sábado, 3 de septiembre de 2016


SEP 2 16  SIT EC y POL


SO FAR, impunity prevailed.  WHAT IS THIS USEFUL FOR?.. to say that we are useless? 
Just do your best for us to be proud of justice in America. Simply: NOBODY SHOULD BE ABOVE THE LAW

Just as we predicted on a sleepy Friday afternoon ahead of a long weekend, The FBI has released a detailed report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, as well as a summary of her interview with agents, providing, what The Washington Post says is the most thorough look yet at the probe that has dogged the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee.

Obama needs to ensure he gets well compensated after leaving office for a job well done protecting, defending and further enriching the global oligarch class. This is precisely why he’s so adamant about passing the TPP during the upcoming lame duck session of Congress, when he knows “representatives” who no longer face reelection can be coerced or bribed into voting for this monumental public betrayal. The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) ins’t really a free trade deal, it’s a way for global oligarchs to consolidate, grow and protect their enormous wealth. The whole thing is absolutely disgusting and epitomizes all that is wrong and unethical about the world today.

[[ That is exactly the plan that Hillary will continue  if and only if she arrives to power… I doubt it: she is now losing the electoral race.]]



In America today, we are enjoying a standard of living that we do not deserve. We consume far more wealth than we produce.  The only way we are able to do that is by going into debt. Debt takes future consumption and brings it into the present.  In other words, we are damaging the future in order to make the present a little bit better.
S&P notes deteriorating high-yield credit quality as energy defaults over the past 12 months soar to nearly 27%

Wall Street and Silicon Valley are two of the key strategic hubs of hyperpower global domination. The others are the industrial-military-surveillance-security complex – of which Hollywood and corporate media are the soft power extensions – and the petrodollar racket/tributary system.----

“The interests Of The Financial Media And Wall Street Are Not Aligned With The Individual  Investor.” ..Open to read more

These recent failures by the Bank of England to complete its weekly gilt buybacks are representative of how the government debt bubble - which central banks have created - is now beginning to spiral out of their control.

There is a soaring market for self-serving narratives, rigged statistics like the jobs report and unemployment, and officially sanctioned PR campaigns aimed at creating approval (or passive acceptance of) a corrupt, phony status quo. All bubbles, even the one in distributing bullshit, eventually pop, decimating all who relied on the bubble for their livelihood.

It's easy to find critics and doomsayers who predict that the next stock market crash is just around the corner. They could be right, but another possibility is that the stock market itself will disappear entirely. The number of common stocks traded on major U.S. exchanges are the fewest in three decades. This is the end game of unfettered capitalism. The signs are all here.

The world monetary order is changing. Slowly but steadily, global trade and currency markets are becoming less dollar-centric.

As for the incredible realm, one explanation is that the Fed is scared stiff it has nothing left in its toolbox to combat the next recession. Few major downturns have begun with the fed funds rate so perilously close to zero. The ultimate Catch 22 is that the flatness of the yield curve makes any fantasy of a Fed rate hike all too real for a dead breed the world once knew as ‘bond market vigilantes.’ It’s altogether possible that one more hike would be all it takes to invert the yield curve. The rest, as history has never failed to repeat, would be just that – history.

Since 2014, the US had added 523,000 waiters and bartenders, and has lost 13,000 manufacturing workers.

A job's a job, right?


SO FAR, impunity prevailed.  WHAT IS THIS USEFUL FOR?.. to say that we are useless?  

Just as we predicted on a sleepy Friday afternoon ahead of a long weekend, The FBI has released a detailed report on its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state, as well as a summary of her interview with agents, providing, what The Washington Post says is the most thorough look yet at the probe that has dogged the campaign of the Democratic presidential nominee.

"Sources" commented off the record to Circa about Hillary's "systemic and intentional" violations of the Federal Records Act...the FBI "indirectly documented hundreds, and likely thousands, of violations of the Records Act."

