lunes, 21 de marzo de 2016

MAR 21 16 SIT EC y POL

MAR 21 16 SIT EC y POL

Despite a concerted effort by the U.S. Empire to snuff out the ideology, a 2016 poll found young Americans have a much more favorable view of socialism than capitalism.
The erosion of the Republic was gradual: slowly but surely, the lower classes’ representation in governance was curtailed; the Oligarchy of the wealthy and powerful cemented their privileges at the expense of the many; Oligarchs rose above the laws that were supposed to apply to all, and executive power was consolidated in top administrators and the wealthy at the expense of the Senate.
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army to seize control of Rome, the Roman Republic ceased to exist. Gradually and then suddenly: this is how Republics become Empires.
We find ourselves in a parallel moment in history: the American Republic has been hollowed into a shell that is maintained for PR purposes. Beneath the propaganda, the Establishment runs the nation for its own benefit. The people are ignored, because they are powerless in this hollow shell of democracy: their only role is to provide bodies, talent and blood for the Imperial armed forces, pay taxes if they have any money, and be content with their food stamps if they don’t.
Here’s the proof:

Despite the reversal (lower) in stocks, bond prices are tumbling (yields surging) this morning, seemingly catalyzed by yet another sudden surge in crude oil prices. Algos appear to have read comments on shale production coming back as bullish - well if they are producing more, there must be more demand right? At the same time - starting around 530ET, stocks are bonds began to both sell off, unwinding the post-Fed "QE Trade" bounce.

amid what appears like selling of US assets... (despite no big moves in USD)

Key Events In The Coming Week. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016
Source: BofA, DB
"A Dreaded Scenario For Oil Bulls Is Becoming A Reality" Reuters Warns: U.S. Production Is Coming Back On Line. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016  :  Reuters put it moments ago, "a dreaded scenario for U.S. oil bulls might just be becoming a reality."
Valeant Throws Its Former CFO Under The Bus; Accuses Him Of Cooking The Books After Coming Over From Goldman Sachs. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016. .. today this company - in looking for easy scapegoats - also threw its former CFO under the bus and accused him of cooking the books. ..
[[ cualquier truco es OK para aparentar grave ruina y luego comerse el QEs para el trade y comercio que se avecina .. a la Yellen  la tienen en el bolsillo .. pero no la pueden exhibir .. veremos como lo hacen  .. como sacan del sombrero la liebre .. sin duda lo harán.. para eso son buenos los magos del fraude y la corrupcion.]]
SF Fed's Williams Says Will Push For Rate Hike As Soon As April. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016  :  "for now, though, the Fed is considering raising rates, not lowering them. Williams says such a move would be "appropriate" if inflation data continues to move toward 2% in coming months as he expects."
January 'Bounce' Dies As Fed's National Activity Index Tumbles Back Into Contraction Near 2-Year Lows. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016  :  After January's hopeful spike to 6 month highs, Chicago Fed's National Activity Index plunged back into contraction (at -0.29) near 2 year lows. A shockingly large 58 of the 85 individual indiators within the index made negative contributions to the overall index which printed notably below the lowest economist's expectations.

