domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

SET 24 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 24 16  SIT EC y POL


“Overall shipment volumes are persistently weak...”

Tax collections will be down 2.1% in the second quarter relative to last year, reflecting a decline of 3.3% in personal income taxes and a 9.2% plunge in corporate tax collections.  The trend in individual income taxes at the state level in recent quarters tracks the sharp decline we have reported previously at the federal level.

“Wells Fargo knew that their unreasonable quotas were driving these unethical behaviors that were used to fraudulently increase their stock price and benefit the CEO at the expense of the low-level employees,” the bankers alleged in state court. “Although this policy was known to top executives of defendants, plaintiffs, as bankers, were blamed for harm to clients and retaliated against."

Our liquidity-drunk “markets” remain over-priced due to the chronic intervention of the global central banking cartel, which has demonstrated over and over again that it won't tolerate even the slightest drop in asset prices. Once faith in central banks is lost, their power to delay the deflationary day of reckoning goes with it. The stupendous amount of debt they have helped heap onto the financial system since 2008 will start going into default and the only question that will matter is: Who is going to eat the losses?

Failing insurers. Rising premiums. Financial losses. As Bloomberg details, the deteriorating Obamacare market that the health insurance industry feared is here.

[[ Full privatization will make worse the Heath System.. The only solution is “one single payer” .. Otherwise  the risk of burning stations of Pharma’ crook Co will be high. ]]




The best part of : AMERICA'S 24/7 CIRCUS MAXIMUS

Perplexed global public opinion holds its breath at the circus
Best American Democracy” with THE TWO GREATEST CLOWNS
IN US HISTORY: HILLARY & TRUMP, the “secret” candy couple.

You are free to laugh your ass ..  if lies contradict reality.
Your are not allow to take sides & get furious at their words.
Remember: It is a circus.. don’t trust anything they said or promise

The show purpose is to get the attention of their financier- mafia.
They will see who is most able to lie & keep the people submitted,
while they get billions from your misery and plundering war abroad

If the oligarchy laugh during the show, their laugh will be on you,
And if they get upset.. their angry is also on you for trusting them.
Whoever wins according to the “presstitute”, the oligarchical mafia will get richer

On November 8th, the US Presidential election will take place. Below Bank of America lists eight trades, all specific to the election, some applicable to whoever wins, some dependent on the election result:

Colorado voter fraud investigation finds dozens of deceased citizens voting for multiple years after their death.
OBAMA HELP HILLARY TO BE ABOVE THE LAW.. Is this conspiracy against US Constitution?
What other faults to Law he committed, besides droning innocent people & undeclared  wars? .. Does he deserves to be impeach & remove from the Presidency?

"How is this not classified?" Clinton aide Huma Abedin exclaimed once informed that the sender of an email to Hillary Clinton was believed to be pseudonym used by the president,. "Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president's use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email."

According to new FBI notes, Platte River Networks- PRN referred to Hillary's new 60-day "email retention policy" as the "the Hillary coverup operation." ..  Was this "a joke"?

Hillary cancelled her Sunday trip to Charlotte after the Mayor asked her to stay home citing "stretched resources for security" with police "working around the clock."  Ironically, this is the exact same reason that Hillary elected to not visit Louisiana back in August. 
Obama’s economic policies are not helping Dems neocon-successor Hillary

Chicago suffered through its worst summer of violence in decades. In August, over 400 people were shot and 80 killed. Activists and public unions blame income inequality. Income inequality is rising, but very few understand who is to blame. And the tax hikes and pay hikes that unions seek exacerbate the problems and cause white flight. Many ask Is education the answer? ..but the Chicago public school system is not only financially bankrupt, it is morally bankrupt.

[[ The time to replace Hillary with E Warren and/or Sanders is expiring … The very probable political defeat of Hillary.. will be the death of the Dems party.. the libertarians can do the same with the GOP.. and the duopoly system will collapse. We don’t need them.]]

On Monday, Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of giving aid and comfortto Islamic terrorists, and that terrorists use his rhetoric to recruit fighters. She said  I’m the only candidate in this race who’s been part of the hard decisions to take terrorists off the battlefield. I have sat at that table in the Situation Room,” said Clinton. Here's our counterclaim: Hillary Clinton not only sponsors terrorism, she is a terrorist.





'Beholden to AIPAC'  By Philip Weiss
Senators Warren, Murphy, Brown Sign Letter To Limit Obama's Actions.

If the analysis presented here is correct, then the startling conclusion is that a world war is underway.
Washington is planning the continuation of its unending wars in the Middle East, including military action directed against Iran
Having A Cessation of Violence in Syria   Updated - By Bashar al-Assad
The United States doesn’t have the will to work against al-Nusra or even ISIS, because this is a card they can use for their own agenda
Washington’s military superiority means nothing.
What is great is the amount of Violence, alcoholism, and obesity … those illness pose the biggest risks in the U.S
To paraphrase Mark Twain, everyone complains about inequality, but nobody does anything about it


Former Obama Advisor: White House Turned Syria Into ‘Problem From Hell’
Lavrov: US Must Prove Rebels Disbanded From Al-Nusra to Revive Syrian Ceasefire
Before It Encounters Fierce Resistance, Turkey Should Withdraw From Syria
Turkey's 'Crossing of Russia's Red Line in Syria Might Inflame Hot War'
US Apologizes to Bashar Assad for Airstrike on Syrian Army's Position Near Deir ez-Zor – Lavrov
Keiser Report  Episode 971 Madame Lagarde under Max-Stacy light
IMF Chief Lagarde to stand trial over a payout to French businessman Bernard Tapie


James Corbett’s sharp 5-minute video: “The real cost of the war of Terror”  : video URL:
My 2015 paper for the Claremont Colleges’ conference, Seizing an Alternative Toward an Ecological Civilization:
My 2016 paper:
Bonus essay:


WSJ Esto debería hacer Trump para ganar las elecciones  Un 48% de los ciudadanos estadounidenses cree que Trump podría llevar a cabo un "cambio real" en EE.UU., mientras que solo un 36% tiene la misma idea sobre Clinton.  Si Trump toma las medidas adecuadas, podrá ganar las elecciones.


So, you should respect war crimes, not matter what
It took too long to doctorate it, .. who is gona trust it?
other camera –from the scene- show arm implant in TV

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