jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016


MAR 9 16  SIT EC y POL

Two weeks after her job as Secretary of State ends, she receives an e-mail from Sidney Blumenthal claiming Saudi Arabia financed the assassination of an American ambassador and apparently did nothing with this information. .. And why didn’t the Republicans who were supposedly so concerned about the Benghazi attacks ask any questions about Saudi involvement?

Did Secretary Clinton not tell anyone what she knew about alleged Saudi involvement in the attacks because she didn’t want to endanger the millions of dollars of Saudi donations coming in to the Clinton Foundation?

This scandal has the potential to completely derail the Clinton campaign in the general election. If Hillary Clinton really cares about the future of this country and the Democratic party, she will step down now while there is still time to nominate another candidate.

According to DoubleLine's Jeff Gundlach, this is his favorite chart - backing his persepctive that equity markets have "2% upside and 20% downside) from here.
In his words: "These lines will converge..."

Chart: Bloomberg
It should be pretty clear what drove the divergence, and unless (and maybe if) The Fed unleashes another round of money-printing (or worse), one can't help but agree with Gundlach's ominous call.
What Happens Next: These Six Catalysts Will Determine If The Market Surges Or Crashes. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016  :  What are the “top trumps” that could send bond, credit and equity markets substantially higher or lower than currently expected? Here are the six "positioning, policy and profits" indicators that will determine the next leg in the market.

Brief extracts
what everyone wants to know now, is whether this "rally", both since March 2007 and from the February 11 bottoms, will continue, or whether it will finally fold, and become the most overdue bear market in history.
To be sure, nobody knows the answer, but here are three bullish and three bearish catalysts, i.e., the "P's", which according to BofA's Michael Hartnett (who is still selling into strength) will determine where the market goes from here.
rrently expected:
Bull catalysts
  • Positioning: the brunt of the bear market has already happened and cash levels are mountainous.
  • Policy:
  • Profits:
Bear catalysts
  • Positioning:
  • Policy:
  • Profits:

If the establishment had its way, America would be no country for angry white men. As WSJ reports, Tuesday’s primary elections underscored an emerging, central reality of the 2016 presidential campaign: This is the year of the dissatisfied white male. And perhaps white American men have good reason to be 'angry' after all:

Cheap Oil, The U.S. Dollar & The Deep State. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016. Those expecting a major weakening in the USD to push oil higher shouldn't hold their breath awaiting this outcome. Maybe the USD will weaken 20%, but why would it do so when every other central bank is weakening its currency? Wouldn't it make much more sense to drain wealth and geopolitical leverage from oil exporters?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016
"...your ignorance is not because the truth is not available to you, there’s been radicals preaching it for thousands of years. No, you are ignorant because you shun the truth with all your heart and soul. You close your eyes and run away when a hint of reality lands in front of you. You condemn as extremists and fringe cooks those who try to show you the chains you wear, because you don’t want to be free, you don’t even want to be human."

The following video explains as well as we’ve ever heard, why we should all vote for Candidate Nobody.

HERE IS THE VIDEO:  https://youtu.be/t5FNDRgPOLs
Of course, not 1 in 20 will listen to a twenty-minute video, even here. So, I transcribed it. And, added some pictures for your viewing pleasure. You should be able to read it in under ten minutes...

The "Terrifying Prospect" Of A Triumph Of Politics Over Economics. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016  :  All of life’s odds aren’t 3:2, but that’s how you’re supposed to bet, or so they say. They are not saying that so much anymore, or saying that history rhymes, or that nothing’s new under the sun. More and more 'they's seem to be figuring out that past economic and market experiences can’t be extrapolated forward - a terrifying prospect for the social and political order.
Winning The Hillary Way. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016 : The linear thinking ruling class are about to get the surprise of their lives. Fourth Turnings wipe away the existing social order. They won’t go without a fight, but they will be wiped away.