[[ Cuando los de arriba no pueden seguir reproduciendo el sistema que los alimenta y en los de abajo crece el descontento por la miseria y la opresión que sufren .. es que estamos frente a una situación REV que puede estallar cualquier día .. y hacer volar a la oligarquía .. las elecciones podría ser la chispa que incendie la pradera .. Imposible saber cómo exactamente ha de ocurrir .. solo sabemos que el estallido social acecha a la vuelta de cualquier esquina.. Lo digo como sociólogo y analista político.]]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016 - 07:33
  • Oil Drops With Emerging-Market Currencies on Rig Recovery Signs (BBG)
  • A plea for help - How China asked the Fed for its stock crash play book (Reuters)
  • Obama to meet Raul Castro on historic Cuba trip (Reuters)
  • Wall Street's Pile of Unwanted Treasuries Exposes Market Cracks (BBG)
  • Dimon's Timing Looks Savvier by the Day as Equities Rebound (BBG)
At the same time as the PBOC was cautioning about the dangers of excess debt (just as it injected a record amount of loans into the financial system), China's central bank warned about dangers from a stock market bubble, and perhaps just to assure the bubble gets even bigger, at the same time China eased on margin debt limits, in the process sending Chinese stocks soaring higher by 2.2%, and pushing the Shanghai Composite over 3000 for the first time in months as China now appears set to attempt another housing bubble "soft landing" while at the same time restarting its housing bubble.
Trump Beefs Up Security At Rallies As Violence, Protests Escalate. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 03/21/2016  :  Following a raucous series of campaign stops in Arizona, Donald Trump is adding security at rallies to counter protesters who he says are deliberately inciting violence and trampling on his First Amendment rights.
[[ Mas le pegan .. mas lo quiero, dice el pueblo.  Trump’s meetings son cada vez más grandes.  Lo que esta en caída son los meetings de Sanders .. natural que sea asi después de que anuncio el dia 14 en MSNBC de que transferiría sus votos a la Clinton, cuando lo que quiere el pueblo es un Frente Popular independiente .. es decir, por lo menos instrumentos para seguir luchando por sus derechos aun después de las elecciones.. Es claro que se está polarizando el ambiente y que cada dia se radicaliza mas el descontento con los dos millonarios que lideran el evento electoral. Asi como van las cosas, es claro que el “divide America” seguirá prosperando y el ausentismo electoral creciendo mas y mas. ]]




The erosion of the Republic was gradual: slowly but surely, the lower classes’ representation in governance was curtailed; the Oligarchy of the wealthy and powerful cemented their privileges at the expense of the many; Oligarchs rose above the laws that were supposed to apply to all, and executive power was consolidated in top administrators and the wealthy at the expense of the Senate.
When Caesar crossed the Rubicon with his army to seize control of Rome, the Roman Republic ceased to exist. Gradually and then suddenly: this is how Republics become Empires.
We find ourselves in a parallel moment in history: the American Republic has been hollowed into a shell that is maintained for PR purposes. Beneath the propaganda, the Establishment runs the nation for its own benefit. The people are ignored, because they are powerless in this hollow shell of democracy: their only role is to provide bodies, talent and blood for the Imperial armed forces, pay taxes if they have any money, and be content with their food stamps if they don’t.
Here’s the proof:


EE.UU.  A qué viene Obama. Atilio A. Boron
US ¿Se unirá Donald Trump a las milicias y al movimiento por el derecho a portar armas?. Eso no puede suceder en Estados Unidos... ¿o sí?  Bob Dreyfuss
Cuba. Guantánamo para Cuba. NO al bloqueo. Comunicado de la Plataforma Canaria de Solidaridad con los Pueblos ante la visita de Obama a Cuba
Del cura libertador al obispo rojo .  Cristianismo y socialismo. OLEP
Perú.  La batalla del río Marañón. Raúl Zibechi
Perú   La batalla está planteada. Gustavo Espinoza
[[ Si hubiera que escoger entre la impunidad para Keiko Fujimori y Alan García y no es viable la 3ra opción de PP Kuczinki –a quien por “rara casualidad “no se menciona en el art .. entonces solo quedaría la opción ABSTENCION ELECTORAL .. es decir la distopia, el caos .. Otra forma de decir que siga la podredumbre política actual .. Estamos realmente preparados para una ABSTENCION revolucionaria? .. No lo creo … pero si creo que lo primario es evitar que suba ya sea la Keiko o Alan .. Con Alan la libertad de prensa nos fue cortada .. Peru-indymedia donde yo escribia (mas una dama que hoy está en Rusia y otro en Francia) fue cerrada y nosotros perseguidos por denunciar los crímenes de lesa humanidad de A-Garcia en los penales, especialmente el Fronton. .. Si no tenemos opción electoral –dejemos que el pueblo vote y seguro lo va a hacer por el mal menor que es PP Kucinsky, pero mantengamos la Unidad del pueblo .. No creo que hay posibilidad de crear abstención rev hoy .. pero si de crear poder popular más tarde, luego del circo electoral, si se preservan los instrumentos organizativos que hoy dispone el pueblo.]]



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