martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

SET 19 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 19 16  SIT EC y POL


It’s one of the most exciting, most incredible charts in human historyUnfortunately, it’s also one of the scariest...

The truth is the rich are getting richer and everyone else is losing ground as inflation chews through stagnant incomes and rising debt loads stripmine disposable income. Bought and paid for cheerleaders for our failed, corrupt status quo will always hype bogus, purposefully misleading statistics - but don't mistake fakery for fact.

While 'everything was awesome' this morning in stock market land (economic data, Fed uncertainty, and domestic terrorism aside), the more troubling reality under the surface of the equity market's gains is a plunge in 52-week highs... a divergence which spelled big trouble the last time it occurred.

Thanks to overnight exuberance in oil (via Venezuela) and the seemingly ubiquitous buying that occurs after every terror attack (see Paris for the best example), US equities have retreated back into the red - led by NASDAQ (AAPL batteries' exloding rumors) - as quad-witching shenanigans have given way to pre-Fed anxiety (despite a 9% chance of a rate hike this week)...

We’re on a collision course with these stark realities. The rackets and swindles unleashed in our futile quest to keep up appearances have disabled the financial operating system that the regime depends on.
As is usually the case with troubled, over-ripe societies, these elites have begun to resort to magic to prop up failing living arrangements. This is why the Federal Reserve, once an obscure institution deep in the background of normal life, has come downstage front and center, holding the rest of us literally spellbound with its incantations against the intractable ravages of debt deflation. (For a brilliant gloss on this phenomenon, read Ben Hunt’s essay “Magical thinking” at the Epsilon Theory website.)

One way out of this quandary would be to substitute the word “activity” for “growth.”  .. None of these alt-activities would be classifiable as “growth” in the current mode. In fact, they are consistent with the reality of contraction. And they could produce a workable and satisfying living arrangement.

The rackets and swindles unleashed in our futile quest to keep up appearances have disabled the financial operating system that the regime depends on. It’s all an illusion sustained by accounting fraud to conceal promises that won’t be kept. All the mighty efforts of central bank authorities to borrow “wealth” from the future in the form of “money” to “paper over” the absence of growth — will not conceal the impossibility of paying that borrowed money back.  .. The stocks are not worth what they pretend. The bonds will never be paid off. The currencies will not store value. How did this happen? Slowly, then all at once.

We’re on a collision course with these stark realities.


It ends with this sentence:
In history, elites commonly fail spectacularly. Ask yourself: how could these two ancient institutions, the Democratic and Republican parties, cough up such human hairballs? And having done so, do they deserve to continue to exist? And if they go up in a vapor, along with incomes and savings, what happens next?

Overnight exuberance on the back of comments from Venezuela's Maduro that an OPEC freeze deal was "very close" are fading fast. Oil prices are retracing the "positive discussions" spike, but for now stocks are not giving too much back (yet).

The 2014 plunge in oil prices was initially hoped to provide stimulus to the U.S. economy, with the Fed arguing that the average household would save $700 in fuel costs. A new paper from the Brookings Institution suggests otherwise.

The bad news for Wells Fargo CEO John Stumpf keep getting worse. After it was reported that Stumpf was expected to testify before Congress this week, over the weekend we learned America's largest mortgage lender and until recently the largest bank by market capitalization, was sued on Friday by customers who accused the bank of fraud and recklessness for its behavior.

Stocks across the board, and US equity futures are broadly in the green this morning as markets shrug off the terror-related events in the NYC area over the weekend.  There wasn’t a single positive “reason” for the green price action but fears about the bond “tantrum” appear to be fading while a stronger dollar helped push oil and the commodity complex higher.


New discovery finds "Oh Shit" guy sought tech advice in July 2014, 5 months before Hillary delivered emails to the State Department, on how to "strip out a VIP’s (VERY VIP) email address from a bunch of archived email."  Could someone within the FBI please explain how this does not constitute "intent"?

