miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2016



That is the main lesson from the Super Tuesday. And this is why: 

 We urge Sanders to call LEADERS of Unions & working classes who support his campaign for REV, plus Senator E.Warren,  J.Stein, Tulsi Gabbard and other progressive people to meet and define the creation of the 3rd option for democracy in America: the NATIONAL FRONT to REBUILD AMERICA. The super Tuesday has shown that we cannot waste the money  contributed by people in a race totally controlled by billionaires. We have to get out from this trap and be consistent with the need for a REV to change the whole corrupted  economic & political system we have. We cannot achieve that aim with the instruments controlled by  billionaires. We need to get out from the DEMs party and register the 3rd option for real democracy in America.


Here my unpublished art with a critique to Hedges wonderful doct:


Hugo Adan. March 1, 2016

That judgment above is implicit in the art of Chris Hedges. Notice that Hedges didn’t used the word “traitor” but “COURT JESTER”. So, jester could be: A- a fool or stupid person easily to be tricked. Or B- an expert in saying jokes (like a clown or charlatans) and delivering tricks (like magicians in a circus ) to entertain  their masters (the court)  OR an audience to whom they hide the real aims and interest of their masters ( in this case “the big corporations”). To Hedges the main “court jester”  is Sanders” not Hillary although she declared being financed by big Corporation, so her potential servant.  

Read Hedges:

FIRST, the master or owner of “democratic elections”:

“The superpredators are not poor people of color walking the streets of marginal communities. They inhabit the exclusive corporate enclaves of the privileged and the powerful.
“Corporations control the three branches of government. Corporations write the laws. Corporations determine the media narrative and public debate. Corporations are turning public education into a system of indoctrination. Corporations profit from permanent war, mass incarceration, suppressed wages and poor health care. Corporations have organized a tax boycott. Corporations demand “austerity.” Corporate power is unassailable, and it rolls forward like a stream of lava.”

SECOND, Hedges sentence on Sanders’ as potential betrayal

“Bernie Sanders, who at least acknowledges our economic reality and refuses to accept corporate money for his presidential campaign, plays the role of the Democratic Party’s court JESTER. No doubt to remain a member of the court, he will not condemn the perfidy and collaboration with corporate power that define Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party. He accepts that criticism of empire is taboo. He continues, even as the party elites rig the primaries against him, to make a mockery of democratic participation, to hold up the Democrats as a tool for change. He will soon be urging his supporters to vote for Hillary Clinton, actively working as an impediment to political mobilization and an advocate for political lethargy. Sanders, whose promise of a political revolution is as hollow as competing campaign slogans, will be rewarded for his duplicity. He will be allowed to keep his seniority in the Democratic caucus. The party will not mount a campaign in Vermont to unseat him from the U.S. Senate. He will not, as he has feared, end up a pariah like Ralph Nader. But he, like everyone else in the establishment, will have sold us out.”

THIRD. Read the “What to do”,  according the Heges:  ANSW Nothing, they will implode themselves

The seeds of destruction of corporate power, however, are embedded within its own structure. The elites have no internal or external constraints. They will exploit, manipulate, lie and oppress until they create an ideological vacuum.(sic)  No one but the most obtuse, including the courtiers who have severed themselves from reality, will sputter out the inanities of neoliberal ideology. And at that point the system will implode.”

FOUR.  The consequences of this election : the revolt of the right wing

“The revolt may be right-wing. It may have heavy overtones of fascism. It may cement into place a frightening police state. But that revolt is coming is incontrovertible. The absurdity of the election proves it. “
[In the last statement Trump appears either as expression of such implosion, or as main actor of it. In both cases Hedges considers the implosion as “incontrovertible” = necessary fact. The 3rd and 4th point are  certainly the weakest part of his argument, as you with notice so in my comments below.] 

1-On the implosion: The owners of the system “will exploit, manipulate, lie and oppress until they create an ideological vacuum”.(sic). In my opinion they always live in ideological vacuum, they never had ideological consistency. Neither Keynesian nor Friedman & Austrian economist provided them the ideology nor answers to current debacle of the neoliberal system. This ideological vacuum is that makes crook gamblers in Wall Street and fraudulent bankers, super-billionaires night over or bankrupts with amount of beggars imploring for more QEs and bailouts. So expecting the “implosion by ideological vacuum” as Chris said, is like expecting that pigs fly .. no sense at all. Neither the “sputting out of the inanities of the neoliberal ideology .. they can’t vomit what they didn’t eat .. implosion won’t occur the way Hedges expect.  . bad apples have to be shake out from the tree. .. and this may be the time to do it.

In a socialist view a social change system will explode when there is a REV (bottom-up first, and top-down, then after). REV depends on organized people to take power -via elections in the US- and on the use of State power to put dawn the fraudulent corp and political mafias who support them.

2- In point 4th Hedges assumes that revolt, not REV, is the solution.The revolt may be right-wing. It may have heavy overtones of fascism. It may cement into place a frightening police state. But that revolt is coming .. is incontrovertible. The absurdity of the election proves it”.  Here Trump appears either as expression of such implosion, or as main actor of the “revolt”.  In both cases Hedges considers Trump’s revolt as “incontrovertible” = or necessary. However, the revolt Hedges described is chaos, or anarchy in pejorative terms, .. Not real anarchism.. but looting & cruel violence similar to IS

Since Hedges didn’t make clear statement rejecting Trump “fascistic overtones” , people may think that Hedges is in favor of him as actor of such “incontrovertible”, and necessary revolt. .. The fact is that big Corp are prepared for such event. They already militarized the police and are ready to put troops in the street .. So there won’t be a successful revolt but a massacre of the people .. such revolt has no sense at all. ..

