martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016



By Hugo Adan  Sept 27, 2016

Antidemocratic because it close doors to minority parties. Both Hillary & Trump decided to silenced their  voice. Instead, the supporters of  Jill Stein from the Green Party were sent to jail like criminals.. for What crime? The crime of defending democracy in the US. We demand the immediate release of those prisoners!


1- Because they both use the sociological frame of regulation without knowing it, so their arguments are totally  inconsistent  and contradictory. The first tenet of this frame is supporting the status quo, it means supporting the neoliberal system in economics (privatization of state Co and free move for the financial elite to go abroad whenever they want to exploit cheap labor & plundering riches outside, beside other freedoms), is what Trump practice in real life. It also means that in politics they should support the rule Law ( that both Trump & Hillary broke  in practice; one don’t pay taxes according to real investments abroad, and Hillary believe that she is above the Law regarding the issue e-mail scandal). It also means at political level that they should respect real democracy,  but both agreed to break it by excluding 3rd options from public debates and by imposing a  duopoly system that means cronyism in real politics (both agreed on it). In other words, they reject the opposite frame to regulations and disrespect Law & social order. The opposite frame is Radical Change that Sanders put across during  primaries to finally gave up & surrender to Clinton machine. Only Jill Stein support this frame and that is the reason why the oligarchy of Hillary-Trump exclude her from real politics in the US.  

2- At the level of economics they both didn’t have plans for suggesting a post-neoliberal agenda and responding correctly to the question of how to create jobs and make capital and labor go hand on hand.  They both knew that the neoliberal economics is collapsing, more Trump that Hillary, but both were unable to go beyond neoliberalism. Trump said that the solution is avoiding investors to flew outside by given them free taxes inside (he didn’t mention the QEs and bailouts for them because this is another disaster.. in addition they’re asking now higher interest rate for investor to continue profit from this collapsing economy)  and placing higher taxes to US Co that flew outside (China & Asian countries) when  bringing their products inside. Trump incurs in electoral demagogy in saying so because everybody knows that he invest outside & avoid paying taxes inside. Hillary insist that he should provide the list of companies he has outside .. he answer “I’ll do it when you provide the list of donors you illegally erased from e-mail scandal”. In short, they both were not even consistent with the frame they endorse. They both reject radical change and break Laws and social order, enabling in this way that structural social conflicts at the bottom of society. Their interest they defend force them to criminalize social protest and the poverty the system creates .. their blah blah in favor of blacks and racism had not basis in their practice.

3- The case of Hillary is even worse regarding the issue jobs. It stand to reason because she is not an entrepreneur like Trump, she is a collector of “donations” from businessmen abroad and strong advocator of Wall Street mafias. Everybody knows that their speculation business do not create jobs. She like Trump despises Fed regulations top-down..-in the case of Hillary- especially for WS speculators that support her. She believes in “solidarity” with the poor, understood as philanthropical donations to them, and this doesn’t create jobs either.  In fact, the Clinton’s philanthropy is a way to cover huge donations obtained abroad (case in point: Lybia from the Saudis to depose Gaddafy). This fake support to poor nations abroad is a way to violate sovereignty & self-emancipation from state-nations outside. Inside the country her fake statement on blacks is even worse; it was her husband that massively incarcerate blacks under the pretext of war against drugs and it is Obama regime strongly supported by Hillary, when more blacks, latinos & muslims were illegally incarcerated and killed in streets. More shocking even was the fact of “free-trade” agreement with MX, millions of jobs were displaced there in search for cheap labor. Mexican farmer system was broken with the help of Monsanto fumigation of corn and fruits, and millions of MX were left without income and forced to migrate to the north, to be treated like criminals. We still supporting  these trade agreements at gun point in Asia. In short, with the Clintons and Obama the social integration and cohesion of our nation has been broken, as well as the social system of many other state-nations abroad. The neoliberal system in favor of the rich (the 1%) have create structural conflicts imposible to resolve without radical change, as FDR did it with the Glass Steagal ACT, that was the greatest economic growth with development we got in our history (for 50 years).

4- Trump, Hillary and Obama believe that it was Reagan the creator of US prosperity. They lie.  What they did was imposing the neoliberal system world-wide with the Washington Consensus of 1985, after the “successful” fascit experiment in Chile (1970s). They destroyed democracy and killed more than 30,000 workers in Chile. Today this system is collapsing and Friedman & Kissinger –the implementers of such experiment- are considered criminals in the South. This is the system that Hillary & Trump want to recreate, it is the source of bonanza for them and exclusion and poverty for the working and middle classes in America. If the neoliberal system doesn’t work in this country –as Trump recognized-  and don’t work worldwide now,  why to criminalize migrants and poverty they created at the bottom of the US, and abroad with their weapons and wars of plundering?. Why not to think in radical change and post neoliberal economy ?.  They cannot do that.. they do not have plans for that.. Hillary didn’t even could explain the meaning of fair and sustainable development .. read my web-site she said. All they did in the debate is supporting the status quo. Too bad and too late to do it. They are condemned to failure at economic level, though maybe succeed politically for last time .. by excluding the nation with their frauds and by proscribing the 3rd choice.. That will be an ephemerons success. The nation is ready to condemn Hillary & Trump either voting for party minority party OR via ABSTENTION if Hillary-Trump oligarchy insist in excluding them.  

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