martes, 22 de marzo de 2016



THIS WAR MONGER is the one to whom Sanders plan to give away our votes in the primaries
We demand Sanders to get out from Dems party and LEAD A NATIONAL FRONT AGAINST THE 1%
Listen her recent speech in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) convention:

“As president, I will make a firm commitment to ensure Israel maintains its qualitative military edge,” she said. “The United States should provide Israel with the most sophisticated defense technology so it can deter and stop any threats. That includes bolstering Israeli missile defenses with new systems like the Arrow Three and David’s Sling. And we should work together to develop better tunnel detection, technology to prevent armed smuggling, kidnapping and terrorist attacks.”

USDJPY 'Ignition' Lifts Dow 120 Points Off Terror Attack Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016  :  It's not the economy stupid... it's USDJPY! When you absolutely need to maintain the narrative that the world is awesome, call Kuroda...

Tick for tick...

Note the 3 failed momentum ignition efforts overnight.
Quick news on economics today
Europe Closes Green After 34 Murdered In Belgium Terror Attacks. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016  [ People start wondering .. Whose terror was this?.. who is behind ISIS? ]
US Manufacturing PMI Misses By Most Since 2013, Presidential Election Blamed. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016.  The blame for this plunge: dollar strength, weak global demand, and Trump.
Terrorists 0 - 1 Dip-Buyers. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016 - 11:25
If you sell (or don't buy) then the terrorists have won..

As if nothing ever happened. .. Remember Paris...
Someone Is Wrong … with Treasury bond yiels  Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016 - 07:36
  • Brussels Rocked by Deadly Attacks With Blasts at Airport, Subway (BBG)
  • Death count climbs in Brussels blasts (Reuters)
  • Europe on High Alert After Blasts in Belgium (WSJ)
  • Brussels Phone Users Urged to Text Not Call as Networks Jammed (BBG)
  • U.S. Embassy Urges Citizens in Brussels to Shelter in Place (BBG)
  • Oil prices swept lower after Brussels blasts spook investors (Reuters)
This morning's Brussels suicide attacks have led to risk-off sentiment across European asset classes, with Bunds higher and equities firmly in the red, although if the Paris terrorist attacks of November are any indication, today's tragic events may be just the catalyst the S&P500 needs to surge back to all time highs. FX markets have also been dominated by events in Brussels, with USD and JPY strengthening, while EUR and GBP softening throughout the European morning.


[ Hillary, the expert on effective terrorism, corrected Trump .. I guess her suggestion was the one she applied to Gadafy in Libya. .. she enjoy too much that she laugh on TV cameras. ]
Trump Blasts Muslims After Brussels Attack: "We Cannot Let These People Into Our Country" Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016 [Europeans have doubts about the author.. but not T..]
FX Market Chaos Signals Brexit Risk Surge Post-Belgium. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/22/2016. The markets' various indicators of 'Brexit Risk' are all elevated this morning post-Belgium-attacks but most crucially, the cost of protection against pound currency swings over EU currency swings has jumped to the highest ever signalling the highest market-impled risk of Brexit so far. As Fed's Lockhart warned yesterday, the contagious risk of Brexit will likely spread to the US economy - so this is not to be ignored.




If Hillary Isn't Indicted, the Rule of Law and the Republic Are Dead. By Charles Hugh Smith. Once the Oligarchy is above the law, the Republic is already dead.
Voting With Our Feet. By Chris Hedge. We need to once again make the power elites afraid
Israel/Palestine - Map Censorship. By Lawrence Davidson. Zionists seeking to censor awareness of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine?

The Children of Syria By Peter Koenig

The Fallacy of ‘Humanitarian’ War. By Graham E. Fuller. U.S. calls for  “democratization” more often operate as punishment to its enemies (“regime change”) but rarely as a gift to be bestowed upon friends (“friendly dictators.”).


Globalization (a.k.a. “free” trade) has become an election issue for two reasons: many voters blame “free” trade with China and other nations for job losses in the U.S. and rising income inequality as globalization’s “winners” in the U.S. outpace its far more numerous “losers.”
A recent article in the New York Times looks at the issue from the perspective of recent economic studies: On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point (via Lew G.)
The case for globalization based on the fact that it helps expand the economic pie by 3 percent becomes much weaker when it also changes the distribution of the slices by 50 percent.
Before we dig into this complicated set of interconnected macro-dynamics, let’s stipulate that there is no such thing as “free” trade. Every trade agreement defines winners and losers by the very design of the agreement.
Also, other issues that are outside the confines of the actual trade agreement can have outsized influence on trade’s winners and losers.
For example, trade between the U.S. and China cannot possibly be “free” because China pegs its currency to the U.S. dollar (USD). This peg enables China to arbitrarily keep its products cheaper than they might be if the market set the value of China’s yuan.
Keep Reading
NAFTA and other mega-‘trade’ deals are actually about lots more than merely ‘trade’; they’re about sovereignty — the ability of each of the participating nations to establish laws and regulations restricting toxicity of products, environmental pollution, protecting workers’ rights, and many other things that are essential to the public’s welfare.
For the first time in world history, the rights of the holders of the controlling blocs of stock in international corporations are coming to supersede the rights of any government, so that those stockholders can sue taxpayers of any such country, not in any democratically accountable court and judicial system, but in private panels of unaccountable international ‘arbitrators’ who won’t be subject to any nation’s laws. It’s an international-corporate world government now forming, and the U.S. Constitution prohibits the U.S. from being any part of it (because what’s forming is an international-corporate dictatorship); so, in the U.S., it’s being done entirely unConstitutionally.


