viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

SET 16 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 16  16  SIT EC y POL

IF SANDERS RUN as independent candidate with Jill Stein
IF SANDERS BLESS the duopoly system that dumped him

UNLESS Jill & the Green Party PACT a support to Sanders,
then all progressive people will vote him
via di-facto National Democratic Front against oligarchy

and much less her indecent manipulation of current elections.



8 years ago, Lehman's bankruptcy exposed the reality of the global financial system and equity markets collapsed. While the events of that weekend are still in many memorieswe suspect few remember the events of September 16th 1929...

A gasoline pipeline spill is currently unfolding in the South. The leak has prompted Alabama Gov. Robert BentleyTennessee Gov. Bill Haslam, and Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal to declare states of emergency... "You're going to see some places without gasoline... It’s like a mini-hurricane."

WTI Crude Shrugs As Oil Rig Count Rises To 7-Month Highs

Following a week of supply concerns and inventory anxiety, crude prices have slipped notably lower, more potentially bearish news just hit with Baker Hughes reporting the oil rig count rose 2 to 416 - up for the 12th week in a row. This is the highest in 7 months and tracks the lagged oil price perfectly...

Following a record tight 2-month trading range, the stock market exploded with 3 consecutive 1%+ moves; what’s next?

University of Michigan survey results show Current Economic Conditions plunged to 103.5 - the lowest since Oct 2015. The biggest driver of this weakness is tumbling inflation expectations (with 1Y outlook dropping to 2.3% - the lowest since Sept 2010).

Corporate microeconomic policies of capital misallocation (implemented in an attempt to appease investors) are negating all of the intended benefits of Fed policy.  This means we are fully reliant then on fiscal policy which, as we already discussed, is off the table for as far as the eye can see. And so even if we accept that all existing economic policy frameworks (fiscal, monetary, microeconomic) really do have the very best of intentions we are still effectively dead in the water.

To read this art open  :  WHY and HOW THE US ECONOMY IS COLLAPSING?  See interesting graph at the end.
IF I GET MONEY I will buy a TESLA.. When I was working for the World Bank in an Institute of the Univ of Piitsburgh, I made a mistake of buying a polluter, a Ford escort. I know that this Co is transferring their manufacture to MX .. In my view all the mafia of polluter car-Co in the US are going to collapse .. They couldn’t  defeat Honda & Toyota, though they  behave nasty with them & specially with the electric car. Tesla is a solar car and since it is bless by my god, it won’t fail. Jamás se podrá tapar el sol con un dedo, ni en tiempo de eclipse solar.

Following June's proposal, the merger of kissing-cousins TSLA and SCTY was confirmed in early August. Since then, the market has begun to aggressively price out the probability that the deal goes through as SCTY tumbles relative to SCTY's offer. Even more concerning is the massive bet someone just made that in the options market that the deal will not go through in Q4 as expected.
THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE is inevitable, they knew it and we too.

"Ultimately everyone is forced in [and out] Sometimes this happens through capitulation by previously sceptical investors, or sometimes it happens through pure greed as fear of missing out takes over. The big question is, how close are we to that moment? I think we are indeed getting close. Goldman Sachs data on hedge funds show that top 10 positions for average hedge funds make up 70% of long positions."


New Rasmussen poll finds that Democrats are still "feeling the Bern." Polling data shows that likely Democrat voters prefer Bernie by a wide margin over Biden if Hillary's health forces her out the race.

Things are not going well for the Hillary campaign these days...

She is without a doubt sick, but no one knows from what. Anyone trusting the pneumonia diagnosis as the full truth has mush for brains.

Her “deplorablescomment backfired miserably.
And today we learned that the Clinton campaign has been dinging donors multiple times for “one time” donations.


"This is a f--king disgrace."

[[ In my opinion,  what Trump did was an amazing way of playing with the Corp media paid by Hillary, a way of “f—king the presstitute”. They deserve and I enjoy it. This doesn’t mean I’m his fun, I won’t vote Trump, I will vote Dr. Jill Stein, or Sanders, if they make a PACT. ]]

Whether you support Trump or not, you have to admit he's pretty amazing at making the media dance along to his tune all while providing hours of complimentary media coverage.  

But Trump's latest stunt has really stirred the mainstream media into a frenzy with CNN's Jake Tapper declaring "we all got Rick-Rolled" by Trump and Politico's Glenn Thrush tweeting "this is a f--king disgrace."

While the media was expecting Trump to make a statement about the "birther" issue and take questions from the press, what they actually got was 30 minutes of endorsements from decorated military generals and medal of honor recipients.  

Finally, at the very end Trump made the following statement about Obama's citizenship and left the event without taking questions:

Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. I finished it.  President Barack Obama was born in the United States.  Period. Now we all want to get back to making America strong again.”
Trump Puts An End To The "Most Shameful, Offensive Fear-Mongering" Started By... Hillary

Obama's campaign manager, David Plouffe, described it as "the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we've seen from either party in this election". He was talking about Hillary Clinton in 2008.

Signs of crisis in current deep-state .. they are going to collapse soon

“You don’t get to decide what I get to see. I get to see it all."