"CLINTON stated she received no instructions or direction regarding the preservation or production of records from State during the transition out of her role as Secretary of State in early 2013. However, in December of 2012, CLINTON suffered a concussion and then around the New Year had a blood clot. Based on her doctor's advice, she could only work at State for a few hours a day and could not recall every briefing she received."

In yet another fit of populist rage, Hillary Clinton is set to unveil her 'fairness doctrine' for the drug industry. As Reuters reports, Clinton will create an "aggressive new set of enforcement tools," including the ability to levy fines and impose penalties on manufacturers when there has been an "unjustified, outlier price increase." In other words - government-imposed price controls - ask the Venezuelans how that ends...

Out of the world's 50 most violent cities, 41 are in Latin America including 21 in Brazil. But America is right up there with St.Louis and Baltimore homicide rates soaring...

Do you smirk when you hear someone question the official stories of Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris or Nice? Do you feel superior to 2,500 architects and engineers, to firefighters, commercial and military pilots, physicists and chemists, and former high government officials who have raised doubts about 9/11? If so, you reflect the profile of a mind-controlled CIA stooge.

... sometime within the 6 days after a call with "President Clinton's Staff," the server was wiped clean using BleachBit despite the subpoena from the House Select Committee on Benghazi received weeks earlier on March 4, 2016.

What we are seeing is not a flaw in democracy, but democracy in action:
the system is rebelling.



"...the world’s economies are cascading, there is civil unrest throughout Europe, civil unrest is developing in the United States, the U.S. government and the nations’ governments are preparing for disaster and war, and powder-kegs exist in Syria, Ukraine, and with North Korea that can be touched off at any time..."
  • Donald Trump Revised Immigration Speech After Mexican Leader’s Tweet (WSJ)
  • Hillary Clinton Raised $143 Million in August for Democrats and Her Campaign (NYT)
  • Putin says he doesn't know who hacked U.S. Democratic Party (Reuters)
  • Samsung issues recall for Galaxy Note 7 after battery fires (Reuters)
  • Putin Joins "OPEC Headline" Fray, Pushes For Oil Production Freeze, Iran Exemption (ZH)



FBI Releases Notes From Hillary Clinton’s Interview on Personal E-mail Server

‘Pay For Play’? Clinton Foundation Finds Itself Amid Fresh Email Scandal

Syrian Army Makes Strategic Breakthrough in Western Aleppo   http://sputniknews.com/middleeast/20160902/1044906824/syrian-army-aleppo.html


Longtime correspondent Michael M. recently recommended this long-form article  The Market For Lemons, The Market For Bullshit, And The Great Cascading Credence Crash Of 2016.

The article discusses the soaring market for self-serving narratives, rigged statistics like the jobs report and unemployment, and officially sanctioned PR campaigns aimed at creating approval (or passive acceptance of) a corrupt, phony status quo.

Michael’s comments were thought-provoking:

Honesty requires more time to analyze if bullshit is being peddled and customized towards you (after you have honestly presented your opinion).”  .. “Technology is primarily being used to replicate bullshit quicker and at almost zero cost.”

Michael had previously sent the following comments in response to a link in Musings 27 on honesty:

“THE ABILITY TO BE HONEST is a very good point. I understand it as having the strength  and time (!) to carry the consequences of being honest.  .. Being honest makes you more vulnerable, for as you become predictable, you are easier to game and you have fewer options to respond to weird/ crazy/ offensive behavior.

You need extra time to constantly ask yourself if offers or opinions presented to you (after you have honestly presented your opinion) are true, or marketing versions (BS) that have been tailored for you.”
Keep Reading


Golpes blandos, la nueva tendencia en la región Stgo O’Donnell Hond –Par-Brasil
Brasil  La Dama de hierro  Hernando Calvo
Gabriela Rivadeneira  "Estaremos siempre donde el proceso demanda" Ida Garberi
Chile  -Pánico en las alturas  Alvaro Ramis


Debate: Venezuela crisis  NEW EDITION?


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