miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2016


La democracia de los billonarios no dio para mas. Se acabo el circo.

Hugo Adan , March 16/16

1-There was a contest inside the DEMs party: Hillary vs. Sanders and that now is over. In fact it was declared over in the eve of the last Super-Tuesday the day 14, during the interview in MSNBC (6pm, day 14). Then happens a sudden break in the buss and the inertia make people go anyway to the ballot boxes. It was expected a huge turnout but it didn’t happen and I guess I won’t happen again. TO MANY FOLLOWERS OF SANDERS THIS CIRCUS IS OVER. All start with a question was made by a young student regarding running as independent  to full fill all the REV promises he told to young people. Sunders answer was: 
A-if I run as independent I wouldn’t be here, in this TV program. Meaning the corp media is set in her favor.
B- Running as independent cost billion of dollars and we do not have such money. Sanders said he only have 5 million of supporters given him $27 per person a month.
C- The structure of the American politics is set for a duopoly or bipartisan system and Sanders is proud of being part of the DEM party where he serve for 25 years, 16 in the House and 9 as senator. Even though he do not consider himself part of the establishment as Hillary is.
D- His mission now is revitalizing democracy in America by creating a critical mind among the young and fostering a higher turnout in this election. So, if Sanders mission is accomplished, forget about REVolution.
I guess many students and working people were in limbo with such answers. Some of them may have got a sense of frustration or discourage.. Why to go to elections if SD (super-delegates) will crash people’s will and give victory to Hillary not matter what?. .. What is the sense of talking REV if Sanders won’t defend their vote and instead will give away their votes to Hillary, the representative of the 1% among DEMs? .. Why not promoting a NATIONAL FRONT as independent 3rd choice in America? .. is that a matter of money or consistency with principles?.. VOTE OR NOT TO VOTE .. was the dilemma behind the question posed by the young student .. I am sure that many of them still have such dilemma in their mind.   
2- THE final results indicate that we already got the two leaders that will compete for the Presidency. They are Trump & Hillary. Whatever the others said will be just blah-blah. Among the DEMs Hillary already got almost half of the total delegates need it to be official Party nominee. Not need to wait for the National Party Convention. Her “well oil machine” will get it. So far, by winning the key states yesterday she got : 1568 delegates (pledged : 1096 and super: 472), while Sunders only got 797 (pledged: 774 and super: 23), that I about have of Sunders votes. The expected massive turnout of university stud for Sanders didn’t happen, and I guess It will lower and lower in next events (MCNBC day 14 effects) not only because students awareness of Sanders message, but also because Union leaders form the working classes may also consider futil supporting a candidate that is going to give their votes to the representative of the 1%: Mrs Hillary.
Among the Republicans the situation is similar although the indecent attack Trump suffered recently from the corporate media. He got more than double the amount of delegates than Ted Cruz his nearest rival, so he will be the nominee among the republicans, if not fraud among the super-delegates is set against him. He already promised that he will lead people’ revolt if that fraud happens. I don’t think it will happen, though he is the real threat the Washington establishment (they may attempt to kill him). So far he got  640 delegates (more than half than need it: 1,237)  while Cruz (the Canadian) only got 405. In short: Trump is more close than Hillary to get the required amount to be the nominee from his Party.
3- Certainly Sanders is the most honest candidate in the race .. he said the truth: he won’t support the REV he promised during his campaign .. he certainly raised consciousness  about the need for a REV to change economics and politics in our country .. but he won’t lead that REV because. .. REV is impossible to do it with a President that totally disagree with key point of the Program we support.. It is impossible to support free college tuition without the Glass Steagall ACT to stop fraud & tax evasions from big corp .. We  need to break down them and taxed to pay not only the tuition but also to re-built America .. it is impossible to support the working classes if Hillary is in favor of TPP that is killing thousand of jobs from them ..

There is only one way that Sanders can help students and workers as he promised: by getting the VP, the Vice Presidence to fight from inside in favor of those demands. The VP has more power than a Senate he already have. He really deserve such nomination and to keep him alive in the race that announcement should place as soon as possible by Hillary Clinton … will she be able to publicly recognize in FACTS the merit of Sanders during this campaign?. I have my doubs on it, but is possible. Otherwise Sanders will not get the audience expected.. some students will criticize him in public as traitor .. he will jeopardize his post as senator if he doesn’t receive that he deserve, the VP.   
4- The Program for REV does not die because one of his leaders dies. The fight will continue and with much more force even, as happens in many other Revolutions. The mistake in one battle can be overcome easily if there is consciousness, determination and organization to continue the fight.  We  need to organize the American socialist party with all those who were supporting Sanders .. if he does not allow us to do it we will accuse him of betrayal. We should organize teams in all States acroos American and call the working classes Union leaders to join the effort to create our party  Socialist American Party with a minimum program and strategic program post – elections. At the same time we should call other leaders (green party, other socialist groups, and personalities with experience like R Nader, R. Wolff and others) to create the NATIONAL PEOPLE FRONT to rebuild America.

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