For those of our readers who haven't yet had the pleasure of hearing Jason Chaffetz (R - Utah) absolutely obliterate Jason Herring, the FBI's acting assistant director for congressional affairs, during a recent emergency hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government...  While there are several epic exchanges in the short 4 minute video [below], the best is the very end where Chaffetz literally serves Herring with a subpoena while he's still on the stand.  

Chaffetz:  “You don’t get to decide what I get to see. I get to see it all. I was elected by some 800,000 people to come to Congress and see classified information. I was elected by my colleagues here to be the chairman of this committee. That’s the way our Constitution works. Will the FBI provide to Congress the full file with no redactions of personal identifiable information?”

Herring:  “I cannot make that commitment sitting here today.”

Chaffetz:  “Then I’m going to issue a subpoena and I’m going to do it right now. So let’s go. I’ve signed this subpoena.  We want all the 302s and we would like the full file. You can accept service on behalf of the FBI?”

Herring:  “Certainly.”

Chaffetz:  “You are hereby served.  We have a duty and a responsibility.  You can sight no precedent, nothing in the constitution, no legal precedent, you know this is important to us.  You now have your subpoena.  We would all like to see this information."


THIS IS A WORLD-WIDE DEPRESSION, similar to the one in 1929-36

"They are dropping like a stone," warns one European credit strategist as signals from the bottom of Deutsche Bank's capital structure signal a "huge increase in the potential for a coupon skip." With DB stock tumbling towards record lows again (EUR 11 handle), Bloomberg reports, the bank’s 1.75 billion euros ($2 billion) of 6% additional Tier 1 bonds, the first notes to take losses in a crisis, are crashing... as the world's most systemically dangerous bank faces existential problems once again.

Following yesterday's paradoxical US stock surge catalyzed by a bevy of bad macroeonomic news, the overnight session has seen some good old "risk off" mood which hit European shares as a result of the previously reported $14 billion DOJ claim against Deutsche Bank, which sent Europe's biggest bank tumbling, dragging the banking sector lower, while a continued drop in the price of oil pushed energy companies lower.

While correlation is not causation, it is certainly a wink and a nudge in this case. As Donald Trump's poll numbers soar so the Mexican Peso has been collapsing against the US dollar, and just broke to fresh record lows...

"The Fed is increasingly F#ked," exclaimed one veteran market participant as Core CPI - among The Fed's favorite inflation indicators - surged to +2.3% YoY, the highest since Sept 2008. This is the 10th month in a row above the Fed's mandated 2% 'stable' growth as shelter and healthcare costs continue to surge.
  • Deutsche Bank to fight $14 billion demand from U.S. authorities (Reuters)
  • Exxon’s Accounting Practices Are Investigated (WSJ)
  • European leaders seek elusive 'road map' after Brexit shock (Reuters)
  • Johnson Said to Tell Italy Exit Talks Likely to Start Early 2017 (BBG)
  • Brexit Bulletin: Merkel Sings the Bratislava Blues (BBG)






Recent statistics from the US Census Bureau show improvement from 2014-2015, but in reality, wages are in a real decline and no mechanisms have been put in place to prevent another crash, says economist Richard Wolff
The documents show Wisconsin judges ordered the destruction of court documents that revealed governor Scott Walker coordinating with right-wing billionaires to finance his recall campaign, says Matthew Rothschild of Wisconsin Democracy Campaign
Former financial regulator Bill Black says media coverage has falsely portrayed Wells Fargo's image as untarnished by previous financial fraud


Standing with Syria  By Margaret Kimberley
The American anti-war movement must be united in condemning their own government without reservation or hesitation
The Pentagon is determined to maintain the line that Russia is a dangerous threat and should be firmly opposed everywhere
Frustrating The War Lobby  By Stephen Kinzer
Your Money or Your Life  By John W. Whitehead
What’s Behind the Latest Government Scam to Rob You Blind?


Andrew Stewart  Neoclassical Imperialism


Email Leak: Colin Powell Reveals Israel Has 200 Nukes, ‘All Targeted on Tehran’
Thanks Obama! Israel, Saudis, Turks All Feel Abandoned by President's Mideast Policy  VIEW from Israel   Do they want more weapons to kill innocent Palestinians and others?


Here’s a radical idea: how about presenting the facts and letting voters decide who is “fit to serve”? Consider the context of this presidential election and the judgment call as to who is “fit to serve”:

1. Americans’ Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low (Gallup)
“Americans’ trust and confidence in the mass media ‘to report the news fully, accurately and fairly’ has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history.”

2. Both the Republican and Democratic candidates have highly unfavorable ratings; they may well be the most disliked nominees in American history.

3. The status quo in which voters are supposed to rubber-stamp the decisions made at the top of the wealth/power pyramid is falling out of favor.

To best serve the interests of the nation and the voters, I propose that all candidates for the presidency submit to a thorough medical exam at an Army or Navy hospital that immediately releases the full results to the public. The attending physicians’ names will be drawn from a pool of qualified staff at the start of the exam, making it impossible for anyone to threaten or buy off the attending physicians prior to the exam.
Keep Reading


Costa Rica   Nuestro pueblo y su independencia  Luis Ángel Salazar
EE.UU.  -Desde los escombros  David Brooks



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