sábado, 17 de septiembre de 2016

SET 17 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 17 16  SIT EC y POL


In the history of data from The Fed, this has never happened before...

Aggregate Auto Loan volume actually fell last week... And less loans means one simple thing... less sales (because prices have never been higher and no one is paying cash)...  See chart “US Total Vehicle sale” at: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/09/15/20160917_auto2_0.jpg

Which is a major problem since motor vehicle production continues to rise as management is blindly belieiving the Hillbama narrative that everything is (and will be) awesome.
The problem is... inventories are already at near record highs relative to sales (which are anything but plateauing)... See chart “Motor-Vehicle Inventory /sales” at: http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user3303/imageroot/2016/09/15/20160917_auto_0.jpg

In fact, the last time inventories were this high relative to sales, GM went bankrupt and was bailed out by Obama.

The big picture here is simple... US Automakers face a plunge in auto loans for the first time in this 'recovery', and with sales plunging and inventories near record highs, production (i.e. labor) will have to take a hit... and that plays right into Trump's wheelhouse and crushes Hillbama's narrative just weeks before the election.

The stock market can defy economic weakness up to a point, particularly during times of strong money supply growth – but this isn’t going to last if the weakness continues or worsens. Ultimately it will hinge on the state of the economy’s pool of real funding, and all indications are that it is increasingly in trouble.

What we are witnessing here and in market trading of inflation expectations is the unwinding of the myth of the Great Moderation...

Peak Debt... or Peak Stupidity?

But after 100-years of mismanagement, the last eight being in the radically extreme, the Fed has scored a big fat rotten tomato.  The data still stinks – GDP’s still anemic.  But the downside of their actions is downright putrid.

Alabama, Tennessee, & Georgia Declare States Of Emergency As Gas Shortages Loom After Pipeline Leak

A gasoline pipeline spill is currently unfolding in the South. The leak has prompted Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, and Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to declare states of emergency... "You're going to see some places without gasoline... It’s like a mini-hurricane."

[ If the real problem were pipeline spill.. no need to Declare States Of Emergency As Gas Shortages.]

Ban on paper currency? Is this different from China dumping US treasures at high speed? See below: De-banking US financial system at world level, in ME & WORLD ISSUES

Ken Rogoff is by all accounts a brilliant man. The Harvard professor and former IMF chief economist is a chess grandmaster. His thesis committee included current Fed vice-chair Stanley Fischer. But like many survivors of Ivy League hoop jumping, the poor fellow appears to have emerged punch drunk. That’s the only conclusion to be drawn from Rogoff’s new book, The Curse of Cash , which, in effect, proposes a ban on paper currency.


"CLINTON SCANDAL RITUAL: lie, deny, revise, claim not to remember specifics, stall for time. When it passes, call the story “old news” full of questions that have already been answered. 'As I’ve repeatedly said . . .'"

Trump: "Hillary's Bodyguards Should Drop All Weapons. Let's See What Happens To Her"
                Answer?  NOTHING.. she is already dead.. only expecting a “nice” burial

The Philadelphia incident began when a man walked up to an officer on the street and opened fire. The suspect then shot four civilian passers-by as he was chased through the streets. A second officer was then shot when the suspect was chased into an alley, at which point the suspect was shot.


62 Syrian soldiers have been reported killed in a U.S.-led coalition airstrike on a military base. The airstrike on Saturday took place near the Deir el-Zour airport in eastern Syria and was carried out by two F-16s and two A-10s. He did not identify the planes' country affiliation, but said they were part of the international coalition.

De-banking US financial system at world level

What until a month ago was "merely" a record $335 billion in central bank sales in the LTM period ending June 30, one month later, this number has risen to a new all time high $343.4 billion, or well over a third of a trillion in Treasuries sold in the past 12 months
Among the biggest sellers if on a market-price basis, not surprisingly, was China, which in July "sold" $22 billion in US paper (the number is different - the tracked total shows, bringing its total to $1.219 trillion, the lowest total since 2012. SEE CHART on CHINA-US TREASURY HOLDINGS at: 

What is becoming increasingly obvious, is that both foreign central banks, sovereign wealth funds, reserve managers, and virtually every other official institution in possession of US paper, is liquidating it at a never before seen pace. In some cases, like China, this is to offset devaluation pressure; in others such as Saudi Arabia, it is to provide the funds needed to offset the collapse of the petrodollar, and to backstop the country's soaring budget deficit.

So who are they selling to? The answer, at least for now, is private demand, in other words just like in the stock market the retail investor is the final bagholder,  .. We wonder if they would do that knowing who is selling to them.  .. What happens if.. private sellers also declare a buyer's strike. The answer?..   Fed monetization of US debt, of course, better known as QE. We bring this up because, amusingly, the Fed is still harboring some naive hope it can/will raise rates in the coming week and/or months.