Cuba. -Martí a Obama. Patricio Montesinos

Irán. La tragicomedia estadounidense. Pablo Jofré Leal
Palestina Aumentan los suicidios en Gaza. Enas Farres. La nacion se siente abandonada
Ser vs. nada la dialéctica hegeliana del ser. A. Quiñónez
[[ In a coin flipping is the man who decide the side. Ser o no ser, existir o no existir, ser algo o ser nada, eso lo decide solo el ser humano, no viene del cielo, no cae del techo. Cuando la moneda está en el aire es el hombre quien frena su mov y decide el lado, pero sin olvidar que el otro lado también existe.  La luz y la oscuridad son dos lados de una misma moneda, el hombre puede escoger el lado, apagar la luz o encenderla, pero jamás detener el eterno movimiento de la moneda. El actor es el hombre, es el sujeto que se eleva por encima de cualquier predicado. Es el ser que desde que nace empieza a tener contenido propio, y dia a dia va dejando de ser nada .. Las determinaciones sociales y naturales sobre el van dejando de existir poco a poco, hasta que el decide lanzar la moneda al aire para saber dónde está. Si “la nada lo niega” (como ocurrió varias veces en mi vida) , es solo porque eso existe . Pero él puede voltear la moneda para ser y existir. La nada tiene ese caracter negativo en su vida, pero que no le imposibilita al hombre optar por lo positivo, al contrario lo fuerza a ello, a existir como ser propio. Por eso la nada tiene carácter necesario en su vida, porque le recuerda al hombre que hay más contenido por llenar en su ser. Es esta negación de la negación lo  que provoca su devenir. El devenir del ser –su futuro- no es nada más que esta permanente convergencia entre dos lados opuestos, una contradicción que solo el ser viviente –para continuar siéndolo- puede y está llamado a resolver .. Y resolverla con lo único que distingue a él de otros seres vivos: su inteligencia y su voluntad  o disposición de ser algo. (esto es: su decisión de ser y apartarse de la nada) . El ser y la nada están siempre en permanente movimiento y contradicción .. es lo que da sentido al ser como individuo y como ser social. Esta es mi manera de ver la dialéctica  entre el ser y la nada.

Lo leí  -tambien como Quinones- en un famoso resumen que el mismo Hegel escribió conocido como introducción a la “ Enciclopedia de las ciencias filosóficas”.  Esto fue para mí una lectura tan rica y grata como lo fue la lectura de Marx “Introduccion a la crítica de la economia política” que me obvio leer “El Capital” ..  lo encontré muy tedioso pues nadie me dijo que había que empezarlo en su capítulo sobre plusvalia . Creo que esa lectura de Hegel tan clarísima sobre dialéctica, fue algo así como leer el escrito fácil y reconfortante del “Marx joven”, sus “Manuscritos Economico-filosoficos”. Creo que esta es la puerta de entrada a quienes se interesen en la dialéctica.  Pero antes de entrar a esas lecturas serias recomendaría a los quinceañeros que lean la novelita rusa “Así se templó el acero” y del argentino Jose Ingenieros “Hacia un moral sin dogmas”  y de un alemán -cuyo nombre no recuerdo- “La desilusión de un sacerdote”. .. Google me acaba de recordar su nombre: Franz Griece.  Está en La desilusión de un sacerdote - Buena suerte con la dialéctica, son mis buenos deseos a los que iniciaron estudios universitarios. Hugo Adan.]]


US Latinos unite against Trump I’m latino .. belong to 3 latino org.. none of them against Trump. Latinos are not in favor of Hillary nor in favor of Trump .. we’re against plutocrats in politics.
Trump supporters Hitler's brown shirts? Demonization of Press-tv on Trump is either paid or just ignorance in politiccs .. it is taking side in favor of Hillary who is worse than Trump on war issues
Sanders rips Israel after skipping AIPAC. That is good news .. What about the national Front as 3rd option .. still in favor of the 1% candidate Hillary? .. Is still McCain your hero and not Snowden?.. are you afraid of being dissident and being abandon .. you won’t if you take the right & ethical position

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