As we noted last night, while the Trump victory is making headlines, the yuuge news of the night is Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton in Michigan – against all poll expectations. This was such a shock that CNN still wouldn’t admit it until well over 90% of the vote was in despite Sanders’ 4pt lead… Clinton had a 21pt lead in Michigan before today…
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016 –
By William Reynolds via Medium.com . Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016 :

Something that has gone unnoticed in all the talk about the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mails is the content of the original leak that started the entire investigation to begin with.
"Some Folks Were Test-Firing Nuclear Missiles..." Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016  :  Hillary Clinton is "deeply concerned" about Iran's missile tests, but President Obama proclaims this act does not violate the treaty? With The White House today saying it will "redouble" its efforts to limit Iran's nuclear ability and noting that the US wouldn't be surprised to see more test-fires this week, we wonder just what it takes to "violate" the treaty? Maybe we should ask North Korea...
Washington Post Ran 16 Negative Stories On Bernie Sanders In 16 Hours. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016.  The Washington Post was sold in 2013 to libertarian Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who is worth approximately $49.8 billion. Despite being ideologically opposed to the Democratic Party (at least in principle), Bezos has enjoyed friendly ties with both the Obama administration and the CIA. As Michael Oman-Reagan notes, Amazon was awarded a $16.5 million contract with the State Department the last year Clinton ran it.
Why This Sucker Is Going Down - The Case Of Japan's Busted Bond Market. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/09/2016  :  The world financial system is booby-trapped with unprecedented anomalies, deformations and contradictions. It’s not remotely stable or safe at any speed, and most certainly not at the rate at which today’s robo-machines and fast money traders pivot, whirl, reverse and retrace. Indeed, every day there are new ructions in the casino that warn investors to get out of harm’s way with all deliberate speed. And last night’s eruption in the Japanese bond market was a doozy.


By Jon Hecht. Global Research, March 09, 2016. Who What Why
Paul Street, the author of They Rule: The 1% vs. Democracy. Bernie is far too close to the entrenched power structure. .. is self-applied socialist label. Though the word has long evoked fear in American culture—a recent Gallup survey found that 50% of Americans wouldn’t be willing to vote for a socialist


The Deeper, Darker Meaning Behind Not Closing Guantánamo. By John Perkins. They are said to know what is “best” for the country and to act accordingly, no matter who sits in the White House
America’s ‘Establishment’ Has Embraced ‘Deep States’. By Philip Giraldi. They are said to know what is “best” for the country and to act accordingly, no matter who sits in the White House.
Obama, Putin And The U.S. Election. By Thomas Riggins. Wholly unnecessary and reckless behavior on the part of Obama and his generals
Hillary Clinton’s Support for the Iraq War Was No Fluke By Medea Benjamin. Libya was part of a pattern for Clinton.

In Case You Missed It. Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?. By John V. Walsh. For her to act as though she cares one wit about the lives of people of color, especially Arabs and Muslims, is a very sick joke
Lula and the BRICS in a Fight to the Death. By Pepe Escobar. his is all about a white coup – in the form of a Rousseff impeachment and sending Lula to the gallows.


Western Reporter in Syria Finds U.S.-Backed Fighters Are Jihadists. Posted on March 9, 2016 by Eric Zuesse. . As Seymour Hersh and others have reported, the U.S. has worked with the Sauds, Qatar, and Turkey, to get men and weapons to al-Nusra. 
For example:
In Latakia, many of the the over 1 million Internally Displaced Persons from Idlib, Aleppo and surrounding areas who are being housed and supported by the Syrian government spoke of the same heinous kidnappings, beheadings, and other crimes that most media currently only associate with Da’esh (ISIS), but which were perpetrated (with Turkish support) by the so-called FSA  [that’s the Free Syrian Army, the people that the Obama Administration backs and calls ‘moderates’] and other terrorist factions. 

The governor of the Bank of England Mark Carney (image right) is a former Goldman Sachs official which is the World’s foremost “institutional speculator”. He spent thirteen years with Goldman before heading the Bank of Canada.

At the time of his 2013 appointment to the Bank of England, he was not a citizen of the United Kingdom: Mark Carney was the first foreigner to occupy that position since the founding of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England in 1694.
Keep Reading
The data confirm this recognition:
I’ve been looking for a way to tell this story, the story of Hillary Clinton and the murder of Berta Cáceres, for a while. The core of the story involves yet another victim of Honduran right-wing violence.
For example, there’s this, from The Nation:
The Clinton-Backed Honduran Regime Is Picking Off Indigenous Leaders
The names of Berta Cáceres’s murderers are yet unknown. But we know who killed her.
Posted on March 8, 2016
Hillary Clinton approved the construction in South Africa of the world’s two largest coal-fired power-plants, and helped them get Export-Import Bank financing (U.S. taxpayer backing); then, some of her friends received construction contracts to build them.
This was revealed by Itai Vardi in a terrific investigative news report at the desmog blog, on March 7th. Here’s an abbreviated version of it, courtesy of that extraordinary fine news-site





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