 [[ So, what would happens if the FED raise rates before election day? And what if.. the FED do it later on? This intersection bet Econ & politics is the key to understand the chances of sudden crash or world recession and the chances of nuke-war too, at world system level.]]

"The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands. As [Iranian President Mahmoudin Ahmedinejad said], ‘What would we do with one, polish it?’ I have spoken publicly about both [North Korea] and Iran. We’ll blow up the only thing they care about—regime survival. Where, how would they even test one?"




Exclusive: The National Nurses United a member of the AFL-CIO, strongly rebuked the AFL's decision to endorse the Dakota Access Pipeline.


62 Syrian Troops Killed in US-led Attack  By Staff writer, Al Arabiya
“Straight after the coalition’s strikes, ISIS militants launched an offensive,” said the statement.
Who Are the Crazies on Korea?  By Jacob G. Hornberger
The North Koreans are not dumb
Only 32% of Amerians trust the print and TV media to tell the truth.
As Snowden said himself the other day, ‘the world is out of control.’

US Media Ignores CIA Cover-up on Torture  By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
How the CIA tried to block the U.S. Senate’s torture investigation

“The mortality rate of formerly incarcerated persons is 3.5 times higher than that of people who have not been incarcerated,”
The evidence of global warming is in. Our fate is sealed.


Russian MoD Confirms US-Led Coalition's F-16, A-10 Jets Attacked Syrian Army   https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160917/1045415141/russia-syria-army-attacked.html
Russia is the Solution to 'Bloody Stalemate' That US Created in Syria   https://sputniknews.com/politics/20160917/1045400544/russia-syria-us-disengagement.html
CHECK VIDEO:  Well Done!  Russian Bombers Hit major Daesh arms depot  in Syria:  https://youtu.be/iCg1Y1gUDVw
Putin Reveals Why US Refused to Make Deal With Russia on Syria Public   https://sputniknews.com/politics/20160917/1045403109/putin-russia-syria.html
Pro-Erdogan Turkish Newspaper Says Dead US Soldiers Were Terrorists, Not Heroes  https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160917/1045416815/turkey-syria-american-soldiers-killed.html
Shock Poll: Democrats Want Bernie if Hillary’s Health Forces Her Out   https://sputniknews.com/news/20160917/1045417082/hillary-health-pneumonia-seizure-bernie.html


My last blog post was wrong. As of a week ago, it does matter who is elected president. That’s because one of the candidates has openly called for a new investigation into the crimes of 9/11.

In a recent statement on the subject, Jill Stein made the following important comments:

  • The families and friends of those who were murdered on 9/11 deserve justice. They also deserve to know the truth.”
  • “Under our administration a new inquiry would have access to the considerable body of responsible independent research that has emerged over the last 15 years.”
  • We would create an independent 9/11 Commission, not one dominated by members with an interest in protecting the reputation and careers of foreign affairs and intelligence communities.”
  • “It’s time for a full accounting of what happened, and an end to the misguided post-9/11 wars that are actually making us less safe, not more safe.”

In May, a national poll showed that, “An unprecedented 91 percent of voters 28 or younger favor having an independent on the ballot, and 65 percent of respondents are willing to support a candidate who isn’t Clinton or Trump.

Jill Stein is on the ballot in 44 states. It’s not clear what chance she has given the serious, inherent problems with the U.S. voting process and electronic voting machines. But she is the only candidate discussing what matters to the American people as opposed to what matters to the ruling oligarchy.
Keep Reading

1: Calling the bloody U.S. coup that overthrew the democratically elected President of Ukraine in February 2014 instead a ‘democratic revolution’ against him, which established ‘democracy in Ukraine,’ instead of established a dictatorship and a civil war there.

2: Ignoring that the breakaway of Crimea from Ukraine, and that the 90+% vote of Crimeans, for Crimea to rejoin Russia (of which Crimea had been a part until the Soviet dictator transferred it to Ukraine in 1954), resulted directly from America’s violent overthrow of the Ukrainian President, for whom 75% of Crimeans had voted.

3: Lying to say that a majority of Syrians want to replace Bashar al-Assad as Syria’s President, and to say that the Obama regime wants a democratic Syria and that the Russian government does not.

It’s no different than the lies that were stenographically reported as ‘truth’ about ‘Saddam’s WMD’, except that, this time, the lies can produce nuclear war with Russia.


Economía  Brasil en venta  Hedelberto López
ALC  ¿Golpe de Estado al Mercosur?  Pablo Siris
Lo que se dejó de hacer, lo hizo el imperio.



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