We have to use elections and peaceful methods to remove big-bad corp from power.  We cannot do it playing their games, rules and control .. we have to get out from the DEMs party and create our own org: the national PEOPLE FRONT for Rebuilding America and the cells across the country to support such FRONT: the revolutionary committees to rebuild America RCRA. It means: organize sympathizers among the working classes and young people to work for change at local, regional & national level.

3- To say that the revolt is incontrovertible because “the absurdity of the election proves it”, has no sense either. Everybody accept as fact that current “elections” are very corrupted 1st, and 2nd that there is a chance that Trump could win the Presidency, the senate, the house and the Court because their amount of people registered to vote & that their voters  turnout is greater than the DEMs. This does not mean that we have to accept the probability of revolt if the establishment don’t accept Trump. Elections in the year 2000 prove it. Although clear fraud, Gore conceded victory to Bush .. “the people will was sold out” by Gore, it was said so in the media and there was not revolt.

Hedges assume that this time will be the same, that now Sanders will betray and sell the people’s will. I don’t think so, I do think that Sanders is very  honest person and really committed to defeat the big Corp that today control this game ..  “Sanders knows now that his REV cannot be done by using instruments controlled by big Corp” (updated).
Rev will happen only  if people organize themselves at two levels. A- By creating across America the RCRA (Revolutionary Committees to Rebuild America) with two tasks: first to make Sanders the winner of the race to the Presidency and 2nd to support his plan to change America if elected President and/or to organize REFERENDUMS to make electors obey what people demand. B- to organize the PEOPLES FRONT to REBUILD AMERICA, as  3rd choice party, out of the DEMs party. 

We will press Sanders to call J.Stein from the green party, Senator E.Warren and Tulsi Gabbard to join the current  electoral  REV against the 1%.  We know that the electorate will respond in favor of a FRONT if we show them that progressive people in America is united. Worker-Union leaders and new young leaders across America including Ashley Williams should accompany Sanders during his presentations across American. The purpose of the election is to organize people beyond election to implement that FDR did in similar circumstances (the great depression of 1930), we have to update that program and implemented now, that is that we called today-socialism in America.  

4-The FACT is that we have inside the democratic party the worse obstacle for democracy, that is Hillary Clinton. If we plan to defeat big corp (the owners of the system) we need to defeat her in this primaries. To win her we cannot depend on one person: Sanders. The enemy is huge to leave this task on the hand of one person.  
Another FACT is that we didn’t fight her properly so far: we didn’t defend people’ vote  stolen by superdelgates in NH, those was given to Hillary by them… The worst is that we did not organize the FRONT to go beyond the election and support the plan to change the whole economic & political system we are in. Without this instrument nothing that Sanders promised will be achieved.

5-The PEOPLE FRONT to REBUILD AMERICA is also the KEY instrument to get out from the DEM party & create the 3rd option for real democracy. If we don’t organize the RCRA (Rev-Committees to Rebuild America) and the PEOPLE FRONT to run the 3rd choice for real democracy & peace, we cannot achieve our aims. . We should consider the lack of those instruments  as a facts or sign of self- treason to the REV fostered by Sanders. We should not depend on him, one person won’t do the whole job. We should depend on the organization of the young people & and the working classes and on their will to defend their own interests. The FRONT is just the instrument for such aim.

6- We have to be ready to get out from the DEMs party (we do not want Sanders to call us to vote for Hillary if he lost the nomination, not way. We should not have any commitment to the DEMs party. Both DEMs and GOP are instruments of oppression and fraud from big corp. If Sanders call us to vote Hillary, then Chris Hedges is right (we were used as toilet paper by big corp and her servant Hillary Clinton). If Sanders disagree with the FRONT and the right to register the 3rd option, then he will be the traitor described by Chris Hedges. I repeat, if Sanders disagree with the FRONT and the 3rd democratic choice in this election,  there won’t be point in supporting Sanders, since he will become the “jester” described by Chris Hedges.

7- This doesn’t mean that we have to  support Trump and his fascistic overtones. That only mean that the election will become an absurdity, so we do not have to vote for anyone. We don’t want to have such dilemma. We will make all efforts to create the PEOPLE FRONT and the RCRA to continue the fight for democracy, peace and socialism. If we don’t vote this time because of betrayal to our cause, it doesn’t mean that elections are always an absurdity, as Hedges believe. Our main task is organize people to go beyond elections and if we get the RCRA and the FRONT our work will be considered a success. Election then make total sense if we organize people beyond elections, as an instrument to defend our interest against the 1%.  They are the cause of our misery and that is a fact. Elections make sense if our vote is respected, first by our leaders and by the corrupted bureaucracy behind superpack and superdelegates and their Electoral College. Election will make sense also if the right for 3rd option (independent FRONT) is also respected at State, Regions and National level. Even if PEOPLE FRONT to REBUIULD AMERICA  lose this election, our Nation will have an instrument to continue fighting  later on for Referendum to make the elected be respectful of peoples demand. 

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