miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

SET 27 16 SIT EC y POL

SET 27 16  SIT EC y POL


                It's probably nothing...
                But hey, Hillary 'reportedly' won the debate so buy stocks?

Crude back at where it started last week before the API inventory surge (which hits again tonight)


In the week since the last API report, oil has ripped and dipped back to unchanged following an unexpected draw and Algiers disappointment, but prices jumped higher (tagging $45.00) as API noted a 752k draw (4th week in a row). This was dramatially below the 3mm build expected. Cushing, Gasoline, an Distillates all saw inventory draws (the latter's first draw in 7 weeks).

Hardest hit were those marginal workers struggling to grab the lower rungs of the ladder. All of a sudden, the rungs were coated in the Fed’s grease. Between 1947 and 1970, this group the bottom fifth of the U.S. population – enjoyed a 3% annual growth in real disposable income. As the EZ money regime of the 21st century worked its mischief, these annual increases disappeared.

Welcome to the “sandwich generationwhen more individuals will be “sandwiched” between supporting both parents and children in the same household.

In addition to higher reimbursements, consumers are paying more out of their own pockets. A shift to high-deductible health insurance plans in recent years means that consumers are contributing more to the cost of health care. In August, medical care services prices in the South surged by 1.2% NSA, the biggest increase in any August since at least 1990.


"Fuck all these skewed polls. The debate didn't matter, and it didn't change anyone's mind..Trump should have been hammering the Clintons (that's right, Hillary and Bill) on putting Wall Street in change of America's economy, but he spent far too much time defending himself...Trump needs to paint the Clintons as the tag team that gave the country away to the banksters, and forced 76% of Americans into living a paycheck to paycheck lives..."

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”

Most of the 90 minutes last night was a waste - with both candidates lobbing well-worn clichés, slogans and sound bites at the audience and each other. But there was one brief moment that made it all worthwhile: "We Are In A Big Fat Ugly Bubble"


According to the latest WTO forecast, global trade is set to grow at the slowest pace since the financial crisis: the WTO now expects world trade will again grow more slowly than expected in 2016, expanding by just 1.7%, well below the April forecast of 2.8%. This means that 2016 will be the first time in 15 years that the ratio between trade growth and world GDP has fallen below 1:1. 






Glen Ford and Jeff Cohen agree that the exclusion of third parties left the "non-partisan" debate with candidates who have "very little light between them," but disagree about strategic voting and the danger of Trump's neo-fascism
Hundreds protested the exclusion of alternative ideas and candidates from the first presidential debate
Despite Trump being wrong on the Iran deal, the US congress is more likely to derail it than his potential presidency, says Col. Larry Wilkerson
Failure to comply with police can result in a death sentence for Black Americans, says Glen Ford of the Black Agenda Report




East Libya's General Asks Russia for Weapons, Military Support Against Daesh   https://sputniknews.com/world/20160928/1045772910/libya-russia-military-support.html
Independent Catalonia Would Recognize Crimea as Russian   https://sputniknews.com/world/20160928/1045773918/catalonia-recognize-crimea-russian.html
Maduro 'Wants Better Relations With Obama' and Next US President    https://sputniknews.com/politics/20160928/1045774271/maduro-obama-venezuela-us.html
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Keiser Report  Episode 972 Houdini lessons about modern economy and politics


Donald Trump has made trade agreements a central issue in this presidential election, declaring trade treaties such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as unfair and subject to cancellation or renegotiation.

Setting aside the issue of whether presidents can cancel trade treaties via executive orders, let’s look at the underlying issue: the erosion of manufacturing and entry-level job opportunities that lead to middle-class security and pay.

The question then becomes: what are the causes of this erosion of manufacturing and the middle class? Trade is relatively easy to finger because the flood of cheap goods into the U.S. coincided with the wholesale offshoring of manufacturing capacity.

There are many other issues in play, including:
1. Currency manipulation, i.e. pegging one’s currency (such as the Chinese RMB) to the US dollar to maintain a predictable cost advantage.

2. Technology, as automation reduces the inputs of human labor per output even in nations with few trade treaties.

3. Global wage arbitrage, as domestic corporations move production overseas to lower labor costs (exacerbated by insanely high costs of healthcare insurance for employees in the U.S.)

4. High tax rates on domestic corporations (35%) push companies overseas to lower tax nations.
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El timo de la deuda soberana  Alfredo Apilánez Neoliberalismo y bancos centrales



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