clown show, more than I’ll get a good bombshell out of it," said Ryan Porter of Columbus, 29, a financial adviser. It will be up to Trump and Hillary to prove him wrong, and - in the process - win.


After 10 straight weeks of increasingly bullish speculative positioning ('longer' stock futures and 'shorter' VIX futures), the last 2 weeks have seen short VIX bets plunge at the fastest rate since pre-Brexit and the Aug 2015 crash. At the same time as this surge to hedging, the day since The Fed's utterly farcical fold have seen bond volatility crash to its lowest in two years.

It's been a bad year for hedge funds as a result of significantly underperforming the market, coupled with the biggest wave of redemptions since the financial crisis. Unfortunately, according to the latest Goldman data, there is no reprieve in sight. As the following chart from David Kostin shows, both global macro hedge funds and equity long short funds are the worst performing assets YTD on both a total return and risk-adjusted basis.

"Since 1999 year-end through 2015 home prices have risen 76% while household mean real income has grown less than 2%; the millennium-to-date gap between the two growth rates peaked at 84% during 2005-2006 and has risen back to 74% as of 2015 year-end. Gap at year-end 2007 was 75%."

by Tyler Durden  Here only extracts

The American electorate has never been more divided with people having wide ranging opinions on which party/candidate would be best for the future of the country.  Certainly economic and other facts help guide those opinions but, in the end, the decision is also based on the subjective views of each voter.  

But, for Politifact, apparently even the facts are subjective and based on party affiliation.  Take the following example:

On July 6, 2015, Bernie Sanders made the following comment about Black youth unemployment in the United States:

"For young people who have graduated high school or dropped out of high school, who are between the ages of 17 and 20, if they happen to be white, the unemployment rate is 33 percent.  If they are Hispanic, the unemployment rate is 36 percent. If they are African-American, the real unemployment rate for young people is 51 percent."

Shortly after that comment was made, Politifact decided to "fact check" Bernie's assertion that black youth unemployment was sky high and found that it was "Mostly True."

The problem is that when Donald Trump made a similar assertion at a rally on June 11, 2016, Politifact's "fact checking" analysis had a slightly different conclusion.   But this time around Politifact claimed that "Trump exaggerates" the level of black youth unemployment through a "misleading use of statistics."  Politifact concludes that Trumps comments are therefore "Mostly False."

Both candidates were referring to studies like the one below from the Economic Policy Institute which attempt to find true unemployment rates based on the number of people employed to the total population adjusted for those still enrolled in continuing education.  On this basis, true white youth unemployment is in the mid-30s while black youth unemployment is in the low-50s after hovering around 60% for several years.   

Politifact was able to "recall" this study when "fact checking" Bernie but, like Hillary in an FBI interview, they "did not recall" the study when fact checking Trump. 
We rate Politifact's fact-checking Mostly Biased.

Despite the confirmatin from Gennifer Flowers yesterday, Donald Trump VP Mike Pence confirmed this morning that Bill Clinton's ex-girlfriend "will not be attending the debate tomorrow night."

If Hillary Clinton’s illness had not materialized, someone would probably have had to have made one up for her. The Democratic presidential candidate’s dramatic drop in popularity just over the course of the last month has been attributed to her sudden health issues and pneumonia. Of course they’re claiming that Clinton will recover and that her extraordinary determination to keep fighting will make voters even more sympathetic to her. The biggest US media outlets are helping her spin that.

When Dr. Lisa Bardack was asked to become Hillary Clinton’s personal physician in 2001, it had to have been a crowning moment in the career of the Mt. Kisco internist. Dr. Bardack could have anticipated little downside... Unfortunately, Hillary Clinton corrupts everyone who serves her.

A new Harvard study reveals the growth of gun "super owners" in the United States that seemingly coincided with the start of the Obama administration and increasing rhetoric over new gun regulations.

Saudi Arabia offered to cut its oil output to January levels, as OPEC members seek ways to stabilize crude prices at talks this week in Algiers.“Saudi Arabia is ready to freeze production at the January level,” Boutarfa said, calling the offer “an interesting step.” Saudi Arabia pumped a record 10.69 million barrels a day in August compared with 10.2 million in January, suggesting the Saudis are willing to cut total output by half a million barrels. 

Meet Michael Morell - " the creepy, sadistic little puppet-master that is going to deliberately get our sons and daughters sent off to fight the next war 'for our freedom'."  This is just more proof that nothing we see on the mainstream news is as it seems and that the federal alphabet agencies are never what they present themselves to be.  For more on this idiocy check: “Ex-CIA Director Who Endorsed Clinton Calls for Killing Iranians and ...   Aug 9, 2016.
Also this:




Scholar: US, UK Supporting War Crimes in the Middle East
Killing Fields - Washington Pushes $115 Billion in Weapon Sales to Riyadh
Washington 'Deliberately Sabotages' Russia-US Agreement on Syria
Washington's Stance on Syria Deal: If Something Goes Wrong, Blame Russia  
Worlds Apart  Brawn over brains?


Now the alleged attack on a U.N. convoy are parts of a larger narrative and, no matter how much they are debunked, confusion and distortion leave behind traces of the narrative embedded in the mind of the consumer.

Still, it is important to point out the false narratives where they do exist in order to deconstruct them as much as possible.

For instance, the recent hysteria over an alleged attack on a U.N. convoy by “either Syrian or Russian jets” (because it couldn’t have been the U.S. of course), has been used as an attempt to paint Russia and Syria as violators of a ceasefire and states so evil that they would dare attack the sacred U.N. who only ever provides food to hungry people and candy to children. Yet the entire incident, which the West is attempting to use as a political hammer, exists only through the channels and pages of Western media. In reality, however, not so much.
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Arabia Saudí  Los mil rostros de la protesta  Pascal Menoret


To save the duopoly system? or mere dream: upstart to her post?
Easy Trump’ response : open door to 3rd option by inviting Jill Stein

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