martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016



Introduction by Hugo Adan

1-  The main thesis in the art THE ROAD TO fascim (below) is that “Asset owners in the west and the middle class in emerging markets have seen their income grow rapidly over the last 20 years, while the middle class in developed markets have not. .. Naturally such grave disparity lead people to conclude it is either the fault of the rich or global competition, when in reality the enormous amount of capital consumption allowed by Keynesian policies is the real culprit.”. There are two false premises in this thesis : A- “The grave disparity between middle classes in the north & South as possible cause and/or appeal of  fascism worldwide”. Here we sustain that Middle classes has little do with the emergence of fascism, it is imperial terrorism in favor of big corp the main cause of fascism. B- “The enormous amount of capital consumption allowed by Keynesian policies, is favoring the emergence of Fascism or Nazism F-N”. This is also false, the case of Chile show the reverse, fascism born there with the bless of two masters of neoliberalism economics: Friedman & Kissinger .  C- Our argument here sustain that America is going to fascism if Hillary Clinton arrives to power. The big-corporation network supporting her is clear evidence of such trend

Most scholars on fascism (born in Italy 1922 & adopted in Germany 1933 under the name of nazism) define either one as terrorist dictatorship of regimes born from the alliance of big corporations with political parties, parties that claim strong nationalism (militaristis chovinism, plus war mongerism) en defense of the “national security”.  In short, it is the imperialist expansion of financial capital the essence of either Fascism & Nazism (F-N). This phenomena historically happens in time of economic crisis.

There are F-N regimes  installed democratically (Hitler was the 1st one), so defining F-N as terrorist dictatorship of financial capital is independent of the uses of democracy and democratic  parties in explaining its emergence, though some scholars define F-N as incapacity of the dominant oligarchy (financial capitalists) to maintain power by using democratic means. Means & ends is a source of confusion and we should make clear the prevalence of ends over means (including the uses of middle classes) in the definition of F-N as economic & political systems. In Chile some middle classes were used in the terrorist military assault to power (the elected Gov of Allende was crashed & 30,000 workers  were killed). Since the usual victims of fascism & Nazism is the labor or working classes.

The economic agenda of F-N  was defined by Milton Friedman and the political agenda by H Kissinger and Its Plan Condor in Chile. The Washington Consensus legitimize aims & means of F-N during the Reagan Administration: M Friedman monetarism became dominant and Keynes was declared obsolete. However, Keynes’ thesis on the relation between consumption and disposable income that lead to the notion of a government spending multiplier (private investment spending, consumer spending, government spending, or spending by foreigners on the country's exports) is still been used for QEs & bailing out big crook Banks & corporations.

Friedman also argued that a steady, though small expansion of the money supply is his preferred policy. His ideas concerning monetary policy, taxation, privatization and deregulation were clearly stated in the Washington Consensus (1985).  In his book Capitalism and Freedom, Friedman advocated policies such as a volunteer military, freely floating exchange rates, abolition of medical licenses, a negative income tax, and school vouchers. His support for school choice led him to found the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, later renamed EdChoice. Just the core of neo-liberalism of our time  (See  ) .

Since consumption & disposable income depends on government spending, the issue “enormous amount of capital consumption allowed by Keynesian policies” is irrelevant to explain the emergence of F-N. Both Keynes & Friedman agree that money supply from Central Banks is the key for “good neoliberal economics”.  It is instead the misuses financial capital into weapons production & wars abroad that is creating the current crisis. This lead to the huge sovereign debt that is about to explode. This system only feed speculators & vulture capitalism (not productive capitalism).

 Those speculators are just the ones who are financing the fake electoral democracy we have. Those are the source of F-N nowadays. They are installing terrorist regimens where ever they go ; if they  do not adapt to imperial policies, the empire destroy them like it happens in Afganisstan, Iraq, Lybia and Syria. They like F-N regimes outside, but  I don’t think they want this system disappear with a nuke war with RU-China, they want instead to keep the status quo. That Is why they are investing in this fake democracy of Mrs Clinton.  

After the experience in Chile , some variation in the means are been used in LA (the capture of elected Gov or the dynamic of  regime was implemented  via “democratic” instruments  like impeachment or simple Senate “coup”) for the same objective: imperial financial expansionism & labor crack down.  It is the latest, the brutal repression of working classes the feature used today to define neo F-N.
Read this now:

History teaches us where this will end...

Laws of politics have been turned upside down. The Intellectuals Yet Idiots can make no sense of it. The underdog who ‘tell it how it is’ appeal to people while established reasoning does not.  Politicians used to pit people against each other and bribe key electoral groupings with the spoils of ‘democratic’ victory to maintain power; well aware that the “…[process] will [only] endure until the day [politicians] discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” From that day onwards, western democracies have been on a slippery slope as the state consumes and redistributes ever more of society’s productive capital. When taxes became exploitative, the state went into debt. When workers’ real wages stagnated, the central bank subsidized further indebtness.
With hindsight, it is obvious that this political and financial pressure cooker would explode, and that is exactly what we are living through right now. We are definitely on the cusp of a major break with the old; rendering simple extrapolations useless as a forecasting tool.

Politically the left-right divide is way too narrow. Thinking inside this box constricts the mind to such an extent that one will be unable to understand what is going on and how this might end.

The striking ineptitude pundits reveal when trying to analyze today’s political dislocation stems from two simple facts.

First, they cannot wrap their head around the fact that some nations apparently drift far left (Spain, Portugal, Italy), while others far right (US, UK, Germany, France) and some in both directions at the same time (Greece).   .. 

The old left-right divide was, and still is, indistinguishable for the open minded. The following chart attempt to show how we look at the political spectrum. As can be seen, the left-right axis is nothing more than a childish quarrel on which special interest group is entitled to most of the spoils. This model is broken, consumed by its own greed, and the world of politics is rapidly drifting into good old fascism. Whether it is in the form of Trump, Clinton, Hollande, Le Pen, CDU, AfD, Podemos or Golden Dawn is not important. What is important is the fact that this shift is happening under the pretense of some big intellectual battle of good versus evil. It is not. It is pure evil and we are lead astray by the different way of delivering the message.

Secondly, the reason why the broader electorate feel  left out is the fact that they have lost to global competition. Asset owners in the west and the middle class in emerging markets have seen their income grow rapidly over the last 20 years, while the middle class in developed markets have not.

Naturally such grave disparity lead people to conclude it is either the fault of the rich or global competition, when in reality the enormous amount of capital consumption allowed by Keynesian policies is the real culprit.

Today’s policies are efforts to maintain the old status quo and can only prolong the middle class suffering. This will obviously lead to more political drift that will quell growth and prosperity, calling for increased used of failed policies ad infinitum.

History teaches us where this will end.

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