lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2016

SET 12 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 12 16  SIT EC y POL



Just like during the last economic crisis,homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty grows at a very alarming rate.

Moody's has caught up to what readers of Zero Hedge knew half a year ago. According to the rating agency, creditors of energy exploration and production companies that went bankrupt last year recouped less than half the usual amount for their claims, and 2016 is shaping up just as bad. Moody's even went so far as to even use the "C" word: "Recovery rates for 15 U.S. E&P bankruptcies averaged a “catastrophic” 21 percent last yearwell below the historical average of 59 percent."  

After years of seeing the Fed operate within this “reflexivity conundrum. .. the markets have already spoken (meaning already financially tightened enough) to a point where the Fed ONCE AGAIN has to back away from their “hiking threat.”  Back to “none and done,” which will likely merit a pretty violent rally in risk and reversal in rates."

By keeping interest rates low, the Fed has created a "false stock market," Donald Trump argued in a wide-ranging CNBC interview, exclaiming that Fed Chair Janet Yellen and central bank policymakers are very political, and should be "ashamed" of what they're doing to the country, "The Fed is not even close to being independent."

If one is to hedge with Treasury securities, they must also consider what happens if yields do not decline during a market correction. What if “safe-haven” securities traditionally used for hedging purposes were to lose 5% to 10% or even 20% or more?

Just one day after yelling at their bond salesman for their poor allocations, angry portfolio managers of these PIK Toggle new issues are rushing for the exits.

Welcome to your fundamentally flawed “markets,” where the only thing that matters fundamentally – is the open spigot of liquidity.

It's time to bring back Bernie Sanders, a candidate who can tell the difference between the truth and perception management, someone who isn't an embarrassment to the nation. I understand that Hillary's coronation as Head of the Deep State has already been scheduled by the Powers That Be, but that doesn't mean we too must lose the ability to differentiate between the truth and perception management.

Idiocy and mendacity are a bad combo in the affairs of nations, especially in elections. The present case in the USA displays both qualities to near-perfection: on one side, a boorish pseudo-savior in zero command of ideas; on the other side, a wannabe racketeer-in-chief in full command of her instinctive deceit. Trump offers incoherent rhetoric in opposition to the current dismal order of things; Clinton offers empty, pandering rhetoric in defense of that order. Both represent an epic national drive toward political suicide.
Being a liar is Hillary’s nature.. the problem is that nobody accept it any-longer

Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign just made a massive error. We'll know within the next few days-weeks if the error will prove to be catastrophic.

She is already headache for the bosses of the DEMs’ party, if they keep her.. she will lose & legitimize Trump to power.. If they take her out of the race .. the big Corp will loose.. a kind of new bonapartist regime will arise.. Bonapartism Is that we have with the deep state & stablisment, but it needs to be re-shape it, or reformed. If duopoly system persist,  the Nation won’t vote neither Hillary nor Trump .. ABSTENTION may RISE & ilegitimate-weak President will foster chaos and huge National division. GOP may support the libertarian (if happens we will have more collapse of neoliberal Economics) .. What about the left?.. They have the best chance to grow. Jill Stein may be tempted to resuscitate the traitor Bernie Sanders under given condition (perhaps VP to Bernie) .. OR  Jill Stain may PUSH THE NATIONAL FRONT AGAINST OLIGARCHY and traitors .. Since not all fit inside the libertarian cloaca, the left as green party  will grow across the Nation and many sits for Senate & State Gov will come to the left.  Our aim now: We need to create a 3rd choice and break the duopoly oligarchical system. Whatever she decide on this strategy, we will support Dr Jill Stain. ]]

Harvard PhD Robert Epstein explains his new study revealing Google's search bias in favor of Hillary Clinton...a bias he estimates could shift as many as 3 million votes in the upcoming presidential election in the US.

It appears Trump's decision to release more details of his own health (following a full medical last week), the Clinton campaign has just announced that it will release "additional medical information" about the presidential candidate in the next few days.

[ Trump podría pensar:  Chancha muerta siempre brinda chicharron sobroso. .. Y decir eso..  no significa  amor a la chancha.]

Trump vows to release results of a recently conducted detailed medical physical as Hillary's latest "medical episode" threatens to "mushroom into a political crisis."

Too soon?


China, the world’s largest oil consumer, has been increasing oil imports and feasting on the low crude oil prices. Could Russia and Saudi Arabia’s plan to stabilize crude oil prices cut into China’s oil hoarding plans?








SPUTNIK EXCLUSIVE: Research Proves Google Manipulates Millions to Favor Clinton
Washington Criticizes Moscow for Doing What US Has Done for Decades



A 43 años del golpe La heroica lección de Allende  Manuel Cabieses
Pocos son los periodistas de la talla de Amy. Su arresto es signo de que el país se está nazificando. Esto no alivia la tormenta social, la agrava. El pueblo exigirá su inmediata libertad en las calles. Un latino liderara esta batalla.. acaso podrán cerrar su programa Democracy NOw? Imposible, tendrían que encerrarnos a todos, … faltarían cárceles.
 “No se puede hablar de pluralidad restando”  Martín Granovsky sobre Telesur
Chile  La Unidad Popular más allá de la derrota  G Rojas y M Sembler
La Clinton no es real demócrata, es neocon (junto a Victoria Nulan) y Neo-nazi (junto a Los Bush: apoyo el brutal genocidio de Irak), luego el de Libia y Siria y es pro ISIS, los armo en Libia con dinero Saudi. Las corp que hoy la financian, financiaron ayer a los Bush (son pro-war al 100%). Entre los dos candidatos mayores a la Presi ella es el mal peor, la red que maneja es mas diabólica que la de Trump. Ella es un peligro mundial a la paz. Felizmente esta siendo derrotada en el race electoral y mas aun por la neumonía que cualquier rato se la lleva a la tumba. Su glutonny por USD no tiene limites.



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