The President is shocked at how close the election has become. Having seemed to be try to shame the black community into voting for Hillary (calling it a "personal insult"), CNN reports that President Obama has found another scapegoat  - blaming "misinformation" from right-wing websites for the "nail-biter."

The US does not tolerate gender, religious, color, ethnic or race discrimination. But what will Hillary do for Muslims in return that Trump would never have been able to do? You guessed it – start a Shia-Sunni civil war. For her it’ll be a simple matter, exactly what she did in Libya.
Two  more on the terrorist empire

Thanks to the US support of Saudi Arabia's war in Yemen, which has included not only the bomb recently used on a MSF hospital, but also supplies of white phosphorus, over 3,700 civilians have been killed and some 2.8 million displaced. Since coming to office seven years ago, the Obama administration has made over $115 billion worth of arms sales to the Saudis – more than any other US presidential administration.
Introduction by Hugo Adan


"Increased state support for terrorists hostile to Syria has recently presented itself in the form of naked American aggression against one of the Syrian army positions in Deir ez-Zor in favor of the interests of the [Daesh jihadist group]," Assad said and added that "countries hostile to Syria increase their support for terrorism as Syria succeeds in liberating territories and signing ceasefire agreements."

"I think what's going on in China is troubling ... some of the valuations there are really quite extraordinary... We've double checked these numbers about seven times, because I found them quite hard to believe."

Things are going from worse to worst once again for Deutsche Bank as equity and credit markets deteriorate further as analysts warn Germany's biggest (and the world's most systemically dangerous) bank would be "significantly undercapitalized" even if an eventual settlement with the DoJ can be covered by the bank's reserves. Despite multiple capital raises over the past few years, as Bloomberg notes, any likely settlement would imply a capital increase - just to pay the fine.

European stocks attempted breakouts of key short and longer-term trend lines earlier this month. Despite today's gains, each of them appear to be failing.

  • Global Stocks Rise, Buoyed by Commodities (WSJ)
  • For Yellen, a September Fed surprise could close confidence gap (Reuters)
  • Robot detonates New Jersey device in latest bomb discovery (Reuters)
  • Syria Truce Hangs in Balance Amid Attacks, Lack of Aid (WSJ)
  • Merkel’s Party Suffers Worst Berlin Loss of Postwar Era (BBG)
  • China’s Home Prices Rise Most in Six Years as Sales Gain (BBG)






Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges discusses the Manhattan bombing and the lack of media coverage of the impact of U.S. wars abroad
Record US Aid to Israel Reflects Growing Influence of Military-Industrial ComplexIsrael is likely to increase its arms exports now that it cannot use the aid on its own weapons industry, says Col. Lawrence Wilkerson
Black Agenda Report's Glen Ford says the Democrat's attempts to get out the black vote for Hillary this election might not work
In an interview with Sharmini Peries, Baraka discusses Black Lives Matters, the Flint water crisis, shelter, immigration, and more


"My people are being massacred by Western forces in support of terrorists."
Israel has been of no tangible strategic benefit to Washington.
In Case You Missed It  Inside Britain's Israel Lobby  Video - Channel 4 UK
How British politics is influenced by supporters of a foreign power
No institution in America can any longer be considered truly democratic.
Let’s imagine that Congress decides to legalize all drugs and guns overnight: 

Don’t believe something just because you want to believe it so badly.




Syrian Army Destroys Leading al-Nusra Front Unit in Aleppo
Clinton Backer Breaks From Candidate: US Owes Snowden Huge 'Debt of Gratitude’
Risky Consequences of Coalition’s 'Mistaken' Airstrike on Syrian Army


EEUU-UE  ¿Adios al TTIP?  Alejandro Nadal y Jean-Luc Mélenchon


Stupid war-monger.. Does she knows how many military stations UK have worldwide?
Her big-Corp networks are clear sign that Fascism is coming with her to America


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